The school that used to be noisy in the past has fallen into a deathly silence. In the square at the entrance, there are hundreds of zombies slowly wandering around. The smell of blood that has not dissipated can be faintly smelled in the air, and can still be seen on the ground. Some broken bones and some blood.

It can be seen from the dryness of the blood that several survivors tried to escape from the school, but were eventually eaten by zombies. The strong smell of blood attracted all the zombies around them, so there was such a large-scale explosion in the square. Zombies.

The most surprising thing is that each of these zombies has scales growing on their bodies. Some zombies even have most of their bodies covered by scales. They are obviously not far from advanced level two zombies.

Along the way, Xia Feng collected thousands of zombies, but only a dozen of these zombies had some scales on their bodies, and none of them had scales that could cover most of their bodies.

Hundreds of zombies began to advance at the same time. It was definitely not something that could be achieved by eating a few survivors. It was obvious that this was caused by the rich spiritual energy in the school. It was precisely because of the constant nourishment of spiritual energy that such a person could be created. Start more advanced zombies.

At this moment, Xia Feng's heart suddenly became extremely hot, and he made up his mind to find out the reason for the strong spiritual energy in the school. Maybe this would be his chance to be promoted to the third level zombie. Star Novels Network

After all, the spiritual energy contained in zombies is really low. It takes a lot of time to advance by devouring ordinary zombies. And since he has the ability to control the zombie light, all zombies have become his reserve soldiers, devouring himself every day. It's not a long-term solution either.

The spiritual energy contained in the survivors' bodies is abundant, but the survivors are not fools and will not come to the door on their own. Moreover, the survivors' advanced combat power is more powerful than the zombies. Even if they are encountered, they may not be able to be easily solved.

And as his level gets higher and higher, the spiritual energy he will need in the future will definitely become larger and larger. By then, it will no longer be enough for one or two survivors or hundreds of zombies.

Therefore, the reason why the school has such a strong aura is particularly important. I believe this is also the meaning of the blue jade talisman that guided him here.

Of course, before exploring the cause, we must not let go of the hundreds of zombies in the square. These are all ready-made thugs. If we encounter danger later, they will be able to attack them.

Raising his palm, streaks of cyan light burst out from his palm like a machine gun, accurately landing on hundreds of zombies and taking them under his command one by one.

When recovering these zombies, Xia Feng suddenly discovered that not all zombies would increase in size like him, and some zombies would gradually become thinner like the magic pupil, but without the third vertical eye of the magic pupil. Just eyes.

In the past, Xia Feng saw too few zombies showing signs of advancement, so he never discovered this. It was only now that he found out that the evolutionary routes of zombies are divided into two types, one is the strength type, and the other is the speed type. .

However, Xia Feng doesn't think highly of these increasingly skinny speed zombies. It doesn't mean that they are not good at fighting, but as a man, bigness is the eternal pursuit, no matter what sense it is. This is true.

After collecting all the hundreds of zombies, Xia Feng began to explore the school. The area of ​​the junior college was far less than that of key universities. It had a library, laboratory building, teaching building, office building, plus several dormitories and some supporting facilities. , which are all the buildings of the school.

Based on the principle of proximity, Xia Feng chose the experimental building on the right side of the square at the entrance. This is where students take practical classes. As a student of the Department of Civil Engineering, he often works with cement and concrete here.

Xia Feng is now more than two meters tall. He used to look at the very wide door of the experimental building, but now he can only walk in with his body hunched over. When he enters the corridor, he can stand up straight, but as long as he raises his head slightly, he can walk in. A close encounter on the rooftop.

This feeling of suffocation made Xia Feng a little annoying, but at this moment, he could no longer care about the slight discomfort, because he could clearly feel that the spiritual energy pouring into his body had increased compared with just now. It was obvious that , he is getting closer and closer to the source of spiritual energy.

With the help of his sense of spiritual energy, Xia Feng moved forward slowly and soon passed through the corridor and arrived in front of two glass doors. Outside the door was a small garden with beautiful scenery.

The experimental building is a ring-shaped building. It is divided into four areas ABCD in order of front, back, left, and right. This small garden is located in the center of the four areas. It is originally an open space. The flowers and plants in the garden are all from the gardening department. Although the varieties planted by the students are various, they are quite ornamental.

However, these flowers and plants at this time seemed to be on steroids. They were growing lush and lush, and even many flowers that had not yet reached the flowering stage had already bloomed with colorful flowers.

The most eye-catching one is a coneflower, which actually grows more than three meters high. The golden chrysanthemum blooms in the sun and looks like a huge parasol.

It seems that spiritual energy not only has an effect on humans, but also on plants!

Xia Feng sighed in his heart, raised his hand and punched, directly smashing the obstructing glass door in front of him into a pile of debris, and walked into the small garden.

He glanced at the most conspicuous coneflower, raised his hand, and five black chains swarmed out, drawing graceful arcs and piercing the rhizome of the coneflower.

The next moment, the coneflower shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. It dried up completely in just a few breaths, and Xia Feng also withdrew the chain.

There is less spiritual energy than zombies. It seems that the plants themselves are not strong in absorbing spiritual energy.

Xia Feng shook his head, and suddenly lost interest in research, but continued to follow the guidance of the spiritual energy. Since even the plants began to mutate, they should be very close to the source of the spiritual energy.

Passing through the small garden is Area B of the laboratory building. The layout is exactly the same as Area A. A long corridor leads directly to the back door of the laboratory building, with rows of practical classrooms on the left and right.

When Xia Feng smashed the glass door and entered the corridor as before, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties happened to walk out from the left and appeared in Xia Feng's sight.

The middle-aged man also saw Xia Feng. He was stunned for a moment, then raised his hands, and saw an ice pick as thick as an arm condensing out of thin air. As he pushed his hands forward, it attacked Xia Feng. He turned out to be a second-level survivor who had awakened the same superpower as Hu Kang.

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