The highways of the doomsday no longer have the noise and roar of the past, but the number of vehicles has not decreased at all. Various cars are parked on the highway in random directions. Looking through the windshield, you can still see some trapped people. Zombies in the car.

In addition to these complete cars, you can also see many car wrecks. These are the traces left after the car lost control, caused a car accident, and caused an explosion when the apocalypse came.

Xia Feng sat in a black Hummer, looking out the window at the apocalyptic scene. He twitched his nose slightly, sniffed the fragrance coming from around him, and couldn't help but ask: Xia Xia, what perfume are you wearing? , does it smell so good?

Lin Xiaxia, who was sitting on the left side of Xia Feng, couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile when she heard this, and said, I didn't wear perfume, Xiaomo did.

Ah! Xia Feng opened his mouth in surprise, turned to look at Mo Xiaomo who was sitting on his right, raised his hand and gave her a headache, and said angrily: Little girl, you are spraying some perfume.

Hmph! It's biased. Sister Xia Xia just smells good, but I just spray it blindly. It's not beautiful at all. Mo Xiaomo pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

Children, don't talk nonsense if you can't speak. Be careful not to muffle your bird to death. Xia Feng changed the subject with a guilty conscience.

No way, little Xiaobai's life is so beautiful. Mo Xiaomo took out a white baby bird from her arms as if by magic. It was the mutant bird baby given to her by Xia Feng.

What a beautiful little bird! Lin Xiaxia obviously couldn't resist the cute fur, and said with shining eyes. Star Novels Network

Sister Xia Xia, if you like it, you can raise it with me. It will definitely become more beautiful when it grows up. Mo Xiaomo gently stroked the white chick and said, having stayed with Xia Feng for a long time, now speaking is more important than It was much easier to understand before.

Just as the two girls were discussing how to feed Xiaobai, the car stopped. Xiang Feilong, who was in charge of driving, turned around and said, Brother Feng, there's a car blocking the road ahead. We can't get around it. We have to stop here for a while. Okay, wait until we push the car away before leaving.

Okay, just come down here and get some air. Xia Feng nodded and got out of the car with the two girls.

It was close to downtown Quancheng, and there happened to be a traffic light in front of it, so even at night, it was still blocked for a short period, but as long as they could clear a road that could allow vehicles to pass, it wouldn't be a problem.

Xiang Feilong and Wang Heizi also got out of the car. They each held a scimitar in their hands. The blade was crystal clear, like a piece of warm topaz. The blade pointed inward and exuded a sharp sheen. It looked very extraordinary.

This was taken off by Xia Feng from the claw of the spotted leopard mutant. The sharp claw happened to be connected to a phalanx. It did not require any processing at all, and it became a top-notch magical weapon.

Since Wang Heizi and Xiang Feilong followed him, Xia Feng was very generous and directly rewarded them with two claws to use as weapons.

The two men holding weapons walked to a car. They saw Xiang Feilong violently smashing open the passenger door glass with the handle of his knife. He stretched out his arm and opened the door amidst the piercing sirens. Then Wang Heizi held a machete. , get into the car and easily kill ordinary zombies trapped in the driver's seat.

After getting rid of the zombies, Xiang Feilong cleaned the zombies out of the car, then re-ignited the car, started the car, and moved the car to the side of the road.

Is this how you plan to clean the car? Xia Feng looked at the two of them and asked with a frown.

We have too few people, so we can only clean up slowly. Xiang Feilong scratched his head and said.

Oh! Let me do it!

Xia Feng sighed, walked up to a car, raised his foot and kicked on the door of the car. As a level 4 zombie, even if he only used five or six points of strength, he still let the car door fall directly with his kick. It dented in, and the entire car was pushed out by this force and hit a car next to it.

Xiang Feilong and Wang Heizi stood nearby, their mouths opened in surprise. Although Xie Dong had told them that Xia Feng was a very powerful superpower when they arrived, they had no intuitive understanding of it. , Only now do they understand the concept of power in Xie Dong's words. If this kick were to hit them, they would probably only have half their lives left.

Xia Feng ignored the two people's surprise, but kicked all the cars towards the roadside one by one, and soon cleared a road for vehicles to pass.

Brother Feng, when you were cleaning the car just now, I looked at the map. It's not far from Shangliu Town. If the road goes well, we can get there in more than half an hour. Xiang Feilong held a piece of Quancheng in his hand. The map said that Shangliu Town was the destination of their trip and the location of the Quancheng survivor base.

Xia Feng glanced at Xiang Feilong in surprise. This ordinary-looking young man was unexpectedly attentive. Knowing that the destination this time was Quancheng, he even found a map in advance. Now he is selling this thing. It wasn't much, and he didn't know where he got it.

However, Xia Feng didn't say anything, he just made a note of it secretly, and then said: Let's go then! Rush to Shangliu Town first and see the situation at the Quancheng Base before making any plans.

Before they finished speaking, there was a sudden roar of cars in their ears. Looking along the sound, they happened to see two off-road vehicles driving towards them. Behind the cars, they could also see three leopards with different sizes. The cat is in hot pursuit.

Quancheng is famous for its large population in the entire Qilu land and even in China. There are naturally more people and cars. Although they are running on the road, they are blocked by cars. The two off-road vehicles cannot speed up at all. The off-road vehicle was quickly boarded by the mutant cat.

The three mutant cats were very smart. They cut the car tires with their sharp claws. After forcing the car to stop, two of them smashed the glass one after another, rushed into the car, and started a round of bloody killings, while the rest That one is guarding outside, and anyone who can escape will become its prey.

The three mutated cats easily eliminated a whole car of survivors without much time. Their green eyes were once again aimed at another off-road vehicle, and they continued to chase it like lightning.

Perhaps he was frightened by the tragic situation of his companions and panicked. The driver of the off-road vehicle made a mistake in the rush. He accelerated blindly and did not turn in time. He hit a red car and the huge impact knocked the red car several meters away. , and the off-road vehicle itself lost control as a result. After hitting several cars one after another, it stopped not far from Xia Feng.

At this time, the car door suddenly opened, and three people rolled out of the car and ran out. One of them with a beard immediately spotted Xia Feng and the others, and shouted while running: Help us, we are Quancheng From the base.”

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