When Lu Qingyun heard Chen Long's words, his face suddenly became a little ugly. Chen Long was indeed very famous in the base, but he had a bad reputation. Because he had an elder brother who was a high-level member of the Three Provinces Alliance, he usually behaved wildly and very badly. He is so lustful that many women in the base have been murdered by him.

In addition to Xia Feng, there were two beauties sitting in the car behind, Lin Xiaxia and Mo Xiaomo. If Chen Long saw them, he would definitely take them for himself.

Although Lu Qingyun had seen Xia Feng's strength, he didn't think he could compete with the Three Provinces Alliance, which ranked among the top three forces in the base. Just when he was thinking about how to deal with it, Chen Long had already walked to Xia Feng's car. Looking inside through the glass.

Lu Qingyun couldn't help but feel anxious, but to his surprise, the ferocious Chen Long just glanced at it, with a look of disgust on his face, waved his hand and said: Get out of here, get out of here, Put such disgusting things in the car.

Lu Qingyun was stunned when he heard this. He didn't understand why Chen Long had such a reaction, but he quickly realized it. He stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the gate of the base. The two cars behind him also followed closely and entered the base together. Inside.

Well done, little girl.

In the Hummer, Xia Feng touched Mo Xiaomo's head and praised with a smile. It was Mo Xiaomo who interfered with Chen Long's thinking just now, causing him to hallucinate and see the most disgusting things in his heart. Let it go easily.

This one is very weak. He can't stop my beautiful formation. It's no problem to directly control him to destroy him. Mo Xiaomo said casually. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

Forget it. The most important thing is to find the prophet. Don't get into trouble. Xia Feng shook his head and said. If he didn't have such concerns, there would be no need for Mo Xiaomo to take action. He would have punched Chen Long's head open. .

Not long after entering the base, Lu Qingyun took Xia Feng to an open space, which was filled with all kinds of cars. There were also some temporary parking spaces painted with white paint on the ground, which seemed to be a parking lot.

Under the leadership of Lu Qingyun, the three cars quickly found the parking space and parked in. When the vehicles stopped, Lu Qingyun jumped out of the car, trotted to Xia Feng's car, and said respectfully: Here It was originally a town, and although the area was not small, with the influx of more than 10,000 people, it became very crowded, so it was stipulated that vehicles were not allowed to enter the town and had to park in this parking lot.

This was reasonable and reasonable. Xia Feng had just arrived, so naturally he would not change these rules. After listening to Lu Qingyun's explanation, he asked several people to get out of the car together.

Except for Xia Feng, who was empty-handed, everyone else took out a backpack from the car. After all, they are not zombies. They naturally have to carry necessary water and food when they go out. The two women Lin Xiaxia and Mo Xiaomo , naturally there are more things to bring.

Brother Feng, the trunk... Xiang Feilong asked hesitantly in Xia Feng's ear.

We'll talk about it tonight. Xia Feng slowly uttered four words, and then said to Lu Qingyun: You lead the way. Bring someone to pick up the corpses of the two mutated cats tonight!

No problem, everything is at your command. Lu Qingyun agreed happily.

Under the leadership of Lu Qingyun, Xia Feng walked slowly on the streets of Shangliu Town. Many tents and some simple sheds could be seen around the road. Some survivors with sallow faces and skinny muscles were lying or sitting inside, but their eyes all looked the same. Looking at Xia Feng and his party.

The people living here are some men who dare not go out to look for supplies, some women with bad looks, and of course some children. There is no force willing to take these people. Only the Holy Sect will distribute a steamed bun every day to ensure that they will not starve to death. Lu Qingyun explained as he walked.

Xia Feng nodded and said nothing. He had heard eclipse Han mention it a long time ago. The survivors of Quancheng base are all the people who fled to the southern mountainous area. When the apocalypse broke out, everyone knew that the population density in the southern mountainous area was small. , fled towards this direction in unison, and a large number of survivors gathered in a short period of time.

Under the leadership of the mysterious prophet, these survivors first found an emergency weapons depot and obtained a batch of active firearms and ammunition. Then they opened a national grain reserve base, which contained enough food for tens of thousands of survivors. Eat it all year long.

But he never expected that only a small part of the food was transported. A mutated white wolf suddenly ran out of the mountains. He also commanded dozens of mutated beasts, killing tens of thousands of survivors and removing their armor. Nearly half of them were killed or injured. Even the base that has been built so hard can only be abandoned.

Fortunately, the mutated white wolf only used the mountainous area as its territory and did not pursue it deeply. This gave the survivors a chance to breathe and re-established a base in Shangliu Town.

But after this incident, many people had doubts about the prophet's ability. Two powerful supernatural beings were the first to step forward and led their cronies to snatch food. Many ambitious people also took advantage of the situation and planned to control the lifeline of the base.

However, the Holy Sect of the Prophet has gathered a large number of believers, and under their guard, they were able to protect about one-third of the food. As for the rest, it was all divided up.

With these grains as the foundation, the Holy Sect is no longer the only one in the base, and various forces, large and small, have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

The leaders of these forces were worried about being annexed by other forces, so they invariably used food to recruit people and expand their own power. Of course, at this time, the leaders of the forces and their cronies would naturally have to find a few women to support them.

Over time, each force has a population ranging from hundreds to thousands. The force has expanded, but the food they snatched back is limited. They don't have the magical ability of a prophet to easily find supplies. Can organize people to go out to clean up zombies and look for supplies.

Those who dare not look for supplies, those who are not pretty enough, and those who have no strength, naturally become the objects abandoned by all forces. Even with the relief of the Holy Sect, they can only survive.

Xia Feng recalled the information that Eclipse Han had told him in his mind. A child who looked seven or eight years old and had a dirty face suddenly came out of a tent with several big holes and rushed to Xia Feng. He said in a childish voice: Brother, give me something to eat!

Looking at the child in front of him who could not tell whether he was a boy or a girl, Xia Feng stopped subconsciously. If an adult rushed over, he would not go back and pay attention at all. As the owner of hundreds of thousands of corpses, he knew very well about ordinary zombies. As long as an adult is brave enough, he or she can easily kill ordinary zombies.

Therefore, for adults, whether it is searching along the road or looking for supplies in some remote villages, it is a good choice. It may be a little dangerous, but it will never starve. Therefore, for these adults who are ordinary refugees, As a human being, Xia Feng didn't have any compassion, but for such a child, it somewhat stirred his inner compassion.

Bring him some food! Xia Feng said to Lin Xiaxia next to him.

Lin Xiaxia had already had this intention. She quickly took off her backpack, opened the zipper and looked for food. Lu Qingyun on the side saw this and couldn't help but remind him: Boss Pluto, it's better not to stay here.

Hearing this, Xia Feng was stunned for a moment, then realized what was happening. He turned around and looked around. In the tents and simple sheds on the roadside, survivors all poked their heads out at some point, with sallow and thin faces. He looked at their group of people with undisguised longing and straight eyes like a pack of hungry wolves.

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