Crack! Click!

The crisp sound of the eggshell cracking reached everyone's ears through the thick ice. The bird's egg, which had not been damaged at all under Xia Feng's full attack, was now covered with spider web-like cracks. Through the cracks, You can also see a bright flash of colorful brilliance.

It's over. The mutant peacock has successfully advanced. Master, let's run! With the sea of ​​corpses as cover, the mutant peacock may not be able to kill us all. Long Xiang looked at the peacock that was about to break out of its shell and anxiously asked Xia Feng Promoting his escape plan.

For Long Xiang's demoralizing and cowardly behavior, Xia Feng would definitely scold him severely at ordinary times, but at this moment, Xia Feng ignored him at all and instead urged him with all his strength. Holding the spirit swallowing chain, he tried his best to swallow the spiritual energy.


A sharp cry came from the giant bird egg. The cracked egg completely shattered in an instant. Pieces of porcelain-like eggshells shot out in all directions, and the ice layer wrapped around the egg also exploded. The eggshell shattered under the impact, turning into a pile of broken ice and falling to the ground.

At the same time, a peacock with a body length of more than eight meters and covered with indigo feathers suddenly spread its wings. The colorful feathers behind it slowly bloomed, and an invisible pressure spread out. Star Novels Network

When the mutated peacock advanced, he was not completely ignorant of the outside world. There was a light of hatred in his black eyes. He flicked the colorful screen-like feathers on his tail, and five giant light blades of different colors appeared. It burst out from the feathers, drawing beautiful arcs in the air, and slashed towards Xia Feng who was devouring his spiritual veins.

But before the five light blades came close, several figures had already blocked Xia Feng and rushed forward at the same time. The one at the front was Long Xiang, who was most afraid of death. At this time, he was surrounded by red flames. , the dragon shadow in the chest mark also swam wildly, and with a punch, it shattered a blue light blade, turning it into little fluorescent lights and dissipating.

The second person to greet him was the vampire. His palms were covered with a layer of bright blood crystals at some point. As his palms danced, a golden blade of light was shattered, but the blood crystals wrapping his palms also followed. After being shattered, it was obvious that her strength was even worse than that of the old monster Long Xiang.

What blocked the third green light blade was the demon pupil. The third vertical eye exuded a scarlet luster. Three red rays of light burst out in succession, destroying the green light blade in mid-air.

The fourth light blade was blocked by the King of Heaven and King Kong. Facing the fourth-level mutant peacock, the two mutated tigers also showed their ability to suppress the bottom of the box. They opened their bloody mouths and let out deafening tiger roars. The invisible sound waves turned red. The light blade was completely annihilated.

As for the fifth path, it was blocked by two power zombies who had just advanced to the third level. However, they were just ordinary zombies. Without special abilities, although they barely blocked the khaki light blade, their fists were It left a scar that was deep enough to show the bone. If there were another scar, I'm afraid the palm would have to be cut off.

The mutated peacock missed a hit, flapped its wings, and flew into the air. Its screen-like feathers suddenly burst into dazzling five-color light, dyeing half of the sky into brilliant colors. It was so beautiful that it was intoxicating.

But often the more beautiful it is, the more dangerous it is. As the colorful light shines, small blades of light pour down like a shower, turning into a colorful torrent and sweeping towards the people below.

Go together!

The usually taciturn vampire gave a rare cry, and a cloud of blood mist rose from the pores of her skin, turning into a big bloody hand about ten feet in size in front of her, and swatted hard towards the colorful torrent.

The demon pupil standing next to her also activated the third vertical eye to the extreme. After being promoted to the third level, his vertical eye could already release nine beams of destructive light, and at this time, all the remaining six beams of light were erupted.

Compared to the two of them, Long Xiang was the most powerful. A fire cloud several meters in size condensed behind him. A red five-clawed divine dragon emerged from the fire cloud and drove the fire cloud towards the colorful torrent. Rush away.


Various attack methods collided with the five-color torrent, making a loud noise, and countless light blades were annihilated invisible at this moment, but at the same time, a violent energy wave burst out and spread in all directions.

Long Xiang, Mo Tong and the vampires were the first to bear the brunt. They were nearly exhausted and had no ability to resist the violent energy. They were all blown away, and the vampires with weaker defenses were even torn apart. With several wounds that were so deep that his bones were visible, he fell heavily to the ground and passed out.


One blow eliminated Xia Feng's three high-level combat forces, but the mutated peacock did not pause at all. As its wings waved, dense blades of light burst out, sweeping towards Xia Feng again.

The two mutated tigers, Heavenly King and King Kong, jumped out at this moment, and the deafening roar of the tigers erupted again. The invisible sound waves spread, blocking the colorful torrent in front of them.

It has to be said that the roar of the King of Beasts is very powerful. When the sonic attacks of the two mutant tigers spread, they could barely block the advance of the colorful torrent.

But the tiger's roar will eventually end. The moment the roar ends, the colorful torrent pours down like a flood from the gate, and the momentum is even greater than before.

The two mutated tigers, which had not even reached the third level, did not dare to directly attack the colorful torrent. They jumped to the left and right, narrowly avoiding the pouring range of the five-colored torrent.

As the two mutated tigers dodged, Xia Feng was left with only two level three zombies. They had only instincts and showed no fear at all. They faced the colorful torrent with a low roar from their mouths.

The seemingly beautiful light blade has

With the sharpness of a peerless magic weapon, the thick scales of the third-level zombies could not withstand the cutting of these light blades, and their tall bodies were instantly covered with crisscrossing scars.

However, the two zombies still had no intention of retreating. They dutifully guarded Xia Feng behind them, allowing the five-color light blade to break through their scales and slice off pieces of flesh, revealing the dense white bones.

In just twenty or thirty seconds, most of the flesh and blood of the two sturdy zombies was cut off, and even the skulls were exposed. Even zombies with strong vitality are not close to death at this level. Far.

At this moment, a pair of big hands covered with black armor grabbed two zombies on the verge of death at the same time, pulled them behind, and took one step forward at the same time. The four-meter-high body was like a steel city wall, standing still and blocking the Crazy cutting with five colored light blades.

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