I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 4 Hard fighting and speculation

The chains as black as ink were like messengers from hell, and the golden lines spreading on them added a bit of nobility and enchantment. They drew beautiful arcs in the air and accurately penetrated the limbs and chest of the wild boar. .

Different from the simple and casual devouring of zombies, Xia Feng could clearly feel the obstruction when the chain penetrated the body of the wild boar man. He almost failed to pierce the thick gray-black skin, and pierced the thick skin, and the chain It didn't go deep, it was still blocked by tight muscles.

Fortunately, the greatest ability of the Chain Vein Devouring Spirit is devouring. The moment the tip of the chain penetrates, the devouring has already begun. A stream of warm currents are extracted from the wild boar man and transported into Xia Feng's body.

But because the chain did not go deep and did not restrict the wild boar man's movement, the wild boar man reacted quickly, raised his arm, grabbed the chain on his chest, and pulled it out.

When Xia Feng saw this, he was also shocked. Locking the pulse and swallowing the spirit was his last resort. If it still had no effect, then he would have no way to deal with this rough-skinned guy.

Seeing that the wild boar man was about to pull out the second chain, Xia Feng didn't care about anything else. He suddenly stood up from the ground, let out a low and hoarse roar, and rushed towards the wild boar man like a mountain. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

The distance between the two was very close. Before the wild boar man could dodge, Xia Feng had already thrown him to the ground. Xia Feng pressed his whole body on the wild boar man, locked his neck with his left hand, and pushed the ground with his feet as hard as he could. , suppressing the wild boar man tightly, even if the two fangs on the pig's head pierced his chest, it did not loosen at all, and did not give him a chance to get up.

At the same time, Xia Feng's right hand tried his best to maintain the five chains. Even the pulled out chain pierced the wild boar man's ribs again under his control, constantly devouring the energy in the wild boar man's body.

The wild boar man could also feel the loss of energy in his body, and he struggled anxiously. He was so powerful that while twisting his body, he actually switched positions with Xia Feng, suppressing Xia Feng underneath, and kept twisting at the same time. He shook his head trying to get out.

Xia Feng was not as strong as him, and was still controlling the chain with his right hand. He was about to let the wild boar man break free, but his eyes suddenly saw the zombies at the door. These guys had killed Li Zheng and were enjoying a feast of flesh and blood. Ignoring the dire straits on Xia Feng's side, he has no consciousness of being a younger brother.

However, following the call in Xia Feng's heart, more than a dozen zombies quickly abandoned the flesh and blood around their mouths and rushed towards the wild boar people. Xia Feng knew that these zombies' stiff bodies could not make any dexterous movements, so he simply let them go. They were like stacks of arhats, one by one pressing on the wild boar people.

Although these zombies are shriveled, they still weigh a hundred or ten kilograms. A dozen zombies weigh more than a thousand kilograms. Although the wild boar man is strong, under such a heavy load, he can no longer break away from Xia Feng. Restraint, even if you can get rid of one or two zombies during the struggle, these zombies will soon cling to you like brown candy.

However, the five chains were like hard-working little bees, constantly devouring the energy in the wild boar man's body and sending it into Xia Feng's body. Under the ebb and flow, the wild boar man's struggle became weaker and weaker, and finally there was no movement at all.

But Xia Feng still didn't dare to relax, and still locked his neck tightly. It wasn't until the five chains returned to his palm that the zombie boys pushed him away and let go of his arms.

At this time, the wild boar man has returned to his human form, but his original appearance cannot be seen at all. His body is as shriveled as dried bacon. If it is wrapped in a layer of bandages, it will look like a living mummy.

Pushing the shriveled corpse away from his body, Xia Feng slowly stood up from the ground and looked at his body. The wound pierced by the wild boar's teeth on his chest had disappeared. His original height of two meters had increased sharply. It has reached about two meters and four meters, and the scales on its body are a bit thicker than before. It is obvious that its defense power has also increased.

From this point of view, the effect of devouring a wild boar man was even better than that of more than a hundred zombies. This gradually made Xia Feng have some speculations in his mind.

Then, Xia Feng turned his attention to Li Zheng at the door. At this time, Li Zheng was already dead, and a lot of his flesh and blood had been eaten away, exuding a strong smell of blood.

If it were before the end of the world, when Xia Feng saw this scene, he might have to go out and vomit a few times, and he might have nightmares at night. But now he is a zombie. Although he retains his wisdom, his bloodthirsty instinct has not dissipated. Naturally, There will be no adverse reactions.

He raised his palm and activated the Pulse-Swallowing Soul Swallowing again. The five chains penetrated Li Zheng's broken body accurately. This time, it was much faster than the Devouring Wild Boar Man. In less than half a minute, Li Zheng turned into a human body and a wild boar. The same shriveled corpse of a human being.

Xia Feng estimated that the energy swallowed back was probably equivalent to five or six zombies. If the body was intact, it should be equivalent to ten zombies.

With the comparison between Li Zheng and the zombies, as well as the wild boar people, Xia Feng gradually had a rough understanding of the coming apocalypse. The coming apocalypse should be caused by the energy swallowed by him.

Xia Feng calls this energy spiritual energy. The coming of the apocalypse should be a process of the emergence of spiritual energy. These spiritual energy enters the human body and transforms the human body. However, most people cannot survive this transformation and become zombies like walking corpses.

Human beings who survive the transformation may gain some power beyond common sense, such as Hu Kang, who awakened the ability to transform into a wild boar out of fear.

The reason why zombies are full of desire for human flesh and blood is because they are the products of failed aura transformation, so they need to replenish aura by devouring flesh and blood to complete their evolution.

Because I have the mysterious jade talisman, I have gained the ability to lock pulses and swallow spirits, so I don't need to rely on devouring flesh and blood to evolve like ordinary zombies, but the essence remains the same, they are all absorbing spiritual energy.

When he reaches two meters tall, he should have completed the first stage of evolution and become a second-level zombie. Therefore, when he roars, the ordinary zombies will retreat in fear. This is caused by high-level zombies against low-level zombies. Coercion.

Hu Kang's transformation into a wild boar man should also belong to the second level, but he is a human who has survived the transformation of spiritual energy, so his combat power is more powerful.

I haven't seen animals yet, so I don't know what their condition is, but as living beings, their situation should be similar to that of humans. Some large animals may be more powerful than evolved humans.

Calculating it this way, the zombies are the weakest among the same level, but they are also the largest in number. If Xia Feng had hundreds of subordinates just now, he probably wouldn't have to take action. Hundreds of zombies would surround him and the wild boar would be exhausted.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng felt that he should control more zombies as soon as possible. If he could bring all the zombies in the entire university town under his command, and tens of thousands of zombies would sweep past, even hundreds of wild boars would not be able to make waves. Come.

However, before controlling the zombies, we still need to deal with the two female network administrators, Lin Xiaxia and Li Xiaobei. Li Xiaobei was knocked unconscious at the beginning, but Lin Xiaxia was stunned just now. Anyway, both of them are in a coma now. How to deal with them is a problem.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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