Xia Feng was shot twice by Shifang, and he knew that he had met a top master among superpowers. But now he couldn't use the long-range attack method of Red Nightmare Dragon Flame, so he could only be beaten passively, so he decided to have an underground battle. .

With the help of the mutated peacock corpse, Xia Feng used his ever-changing ability to shrink his body, easily broke through the ground, drilled into the ground, and quickly dug in the direction of the bow and arrow. He had a keen sense of mental power and did not have to worry about losing his way. .

Unexpectedly, as soon as he dug a certain distance, Xia Feng felt that two people were coming over on his own initiative. He just waited and waited for him underground. After letting the first superpower go, he returned his body to the size of a normal human and launched an attack decisively. , punched Shifang on the head.

Although Shifang was always on guard, most of his attention was focused on the mutated peacock. The sudden attack from the ground caught him off guard. However, he was a third-level superpower after all, and his reaction ability was not comparable to that of ordinary people. He was the best with bows and arrows. Time was aimed at Xia Feng, and as soon as the tight bow string was loosened, the God-killing arrow flew out.

At such a close distance, it would be impossible for anyone else to react, but under the perception of Xia Feng's mental power, all movements became invisible. His head suddenly tilted to the right, and he dodged this at the critical moment. With one arrow, the fist of his right hand hit Shifang's head without any hesitation. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

The fist covered with black armor quickly enlarged in Shifang's horrified eyes, becoming the last scene he saw before his death. The fist containing terrifying power was like a cannonball, exploding his head like a watermelon, red and white. The things splashed out and looked extremely bloody.

One punch killed Shi Fang. Before Xia Feng could retract his fist, an ice crystal bloomed from the sole of his foot and quickly spread up his legs. In an instant, he was frozen and turned into an ice sculpture.

This was naturally the work of Xihan. His original intention was to save Shifang, but Xia Feng's attack was too fast. By the time he released his power, Shifang had turned into a headless corpse. .

The moment Xia Feng froze into an ice sculpture, fiery red lines suddenly appeared on the surface of the black armor. Hot flames rose from the surface of the body. The ice was broken in a few breaths, although the Red Nightmare Dragon Flame was not used. , but it is still possible to melt ice cubes by using the Fire Transformation.

After regaining his freedom, Xia Feng immediately looked at Xihan. At this time, Xihan also looked surprised, as if he didn't believe that his freezing ability could be cracked so easily.

Tell me! Why did you attack me?

After dealing with Shi Fang who threatened him, Xia Feng has taken control of the situation. He is not in a hurry to kill Xihan, but plans to get some useful information from him. If nothing else, just what he said just now. He was very interested in the origin of the dark purple arrows.

In the apocalypse, do you still need a reason to kill? Xianghan asked, while his blue eyes kept looking at Xia Feng, as if he wanted to see whether Xia Feng's current appearance was due to supernatural powers, or whether he was not the same at all. Belongs to humans.

Hearing this, Xia Feng frowned slightly, put some force on his feet, and rushed toward Xi Han like black lightning. Xi Han was also startled when he saw Xia Feng suddenly making a move, but the reaction on his hands was different. Slowly, a biting cold air spurted out from his palm, forming a blue barrier in front of him.

As soon as Xia Feng approached the blue barrier, he felt a wave of cold air coming, but the fiery red lines on his body also lit up at this time, and his whole body was bathed in red flames. The scorching high temperature dispersed the biting cold air, and he went straight to the eclipse The cold is gone.

Eclipse Han's super power has no effect on the body. Even though his physical fitness has far exceeded that of ordinary people after being transformed by spiritual energy, it is still much worse than a fourth-level zombie like Xia Feng. After Xia Feng passed through the blue The moment the barrier was lifted, he no longer had any resistance, and the palms covered with black armor locked his neck like iron pliers.

Xia Feng grabbed Ehanhan's neck and raised it high. No matter how hard his legs struggled, he remained unmoved. He just said lightly: I'm very happy that you can answer my question, but the attitude of your words I don’t like it very much, so I’ll give you another chance to say it properly.”

After saying that, Xia Feng threw Eclipse Han on the ground. Eclipse Han, whose face turned red, finally got a chance to breathe again. He took a few gulps of oxygen and looked at Xia Feng with a little more awe in his eyes. .

We saw an evolved beast falling down, so we wanted to come over and take a look. We happened to see you picking the materials of the evolved beast. Shifang wanted to kill you and take the mutant beast as his own. Eclipse Han was at this time. He has become much more honest and told everything in detail.

The person who died just now was named Shifang. What about you? What's your name? Xia Feng asked.

Eclipse Han, erosion eclipse, cold cold. Eclipse Han answered clearly.

This is just a code name! From this point of view, you are not loners, but organized people. Xia Feng keenly discovered the information hidden behind the name.

Yes, but regarding the organization, please forgive me and I can't...ah!

Before Ehan Han finished speaking, the notes in his mouth turned into a shrill scream. Looking at Ehan Han's painful expression, Xia Feng slowly withdrew his left foot that was on his calf without any sympathy in his heart. , his kindness will only be left to his own people, not to a prisoner who just wanted to kill him.

Seeing the fine beads of sweat on Ehan's forehead due to pain, Xia Feng slowly squatted down and said in a cold tone: Prisoners must have the consciousness of prisoners. If you want to keep a secret, you have to bear the responsibility of keeping a secret. Can you bear the price, such as having your bones crushed one by one, lying on the ground and being eaten by zombies?

You...you are a demon. Xihan's eyes were full of fear and he couldn't help but howl.

I prefer others to call me Pluto. Xia Feng stood up again, his tone indifferent and without any emotion.

I won't say anything, just use whatever tricks you have! Xihan closed his eyes tightly, and his teeth were gritted, as if he was waiting for torture to come.

This kind of performance made Xia Feng a little surprised. He really didn't expect that this Xianghan was so courageous. Or maybe he had joined some kind of cult and had brainwashed him.

Seeing his appearance, Xia Feng didn't bother to interrogate him anymore. He also had Mo Xiaomo who could control his mind. When the time came, he would let Mo Xiaomo control him. He wouldn't just know whatever he wanted to know.

After making up his mind, Xia Feng strode up to the mutated peacock, pulled out all the remaining feathers, and then cut off his claws and sharp beak. These are the most important things on the fourth-level mutant beast. The hard part, even without any processing, is a rare magic weapon, and he will naturally not let it go.

After collecting the materials, Xia Feng knocked Xihan unconscious with a hand knife, and then restored his body to a height of more than four meters. He grabbed the materials in one hand and held Xihan in the other, identified the direction, and rushed towards the zoo.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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