After thinking about it, Xia Feng couldn't find any good way. To be honest, as a zombie, it would be the best choice to directly use the pulse-locking swallowing spirit to devour the two women to increase their strength.

But after all, Xia Feng still retains his thoughts as a human being. He has no burden to swallow scum like Li Zheng and Hu Kang, but he can't do anything to the two women, especially Lin Xiaxia.

In the end, Xia Feng decided to keep the two of them in an Internet cafe. Even if he turned into a zombie, his aesthetics would still be that of a human being. Putting two young beauties there to take a look at them was better than looking at these ugly zombies.

Having made a decision in his heart, Xia Feng no longer hesitated and took all the zombie boys out of the Internet cafe and ordered them to block the door to prevent the two girls from coming out and to prevent uncontrolled zombies from running into the Internet cafe.

As for himself, he was walking towards a large supermarket not far away. There was not much food in the Internet cafe, so he was going to the supermarket to find some food and daily necessities to take back to Lin Xiaxia and the others.

While walking, he raised his palms, and streams of green light flew out from his palms, controlling all the zombies in sight on the street.

The street where Dolphin Internet Cafe is located is a place frequented by nearby college students. When the apocalypse comes around eight o'clock in the evening, there are many people on the street. Therefore, when Xia Feng walked to the door of the supermarket, there were people around him. There are already hundreds of zombies.

Walking into the supermarket, there were also a lot of zombies inside, and Xia Feng was not polite. In a flash of green light, he gathered all of them as his subordinates, and at the same time, he wandered in the middle of the rows of shelves, sweeping away anything that caught his eye. Star Novels Network

Behind him, more than a dozen zombies pushed shopping carts behind him. Although they looked stiff and awkward when walking, they were much better than working to death on their own.

Walking all the way to the shelves of women's products, several packs of ultra-thin leak-proof stuff appeared in Xia Feng's sight. Think about how much fun it would be if Lin Xiaxia and the others had a little time these days. .

Evil thoughts were spreading in Xia Feng's mind. Regardless of the brand, he picked up a few packages and threw them into the shopping cart behind him, and then continued to move forward.

Before he had taken two steps, a zombie suddenly caught his attention. This zombie was thin, not even 1.6 meters tall, but its body was covered with dense black scales, and only a pair of palms were red. But those fingers are more like sabers, hard and sharp.

This is not the weirdest thing. The weirdest thing is that there is a dark red vertical eye growing between the zombie's eyebrows. The eyeballs move around, giving people a strange feeling.

Such a special zombie immediately made Xia Feng interested. He raised his palm and a ray of green light flew out from his palm, accurately hitting the motionless three-eyed zombie.


Green light entered the body, and the quiet three-eyed zombie suddenly let out a hoarse roar, and its thin body began to tremble violently, as if resisting Xia Feng's control.

Seeing this, Xia Feng was about to release another zombie-controlling divine light, but the three-eyed zombie had already lost control. He turned his head and looked over. The third vertical eye on his forehead was emitting a dark red luster that flickered on and off.

Seeing this scene, a sense of crisis arose in Xia Feng's heart. Without any time to think, he casually pulled a zombie next to him in front of him as a shield, and then quickly backed away.

Before he could retreat, a red beam of light burst out from the three-eyed zombie's vertical eye, streaking through the air like lightning and hitting the shield zombie's head accurately.


The head of the shield zombie shattered like a watermelon, but the red beam of light continued to attack Xia Feng unabated, landing on the thick scales on his chest.

Xia Feng looked down and saw that there was an inch-deep wound on his chest. If the zombies hadn't been used to block this blow, the force might have penetrated his chest directly.

Damn it, how can this thing be so powerful? It's really like Erlang's God descended from the earth.

Xia Feng complained, but he saw the three-eyed zombie with a hunched and thin body, rushing towards him with legs like the wind. The speed was as fast as those sprinters before the apocalypse. In the blink of an eye, it could cross a distance of more than ten meters. distance.

Seeing the three-eyed zombies attacking, Xia Feng felt very calm. He raised his leg and kicked it out. There were shelves on both sides of the place and the space was narrow. Although the three-eyed zombies were fast, they were restricted in a place like this.

Kicked out with terrifying power, Xia Feng seemed to have seen the scene of the three-eyed zombie being kicked away like a ball. But what he didn't expect was that the three-eyed zombie unexpectedly jumped when the kick approached. Unexpectedly, he jumped up to the top of the shelf like a monkey, dodged the kick, and then dodged behind Xia Feng like a ghost, grabbing his back with both claws.


The sharp claw blade scratched across the scales, bringing up a string of sparks, leaving scratches a few inches deep. Then he kicked Xia Feng very flexibly on the waist, and jumped to another shelf like a spring, avoiding Xia Feng's twisting punch had the feeling of missing a hit and escaping thousands of miles away.

When Xia Feng saw this, he immediately felt bad. He thought that the three-eyed zombie was just faster, but he didn't expect that the jumping ability was so amazing. In this way, the complex terrain of the supermarket would not be an obstacle, but would become his reliance.

Fortunately, after devouring the wild boar, Xia Feng's body has become strong to a certain extent. These scratches and the wound on the chest look a bit scary, but in fact they are just small injuries and have no impact on him at all. This also shows that as long as Protecting his head, the three-eyed zombie wouldn't pose much of a threat to him.

However, Xia Feng's interest in this three-eyed zombie became more and more intense. With its amazing speed, flexible body, sharp claws, and the terrifying third eye with terrifying attack power, he was simply a natural. assassin.

Maybe it won't be very effective against a zombie with thick skin like him, but it must be a terrifying weapon against humans. If you can subdue him, it will definitely be a big help. Of course, you still have to catch him first and then slow down. Try it slowly.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng also had an idea in his mind. He raised his arm, waved his hand and punched the shelf next to him. The powerful force caused the shelf to crash to the ground, and the three-eyed zombie on the shelf jumped to it very dexterously. On another shelf.

Xia Feng was not polite and punched out again, knocking down this shelf as well, as if he had turned into a demolition brigade. Not only that, he also mobilized the zombie boys around him, knocking down the outer shelves one by one, gradually Narrowing the activity range of the three-eyed zombie.

As Xia Feng smashed the last shelf with his fist again, the three-eyed zombie had no place to stay and could only step on the scattered goods and swim slowly.

But at this time, Xia Feng's zombie brothers had formed an encirclement and were approaching him step by step.

The number of zombies controlled by Xia Feng on the street plus those in the supermarket has exceeded two hundred. It doesn't sound like a lot, but in this supermarket it is really dark.

If those shelves were still there, it would be impossible for these zombies to encounter the three-eyed zombies, but now they have become the most advantageous weapon in Xia Feng's hands.

But these first-level zombies are indeed a bit clumsy. Many of them tripped over scattered goods and shelves while walking. Fortunately, these zombies were controlled by Xia Feng, so there would be no stampede and they could slowly get up and continue moving forward. , and Xia Feng also deliberately controlled the speed, preferring to be slower than leaving a gap for the three-eyed zombies to escape.

Seeing the zombies approaching slowly, the three-eyed zombie let out a warning roar. When Xia Feng's zombie brother heard the roar, he actually flinched a little.

Xia Feng understood that this was the natural suppression of low-level zombies by high-level zombies, but these zombies were all controlled. After all, Xia Feng's orders overcame the instinct of fear. More than two hundred zombies started moving again, and again Walk towards the three-eyed zombie.

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