I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 56 Entering the base for the first time

Boss Pluto, to tell you the truth, I still have some prestige among the forces of Poshan Taibao. As long as you agree, I can make you the new Poshan Taibao. Then we will make some plans and rely on your strength. , it will be a matter of time before he swallows the other twelve Taibao. Seeing Xia Feng's move, Lu Qingyun hurriedly drew a big pie.

What about you? What's the benefit of working so hard? It's not to repay the kindness of saving your life, right? Xia Feng looked at Lu Qingyun and said lightly.

Of course there is life-saving grace, and there is also some selfishness. If Poshan Taibao dies, then his power will be divided among the other twelve Taibao. At that time, we, Poshan Taibao's cronies, will be the best The end result is to be a pawn under other Taibao. As for our women and property, there will definitely be nothing left. Instead of doing this, it is better to dedicate everything to you, boss. Lu Qingyun said, looking back After looking at the other two survivors, they both nodded, proving that Lu Qingyun was telling the truth.

Hearing this, Xia Feng touched his chin and pondered for a while, and his thoughts couldn't help but wander to the time of interrogating Ehan...

Where does the prophet live? How can I see him? After Xia Feng learned of the prophet's existence, his first thought was to capture him directly, and his question was very direct.

I don't know. I haven't seen the prophet since he arrived at his current base. Xihan said, shaking his head.

Then how did he give you the task? Xia Feng asked with a frown. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

The Holy Sect has a Holy Shadow Stone, and we all use the Holy Shadow Stone to communicate.

Doesn't he want to eat or drink? Someone must bring food to him! Xia Feng asked unwillingly.

No, as a third-level divine envoy, we are already the core of the Holy Sect, but since we arrived at the current base, we have never seen the prophet again. We don't even know if he is in the base. Eclipse Han shook his head and said.

Xia Feng had a headache when he thought of this prophet who had never seen a dragon. Now that Lu Qingyun had taken the initiative to join him, he had a good idea. If the status of the Holy Sect was shaken, he might be able to force this so-called prophet to come out.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng said: I am really interested in you Thirteen Taibao. Since you are willing to help me, I will not treat you badly. At least doubling the original salary will be no problem.

Don't worry, boss. You are so strong. With our support, becoming the Thirteen Taibao will definitely not be a problem. Lu Qingyun got Xia Feng's promise and immediately patted his chest and promised.

Then let's go! Xia Feng nodded and said.

Boss, the fur and claws of these two evolved beasts are good things. Do you want to take them back to the base? Even if you don't use them, you can exchange them for food from the Holy Sect. With food, your prestige will naturally increase. Lu Qingyun asked, pointing to the mutated cat corpse on the ground.

He is just an ordinary person, not a person with super powers, and his ambitions are not too big. He is satisfied if he can maintain his current position. Now that Xia Feng has promised greater benefits, he is naturally overjoyed. He has completely entered the role and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his role. Xia Feng started planning.

Find a car and load it all up! Xiang Feilong, help them. Xia Feng waved his hand and said.

With Xiang Feilong's help, Lu Qingyun first found two cars from the roadside, and then worked together to throw the mutated cat's body into the trunk. With the roar of the engine, the three cars formed a small convoy and drove towards the Quancheng base. .

Several hundred meters away from the convoy, the mutated tabby cat that had just fled hastily had turned into a corpse, and a dozen skinny zombies were devouring its flesh and blood.

Not far from more than a dozen zombies, on the roof of a van, a zombie with blood-red vertical eyes on its head was looking in the direction of the convoy. As the convoy went away, it suddenly let out a sound. Li Xiao, his thin body chased towards the direction of the convoy like a ghost.

Under the fierce roar of the three-eyed zombie, a dozen zombies enjoying the feast of flesh and blood immediately abandoned the food in their mouths, and followed the three-eyed zombie towards the convoy.

Not only them, there were more than two hundred skinny speed zombies appearing silently around them. They were jumping on top of the cars, looking like flexible monkeys.

These three-eyed zombies are naturally Demon Eyes. The more than two hundred speed-type second-level zombies behind him are all elites brought out from the sea of ​​corpses in Zhangcheng District. Such a highly mobile unit was specially prepared by Xia Feng A killer move.

As the car got closer and closer to the Quancheng base, there were fewer and fewer cars on the road, and the speed finally increased. Amidst the roar of the engine, a small town appeared in Xia Feng's sight.

The most conspicuous thing in the town is a three-meter-high wall, which is made of concrete. Like a meandering gray python, it surrounds the entire town.

Inside the wall, you can still see some guard towers, and some black gun muzzles poked out from the guard towers. It is obvious that a certain number of thermal weapons have been mastered inside the base. Although Xihan did not mention this matter, Xia Feng did not think so. Unexpectedly, Quancheng was once one of the seven military regions. Even after it was reorganized into the five theaters, Quancheng was still the seat of the army headquarters, and some of the firearms were normal.

As long as there are no missiles, anti-aircraft guns and the like, Xia Feng doesn't care about ordinary firearms. Even if they are shot at close range, these bullets cannot penetrate the black crystal armor on his body.

The car soon arrived at the gate of the base. Two men holding Type 95 assault rifles stopped the car. One of them asked loudly: Which force is it from?

We are members of the Thirteen Taibao. We have just returned from looking for supplies. Lu Qingyun stuck his head out of the car window and said.

Thirteen Taibao? I remember you. You didn't go out with Poshan Taibao. Where are the others? There is also the car behind. The people in it are a bit rude! A middle-aged man with a sinister face slowly walked out. Two men walked out from behind and asked coldly.

When Lu Qingyun saw this person, he secretly said something bad, but his face was still full of smiles, and he said hello: Hey! Brother Chen, you are on duty today! Our boss hasn't come back yet, and we found him in the car behind him this time. Survivor, didn't you send me back first? Lu Qingyun said with a smile, and did not mention the death of Poshan Taibao, but instead told a little lie.

Know me? the middle-aged man called Brother Chen asked with a hint of pride on his face.

Who doesn't know Brother Chen Long from the Three Provinces Alliance? Who in the entire base has never heard of your name? Let's do this! I'll send you back first, complete the tasks assigned by our boss, and then bring some wine to treat you to a drink. How about a meal? Lu Qingyun suggested with a smile.

Chen Long glanced at Lu Qingyun with a smile, and then cursed loudly with one side of his face: Stop talking nonsense. If you know me, Chen Long, just ask the people in the car to get out of the car. When I finish picking, I will naturally let you go. You take it in.

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