In the boundless sea of ​​corpses, Xia Feng slowly moved to Long Xiang and told Long Xiang his plan through spiritual communication, asking him to cooperate with him.

After listening to Xia Feng's narration, Long Xiang immediately patted his chest and said, I understand, Master, your move is so wonderful. I am so impressed that I admire you. You are simply...

Okay, stop flattering me. If you fail later, see how I deal with you. Xia Feng cursed angrily, interrupting Long Xiang's compliment.

Don't worry, Master, I will never delay your important event. Long Xiang assured.

After all, Long Xiang is an old monster who has lived for many years, and he is still very reliable in doing things. Xia Feng feels relieved about him. After giving an explanation, he mobilized all the second-level zombies around him.

Then he grabbed a power zombie and threw it at the mutant peacock. Compared with ordinary zombies, the defense of the second-level zombies was much stronger. The mutant peacock controlled the crystal sword to slash at them, although it could still It was chopped into several pieces in a short period of time, but the speed of the five small crystal swords was inevitably affected, and the defense network composed of them was no longer as airtight as before.

Xia Feng had spent a lot of money at this time. He treated the second-level zombies that could be regarded as elite power as cannon fodder and threw them at the mutated peacock one after another, while Long Xiang on the other side threw the speed-type second-level zombies one by one. Arrived in the sky. Star Novels Network

Speed-type zombies are much more dexterous than power-type zombies. Even in the air, their light bodies can rely on the power-type zombies around them to jump back and forth. While avoiding the slashes of the crystal sword, they can also keep getting closer to the mutated peacock. .

It may be difficult for one or two speed zombies to get close to the mutant peacock, but under the fearless charge of dozens of speed zombies, even if it has reached level four, it will inevitably be jumped by the dexterous speed zombies. On the body.

The speed zombie came onto the mutant peacock's back, and its saber-like claws immediately swung out like lightning, grabbing hard at the mutant peacock's broad back.

But the seemingly soft indigo feathers turned out to be as hard as iron. Even though the sharp claws of the speed zombies scratched out sparks, they failed to hurt the mutated peacock at all.

The mutated peacock also discovered this. Knowing that these little bug-like things posed no threat to him, he simply ignored them and focused all his energy on those power zombies.

Long Xiang below also discovered that the speed zombies could not break through the mutant peacock's defense, but he still continued to throw the speed zombies into the air and cooperate with the power zombies thrown by Xia Feng to attack.

Under their constant attacks, the mutated peacock also adapted to the new attack rhythm. Even the control of the five crystal swords became more and more comfortable, killing the power zombies mercilessly.

As for those speed-type zombies, as long as they don't take the initiative to bump into the crystal sword, the mutant peacock will ignore it. It will just shake its body a few times every once in a while, and there will be unsteady speed-type zombies falling from its back like dumplings. Up and down.

When the mutated peacock controlled the crystal sword to cut a power zombie into several pieces again, Xia Feng's figure suddenly disappeared from his rolling eyes. Only Long Xiang was still throwing out zombies with all his strength. Zombies were coming at it.

The mutated peacock's intelligence was not low, and he knew in his heart who was the most threatening one. He immediately scanned the surroundings, trying to find Xia Feng.

At this moment, a thin, speed-type zombie happened to appear in its line of sight, stepping on the shoulders of the last power-type zombie in the air and rushing towards it.

The mutated peacock paid no attention to this little bug that was only meant to tickle itself. While controlling the crystal sword to dismember the power zombie, he continued to look for Xia Feng.

But the moment this skinny speed zombie landed on the mutated peacock, fiery red lines suddenly spread from his chest, hot flames rose up, and a red mass condensed on the saber-like claws. The fireball hit the mutant peacock's back hard.


The blazing energy exploded, and the mutated peacock's feathers that could resist the claws of the second-level zombies instantly turned into fly ash under the intense heat. The thick bird skin could not withstand this violent attack, and a hole with a diameter of a full inch was blown out. Mido's blood hole, even though the wound was scorched black by the flames, still couldn't stop the blood from gushing out like a fountain, giving the skinny zombie standing next to him a solid bath of blood.


The severe pain caused the mutated peacock to let out a sharp cry, and the five small crystal swords slashed towards the back, intending to cut the murderer who hurt it into pieces.

The skinny zombie ignored the flying crystal sword, and once again a ball of blazing fire condensed on its sharp claws, and was inserted into the huge wound that was still bleeding.

At the same time, five small crystal swords struck him one after another. His seemingly thin body had amazing defensive power. The five small swords struck him one after another, leaving only a few inches deep. Instead, it was the terrifying power contained in the crystal sword that successfully knocked the skinny zombie away.

The zombie couldn't fly. After being blasted out of the mutated peacock's back, it fell straight down. However, after the skinny zombie's body twisted in the air, it turned into a bat the size of a palm, flapping its wings and flying up again. The mutated peacock's back was twisted, and then transformed into a zombie about 1.8 meters tall and wearing black armor, which looked like a miniature version of Xia Feng.

In fact, he is indeed Xia Feng, but he is Xia Feng who has the fourth level of the ninth level of the Corpse God. The moment he was promoted to the fourth level, Xia Feng obtained

The ability of the fourth turn is ever-changing.

However, judging from the previous transformations, the ever-changing changes are only changes in appearance, and the ability itself will not change. At most, it can fly when it becomes a bird, and it can run on four legs when it becomes a tiger. It does not have much impact on combat effectiveness. Improvement, really speaking, means being able to control your body shape at will and being able to better adapt to various battlefields.

This ability is more suitable for infiltration, concealment and escape. With this ability, Xia Feng's life-saving ability will be greatly enhanced.

Compared to Xia Feng, the mutated peacock's situation at this time was very miserable. The second red nightmare dragon flame directly invaded its internal organs, burning everything inside, and even the most fatal heart had been burned. Most of it was burned, and only a small piece was still beating tenaciously.

With this kind of injury, even a fourth-level mutant beast would not be able to survive. However, the mutant peacock was still making its final struggle, flapping its wings and flying away into the distance. Even the five small crystal swords could no longer survive. Go control it and let them fall to the ground.

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