Nowadays, Xia Feng is no longer the little zombie who still uses sea of ​​corpse tactics to deal with a mutated cat. After hearing Bearded's shouts, he decided to save a few of them, and immediately rushed over with a flying kick. , directly kicking a gray mutated cat out of the air.

The gray mutated cat turned several somersaults in the air and landed lightly on the ground with the excellent balance of cats. There was faint blood oozing out from the thick hair on the top of its head, obviously it had been hit hard.

After all, it was only a second-level mutated beast, two levels lower than Xia Feng. Even a hasty kick without full strength was enough to make the mutated cat suffer.


The mutant cat also noticed that Xia Feng was difficult to deal with. He let out a scream and called the other two mutant cats that were attacking the off-road vehicle. The three mutant cats confronted Xia Feng in the air, showing off their sharp edges as if in demonstration. fangs, but did not rush forward immediately, apparently waiting for the opportunity.

They were waiting for the opportunity, but the three bearded men who had just walked around the gate of hell did not stop at all. They rolled and crawled and hid behind Xia Feng, obviously regarding Xia Feng as their savior.

Seeing the prey in the mouth slip away, the three mutant cats finally couldn't bear it any longer, and with a meow sound, they all rushed forward.

Hmph! Looking for death. Xingxing Novel Network

Xia Feng snorted coldly, exerted force in his legs, passed it to his waist, and penetrated his hands. He punched down hard with a strong wind. The God of War bracelet on his wrist exuded scorching brilliance and hit the huge head of the gray mutant cat hard. , smashed it to the ground, and blood lines snaked out from the seven orifices, and the breathing became weaker and weaker, and it looked like it was no longer alive.

After killing the gray mutant cat with one punch, Xia Feng followed up with a lunge and slammed into the arms of the black mutant cat attacking from the right, knocking it directly to the ground, followed by a fierce elbow strike. It hit the mutant cat's neck, breaking its cervical vertebrae.

He neatly dealt with the two mutated cats and was about to kill the third one when he saw the mutated tabby cat running away without a fight after the death of its two companions, running away like a gust of wind into the distance.

Xia Feng had no intention of pursuing him. He looked at his fists with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. Although he had not learned Bajiquan yet, some of the little techniques for exerting force were indeed very suitable for him to use, allowing him to use them all. His huge power was used to the extreme, otherwise he might not be able to kill two mutant cats so easily.

But speaking of Wang Jiukun, this kid is also an unlucky guy. He stayed safely in the base, but accidentally ate a fruit, causing his powers to go out of control, and his body began to metallize. If Xie Dong hadn't happened to go find him in time, It was sent to the school's spiritual veins, and the supernatural powers were stabilized with the help of spiritual energy. I was afraid that my life would be lost.

But even if he saved his life, he still had to cultivate slowly. He couldn't go to Quan City, so he could only wait until the vampires recovered from their injuries and came as the second echelon.

Just as he was sighing, the bearded man walked up to Xia Feng cautiously and said with a smile on his face: This boss, may I ask your name?

Just call me Hades. Xia Feng said casually. The prophet at Quancheng Base was very evil and he didn't want to reveal his real name.

It turns out to be Boss Pluto. Thank you for your help. The bearded man said with his hands in hand.

What's your name? Just now you said you were from Quancheng Base. Which force do you belong to? Xia Feng asked.

The bearded man was also a clever man. He could tell from his voice that Xia Feng knew something about the Quancheng base, and he did not dare to hide it at the moment. He said honestly: My name is Lu Qingyun, and I am from the Thirteenth Taibao. I don't know what you are talking about. Have you ever heard of it?”

The Thirteen Taibao are considered a good force in the base. Your leader should be the Thirteen Superpowers! Why are you being chased so miserably by these three mutant beasts? Xia Feng asked casually.

Xihan has already explained the situation of Quancheng Base clearly, especially the large and small forces in the base and the current situation, which are the focus of the introduction, so Xia Feng was immediately impressed as soon as Lu Qingyun mentioned his name.

Hearing this, Lu Qingyun smiled bitterly and said: Boss Pluto is very familiar with the base at first glance. He should also know that although the Thirteen Taibao are a force, the thirteen leaders have always been independent. Our leader is the ninth-ranked Po Shan. Taibao, this time he took us out to search for supplies, but he provoked three evolved beasts. Not only did he die on the spot, but also a dozen brothers died. If we hadn't met you, we probably wouldn't have survived.

Haha! It's the end of the world, and they all have their own little plans. It's not unjust to die. Xia Feng sarcastically continued, I happened to be planning to go to the Quancheng base. I heard that it would be quite troublesome to enter the base without someone familiar to guide me. Since you are from the Thirteen Taibao, it shouldn’t be a problem to bring a few people in!”

This is also the reason why Xia Feng saved Lu Qingyun and others. According to Xihan, although the Quancheng base is a place where survivors gather, the law of the jungle is clearly demonstrated. Without the guidance of people in the base, strangers rashly If you go to take refuge, not only will your supplies be mercilessly snatched away by the guards formed by various forces, but you will also be forcibly stuffed into a certain force and become a miserable cannon fodder. If it is some beautiful woman, then It will become a tool for them to vent their animal desires.

Xia Feng was naturally not afraid of any guards, but before meeting the prophet, he did not want to alert the enemy. Originally, he planned to go near the base and capture a few prisoners to lead the way. Now that Lu Qingyun had been rescued, there was no need to do so. Trouble.

Lu Qingyun knew that now was the time to prove his worth, so he immediately patted his chest and assured: No problem, the base has rules. Those who are brought back by any force belong to that force. That is to say, you will be wronged by Boss Pluto. You pretend to be We brought back survivors.”

This is not a problem. You can find a car and lead the way! Xia Feng nodded and said.

Boss Pluto, I dare to ask, what are your plans when you arrive at the base? Lu Qingyun asked tentatively.

I don't have any plans. I have been in the wild for a long time and want to find a safe place to stay. Xia Feng naturally would not tell Lu Qingyun his purpose and said casually.

Quancheng base is a mixed bag now, and it is not a safe place. With these two beauties, you will inevitably come to the door with some blind eyes. Although you are amazingly skilled, you are still alone after all, so you should be careful! Lu Qingyun said meaningfully.

Xia Feng heard something in his words, but she didn't want to beat around the bush with him, and said impatiently: If you have anything to say, just say it.

I wonder, boss, if you are interested in recruiting the Thirteen Taibao? Lu Qingyun finally stated his purpose.

Oh! Recruiting the Thirteen Taibao? Xia Feng cast a questioning look.

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