I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 48 Mutation and Immortal Cultivation

After being promoted to level four, the black crystals on Xia Feng's body finally completed their final transformation and truly evolved into a set of ferocious battle armor, making him look like an ancient god of war. His defense power reached a whole new level and he could cut. The five-color light blades of level three zombies couldn't hurt him at all.

Big Peacock, you've scratched my itch for so long, it's my turn to thank you.

A loud voice rang out from Xia Feng's mouth. After reaching level four, he finally recovered his ability to speak and bid farewell to his life as a mute. As he spoke, fiery red lines spread from his chest to his whole body, rapidly After completing the extreme fire transformation, blazing flames rose from around the body, turning the nearby five-color light blades into flying ash.

Red Nightmare Dragon Flame!

Xia Feng shouted in his heart, and with a wave of his palm, a ball of fire the size of a millstone condensed out, went upstream, dispersed the five-color torrent, and headed straight for the mutated peacock.


The mutated peacock let out a sharp cry, and the gorgeous five-color light in the sky suddenly shrank, and actually converged into five small crystal swords of different colors, emitting five kinds of light: gold, blue, red, green, and yellow. The blazing fireball chopped down.


The five small swords, which seemed to be only one meter long, showed a powerful power that was not consistent with their size. They easily destroyed the fireball the size of a millstone, and then attacked Xia Feng with unabated force.

Seeing this, Xia Feng immediately picked up Zixiao on the side and rushed forward, colliding with the golden sword rushing forward.

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A harsh sound rang out from the place of collision. The seemingly small and exquisite golden sword contained terrifying power. Thanks to the blessing of the God of War bracelet, Xia Feng was able to barely knock it away. But at the same time, the other four crystal swords flew away. The small sword was also stretched out towards him menacingly.

piss off!

Xia Feng roared angrily, and the purple sky in his hand suddenly swept out. The terrifying power made a whining sound as it rubbed against the air, and directly swept away the four small crystal swords at the same time.

But at this moment, the small golden sword that he had just knocked away flew back, slashing directly under Xia Feng's ribs at a tricky angle. Although Xia Feng reacted very quickly and twisted away, he still inevitably stayed behind. There was a wound that was an inch deep, and the armor that could withstand the five-color light blade was like paper at this moment.

The return of the golden sword was just the beginning. After drawing beautiful arcs in the air, the other four small swords also flew back one after another, leaving several wounds on Xia Feng's body.

Damn it, we all rely on mutation, and the one you're riding on is a cultivator!

Xia Feng looked at the five small crystal swords flying around him and couldn't help but curse. At the same time, he also moved Zixiao. Even if he couldn't block the attacks of the five small crystal swords, he had to at least protect the vital parts of his head. .

Of course, sitting still and waiting is not Xia Feng's style. While he was resisting the crystal sword, the zombie troops equipped with extreme ice cannons also aimed their muzzles at the mutated peacock in mid-air, firing beams of blue light. The mouth burst out, forming a fire net that enveloped the mutated peacock.

The mutated peacock who controls five small crystal swords seems to have no spare energy to release the colorful light blades. He can only flap his wings to dodge left and right, trying to avoid the attack of the ice cannon as much as possible.

However, under Xia Feng's order, the zombies would shoot non-stop as long as the energy of the crystal embedded in the Ice Cannon was not exhausted. Although the mutated peacock tried his best to avoid it, he could control the five small crystal swords while distracted. , or was hit by the Ice Cannon one after another.

However, the mutant peacock is far more powerful than ordinary mutant birds. The blue light beams falling on its feathers can only bloom a few ice flowers and form a thin layer of white frost.

But even so, the mutated peacock felt extremely angry. He let out a sharp cry, abandoned Xia Feng, and controlled five small crystal swords to slash at a hundred artillery zombies.

Even Xia Feng's small crystal sword could not withstand it. Killing ordinary zombies was like chopping melons and vegetables. With one slash, he could easily harvest more than a dozen zombies.

But as the five small crystal swords wreaked havoc among the artillery zombies, Xia Feng had a chance to fight back, but the mutated peacock was flying in the air at this time, and ordinary means could not even touch him.

Seeing that the mutant peacock had slaughtered a hundred artillery zombies and was about to target him again, Xia Feng was so anxious that he casually picked up an ordinary zombie next to him and threw it towards the mutant peacock as a hidden weapon. .

With Xia Feng's current arm strength, it is not an exaggeration to regard this ordinary zombie as a cannonball. In the blink of an eye, it crossed a distance of more than ten meters and hit the mutant peacock's abdomen. The terrifying force made its body tremble. He did two somersaults in the air before regaining his balance.

Seeing that this trapeze move was very effective, Xia Feng simply thrust Zixiao onto the ground, opened his bows with both hands, and continuously smashed zombies towards the mutated peacock.

Although the attack just now did not cause any substantial damage to the mutated peacock, it successfully attracted its attention. The five small crystal swords were recalled to its side and formed a sword net in the air. The light flashed and smashed everything. Cut the zombies into several pieces.

But Xia Feng had had enough of being suppressed and beaten. He finally seized the opportunity and was unwilling to give up. He still threw zombies at the mutated peacock. Not only him, but also Long, who had recovered a lot of strength. Xiang also joined in, and like him, he kept throwing zombies at the mutated peacock.

While the two sides were attacking and defending, they managed to maintain a strange balance and slowly became stalemate. Time also passed quietly in this duel. In the blink of an eye,

More than ten minutes passed, but the scene remained unchanged.

I thought that even if the mutated peacock was a practitioner, it would be impossible for him to control the five small crystal swords all the time. However, after more than ten minutes, the mutated peacock did not show any signs of fatigue. Instead, he felt that he was becoming more courageous as he fought.

Moreover, the control of the air has always been in the hands of the mutated peacock. Now it wants to protect its nest and is unwilling to leave. But in a dangerous moment, as long as it flaps its wings and flies to high altitude, Xia Feng can only stare on the ground.

Xia Feng didn't want to fight a battle that was destined to be fruitless, and he didn't want to have an enemy staring at him in the sky every day, giving him a few blows when he had nothing to do, and not being able to eat or sleep in peace, so he kept thinking about it in his mind. A good way to decide the outcome in one battle.

And when he caught sight of Long Xiang who was throwing zombies hard from the corner of his eye, a bold idea suddenly came to his mind. He immediately moved his steps, throwing zombies, and slowly moved closer to Long Xiang.

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