Xia Feng stood on the back of the mutated peacock. When he saw it trying to escape, he immediately prepared to give it another shot of Red Nightmare Dragon Flame, send it back to the west, and then go to devour the remaining spiritual veins.

But after a big battle, the Red Nightmare Dragon Flame was released three times in succession, and it seemed that it had reached its limit. The red light in the palm flickered for a few times, and then slowly dimmed.

Xia Feng didn't care that he couldn't use the Red Nightmare Dragon Flame. He raised his hand and released five soul-swallowing chains. They drilled into the blood holes on the mutated peacock's back and directly pierced its heart, which was less than half left. Crazy Seize the spiritual energy in its body.

The mutated peacock that was on the verge of death was unable to resist the devouring force of the Vein-locking Devouring Spirit. Its body shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, it lost the strength to fly and fell downwards.

Naturally, Xia Feng would not crash with the mutated peacock. When the mutated peacock was about to land, he put away the spirit-swallowing chain, jumped up, transformed into a black bat in the air, flapped its wings and slowly landed on the ground. , and then turned into a zombie again.

At this time, the mutated peacock was shriveled up to the point of being deformed, and a lot of its feathers had fallen off. It no longer had the beauty it had before. Instead, it looked more like a dried chicken that had lost its feathers. Only a few colorful feathers on its tail were still there. Flowing slowly.

Tsk, tsk, you can dig out a lot of good things from the corpse of the fourth-level mutant beast! www.zbcxw.cn Xingxing Novel Network

Xia Feng sighed with emotion as he walked to the side of the colorful feathers, raised his palm, and pulled off one of them with force. The feathers, which were more than three meters long, looked light and fluttery, but they were actually quite heavy. You should get at least one of them. It weighs more than ten kilograms, but this weight is naturally nothing to Xia Feng.

Holding the feather in his hand, Xia Feng clearly felt a ray of spiritual energy gathering towards him. This thing actually has the ability to gather spirits. It is no wonder that the mutated peacock can advance to the fourth level in a short time. It seems that in addition to spiritual veins, These feathers also contributed a lot, but now they are all Xia Feng's trophies.

Just as he was about to pull out all the colorful feathers, a slightly sad sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded behind him. Without thinking, Xia Feng stepped hard on the ground with his right foot, and his whole body flashed to the left like lightning.

Even though he reacted quickly, the moment he dodged, a black stream of light flew past his face and landed on the ground not far away. With a muffled sound of bang, it exploded into a hole more than two meters wide. The pit kicked up a cloud of dust.

Although Xia Feng failed to see clearly what the black stream of light was, with the perception of his spiritual power, he still detected the body hidden in the light. It was an arrow, a simple feathered arrow.

Before he had time to observe where the enemy was, another sound broke through the air. Xia Feng did not dare to be careless and rolled on the spot to the right, hiding under the huge corpse of the mutated peacock.

The moment Xia Feng rolled out, a dark purple feather arrow landed where he was standing, exploding a deep pit that was three times larger than before.

What kind of reaction speed is this? Even my God-killing arrows can't hit him.

On a hillside not far away, Shifang took out a dark purple feather arrow from the quiver on his back and placed it on the giant bow to aim, while he complained loudly.

He and Xihan originally planned to return the same way, but after walking for a while, they saw a big bird falling from the sky and landed not far from them.

The two of them came here for the mutated beasts. At this moment, how could they let go of this perfect opportunity? They immediately ran towards the direction where the mutated peacock fell. Unexpectedly, they just ran over and saw Xia Feng picking the mutated peacock. Take the feathers.

Shifang has long regarded the mutated peacock as something in his pocket, so how can he allow others to get involved, especially in the apocalypse when moral laws have collapsed? Without saying a word, he shot out an arrow and wanted to kill Xia Feng, but Unexpectedly, Xia Feng reacted astonishingly and dodged two arrows in a row, which led to the current situation.

Xihan was standing next to Shifang at this time, his blue eyes exuding a cold light, looking at the flying dust below, and said coldly: This person is very powerful, at least he has top abilities comparable to ours. I'm afraid he was the one who killed that big bird. It's not easy for you to kill him.

Don't we still have you? Let's go down, you restrict his movements, and I will kill him. This big bird will be ours, and the mission can be completed now. Shifang said nonchalantly.

All right!

Although Xihan was a little afraid of Xia Feng, he joined forces with Shifang. Even those with stronger abilities than them were no match. Out of confidence in his strength, he still agreed.

At this time, the flying dust had fallen, and the two of them slowly walked towards the mutated peacock. Although Xia Feng could no longer be seen, the terrain here was open and it was impossible for them to escape without them noticing, so Both of them knew that Xia Feng must be hiding behind the mutated peacock's body.

The two men held their breath and slowly leaned towards the mutated peacock. The bow and arrow in Shifang's hand were ready to go, while Xihan's body was covered with a layer of blue ice crystals. Every step he took would cause a layer of condensation to form on the ground. Frost is his special power of freezing.

Shifang's special ability is weapon amplification. Any weapon in his hands will have stronger lethality, especially after obtaining the divine weapon of the God-killing Arrow, it makes him a big killer.

During the battle, Xihan uses ice to control the enemy, while Shifang takes the opportunity to shoot the God-killing Arrow to complete the killing blow. This is the two's favorite fighting method. Many powerful mutant beasts have died under this move. Because of this , the two of them dared to go all the way to the zoo to challenge these powerful mutant beasts.

Xihan slowly approached the huge body of the mutated peacock. After scanning without seeing Xia Feng, he couldn't help but snorted coldly and stepped heavily on the ground with his right foot.

The next moment, a layer of white frost spread from his feet and spread in all directions. After a while, the surrounding area of ​​20 to 30 meters was transformed into a white world.

This is a detection method he developed himself. As long as something is frozen, it will appear in his perception, and some details cannot be escaped. It is much more accurate than seeing it with the naked eye.

But what surprised him was that no trace of Xia Feng was found in the area that was covered by ice for twenty or thirty meters. A living person seemed to have evaporated inexplicably.

Something's wrong, be careful...

Xihan issued a warning to Shifang not far behind him. Before he finished speaking, he heard a muffled sound from behind him. He turned his head and leaned in, just in time to see the ground at Shifang's feet suddenly collapse. A man in black The armored figure jumped out from the ground and punched in all directions.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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