The mutated peacock flew a long distance with its death struggle. Xia Feng walked for about half an hour before crossing the sea of ​​corpses and returned to the zoo. Long Xiang was the first to greet him, remaining flattering as always. He communicated with great respect and spiritual power: Master is really brave and invincible. Not only did he kill the mutated peacock, but he also captured another prisoner.

Don't talk nonsense. I just didn't have time to ask, how are the vampires and the others doing? Xia Feng threw Ehan and the mutated peacock's materials on the ground and asked.

The vampire is a little injured, but there is plenty of spiritual energy here. It will be fine if he cultivates for a while. The two mutated tigers are also alive and kicking. They were promoted just now because of the stimulation of the spiritual energy. Long Xiang said sourly. He emerged from the seal After waking up and falling several levels, seeing others advance makes me feel like my back teeth are about to be broken.

Where are my two third-level zombie brothers? Xia Feng was still very impressed by the two zombies who loyally protected the master at the last moment.

They both look a little miserable, but their brains are not broken and they are still alive.

Hearing Long Xiang's answer, Xia Feng felt relieved. Zombies have a tenacious vitality. As long as they can stay alive and stay near the spiritual veins to absorb the spiritual energy for a period of time, they will soon be alive and kicking.

By the way, Master, while you were away, I have cleaned the battlefield according to your standards. I have collected all the materials that can be used on the mutant beasts. However, the five small swords left by the mutant peacock, They were all snatched away by your men with tentacles on their heads. Long Xiang said angrily.

Those five small swords haven't disappeared yet? They were taken by Iori. Xia Feng was a little surprised, but this is not a bad thing. Iori has never had any attack means. If he could control the five small crystal swords, his overall strength would be It can be improved a lot.

It is said that Yagami has the ability of mind control, and it is normal for him to be able to control five small crystal swords, but he still needs to study it more when he has time, at least to find out why the small sword condensed by the mutated peacock with colorful energy did not dissipate after its death.

Long Xiang, who was on the side, saw that Xia Feng had no intention of punishing Iori, so he decisively skipped the topic and continued: Master, my subordinate also found an interesting little thing, and I specially prepared it for you.

As Long Xiang spoke, he slowly raised his palm, and a snow-white bird, only the size of an ordinary person's palm, appeared in Xia Feng's sight.

I remember that one of the five mutant birds was white. Could this be its baby? Xia Feng took the white baby bird from Long Xiang's hand, looked at its eyes that had not yet opened, and slowly said.

It should be like this. There are several bird's nests on the left side of the spiritual vein. I dug them out from there. Long Xiang explained.

Such a young bird has no fighting power. I think I will give it to Mo Xiaomo! Xia Feng gently teased the bird's beak with yellow cuticles and confirmed its ownership.

When Long Xiang heard this, he immediately said anxiously: Master, when you feed this young mutated beast, you will be treated as a relative and very loyal. You'd better feed it yourself.

I appreciate your kindness, but I don't like raising these things. Besides, the little girl raised them, not me. Xia Feng said, waving his hand towards Mo Xiaomo who was not far away, and shouted loudly Shouted: Mo Xiaomo, come here.

When Mo Xiaomo heard Xia Feng's call, she was startled for a moment, and then ran over all the way, her two big black eyes shining with curiosity, and asked in a slightly childish tone: Sir, can you speak?

Uh! I seem to have spoken while fighting the mutated peacock. Didn't you hear me? Xia Feng said, covering his face.

Hehe! The battle was so unbelievable that I didn't notice any words being spoken. Mo Xiaomo smiled meaningfully.

Forget it, I don't blame you, what do you think this is? Xia Feng opened his palm and showed the white chick in front of Mo Xiaomo.

Wow! So cute!

Women obviously have no resistance to such furry things, especially little girls aged sixteen or seventeen. The moment they saw the white chick, their eyes lit up, and the word want was written all over their face.

Have you seen this person on the ground? If you control his thinking and let him answer my questions truthfully, this little bird will be yours. Xia Feng pointed at Eclipse Han on the ground and said.

No problem, the formation unfolds and beauty happens.

While shouting, Mo Xiaomo raised her little hand and waved at Eclipse Han on the ground. The next moment, the unconscious Eclipse Han got up from the ground and limped slowly to Xia Feng's side, a little sluggishly. Said: Master, please give me your instructions.

Terrible abilities.

Seeing Mo Xiaomo casually controlling a level three superpower user invisible, Xia Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then said, Yihan, tell me your organization.

I am the third-level envoy of the Holy Sect in the Quan City Survivor Base. Eclipse Han answered honestly.

What kind of organization is the Holy Sect? Is it a religion? Tell me everything you know. Xia Feng asked.

The Holy Sect is the largest force in the Quan City Survivor Base. Our purpose is to evolve ourselves and save the world. Our leader is a prophet who can predict the future. It was she who created the Survivor Base and accommodated 20,000 survivors near Quan City. , and it was she who founded the Holy Sect. Xianghan told the story in great detail while being controlled.

Evolve yourself and save the world. This purpose is quite pragmatic. You said that the prophet can predict the future. How did you know? Xia Feng continued to interrogate.

This is something everyone in the base knows, but I suspect that the prophet cannot completely predict the future. He can only predict a certain event or a certain result. This time Shifang and I were assigned by her to hunt. It's a mutated beast, but the prophet didn't predict the existence of a sea of ​​corpses here, nor did he predict that we would be in danger. Xihan expressed his guess.

Then can she find someone? Xia Feng asked anxiously.

Yes! No matter who the prophet wants to find in the base, he can accurately know the location. Xianghan said with great certainty.

Then please tell me carefully about the current situation in Quancheng and the base. Xia Feng asked excitedly.

Now that he has reached level four, he has mastered the skill of ever-changing, and has the ability to return to his hometown to find his parents. However, although his hometown is in a small county, finding someone is like finding a needle in a haystack. If this prophet is there, , but it’s much more convenient.

Although his parents would most likely turn into zombies, as a child, Xia Feng would not give up even if there was only a glimmer of hope.

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