The sea of ​​corpses composed of hundreds of thousands of zombies is like a huge monster that devours everything. Just a glance at the boundless tide of zombies makes people feel desperate. Even mutant beasts several meters tall are in the vast corpses. The sea is also so small.

The sea of ​​corpses keeps advancing, and from time to time you can see some survivors and mutant beasts emerging from underground caves or dilapidated houses on the road. These creatures hidden in the wild have no idea of ​​resistance in front of the oppressive sea of ​​corpses. , just running forward desperately, just hoping to get rid of the endless zombies.

Xia Feng has no interest in these survivors and mutant beasts. If they can run through the sea of ​​corpses, it means they are lucky. If they cannot run away, they will become nutrients for the evolution of zombies. The war is imminent, and he does not want to be trapped by these. Things are distracting.

Xia Feng was not interested, but the two mutant tigers, Tianwang and King Kong, were staring at the running mutant beasts. Kong Wu's powerful limbs ran quickly on the ground, and soon rushed out of the sea of ​​corpses, heading towards the attractive ones. The mutant beasts rushed towards them. Fortunately, the zombies were controlled by Xia Feng and took the initiative to make way for them. Otherwise, they would have knocked away many zombies along the way.

The land of Qilu is densely populated, and there are not many wild animals. The large animals in the zoo are very powerful, but the ones here are just rabbits, pheasants, and kittens and puppies that have escaped from the city. They are no match for the mutated tiger. Soon the two mutated tigers proudly returned to the sea of ​​corpses with their prey in their mouths. Star Novels Network

Pheasant, rabbit, wow! My friends brought back delicious food. Mo Xiaomo's black eyes were shining brightly, and her pink tongue subconsciously licked her lips, obviously she was greedy.

What? Do you want to eat? Xia Feng asked in his heart.

I want to eat it. My dad used to raise a big black dog. He often hunted rabbits. After peeling the skin and roasting it, it became delicious. Mo Xiaomo said, drooling from her mouth.

Xia Feng looked at Mo Xiaomo's cute and greedy look and couldn't help but smile. He walked up to the king and snatched the rabbit that was as big as a goat from its mouth. The king was still reluctant to let go, but then Xia Feng Got a punch.


The Heavenly King obviously still understood who was the boss in charge of the meal. He did not dare to resist when his prey was robbed. He let out a cry of grievance and then went to fight for the pheasant in King Kong's mouth.

Make a fire, make a fire. The vampire will go get some seasonings, and the demon will go find some water. Pull out the skin of the rabbit and clean it up. Xia Feng was holding the fat rabbit and shouting in his heart, while Mo Xiaomo was drooling. While acting as a translator.

While Xia Feng was busy making delicious food, the zombie army did not stop at all and kept marching towards the zoo. However, the number of hundreds of thousands of zombies was too huge. Even if they kept passing by, the zombies behind them were still It was so dark that it was impossible to see the end.


The rabbit with its fur and internal organs removed was roasted by the flames and sizzled. Drops of fat were roasted by the high temperature and dripped into the fire, making a crackling sound. At the same time, the alluring aroma of the meat slowly spread out. And out.

Beautiful, beautiful. Mo Xiaomo squatted aside, twitching her nose and smelling the aroma of the meat, sighing with satisfaction on her face.

The vampire who always likes to hide alone is now standing next to the flames. Before she has transformed, she looks like a girl next door. Her black and white eyes are looking at the beating flames, and she doesn't know what to think about it. What are you wearing?

As for the ghost, he honestly acted as a chef, constantly flipping the sizzling rabbit. Although Xia Feng was also very interested in showing off his cooking skills, he was still a zombie after all, so it would be fun if he got some viruses. But it's too big, so I can only direct from the side.

Long Xiang, Mo Tong and Iori, who had been staying on the head of the second-level zombie, were also quietly surrounding them at this time. Although each one looked more terrifying than the last, they did not look out of place in this boundless sea of ​​corpses. .

Barbecuing is a time-consuming thing. It is not until the sun sets and the cold moon climbs over the treetops that the rabbit is completely cooked. The blazing firelight shines on everyone's faces, and there is an unexpectedly warm atmosphere.

When the roasted rabbit meat, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, was sprinkled with a layer of cumin and chili powder, everyone's appetite was aroused. Mo Xiaomo was the first to be unable to bear it, and her white and tender hands quickly moved from the rabbit legs. He tore off a piece of barbecue and blew on it before putting it in his mouth.

But when he reached his mouth, he stopped again, put the barbecue in Xia Feng's hand, and said with a smile: My lord, eat first.


As soon as Xia Feng praised her in his heart, he saw Mo Xiaomo turning around, using all her strength to tear off the entire left hind leg, and howled excitedly: The delicious food has arrived, enjoy it, my friend. Hey, beauty is happening!

The Demon Ghost and the Vampire also took action one after another, each tearing off a large piece of barbecue. Then Long Xiang couldn't hold back anymore and asked the Demon Ghost to give him a piece. However, after only one bite, he lost interest and turned back. fling.

Before landing, King Kong and King Kong pounced on it at the same time. In the end, King Kong was the better and took the roasted meat into his mouth. King Kong was unwilling to give up and started fighting with King Kong instead.

Xia Feng looked at the scene in front of him and felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart. The scene in front of him seemed to be something he had longed for before the end. Several relatives and friends gathered together, eating barbecue and drinking beer, and there were two people beside him. A big dog wags its tail and begs for a bone.

Unexpectedly, the unfinished life before the end would be completed after the end. Although these two dogs are a bit big and the people around him should be called subordinates, it at least proved that his choice was not wrong. As long as he is strong enough, no matter what Whether you become a zombie or some kind of monster, you can make the people around you happy.

With this thought in his mind, the familiar fuzzy feeling appeared in front of his eyes again. As the gray mist rolled, he unexpectedly entered the spiritual space again.

After absorbing Long Xiang's mental power, the area of ​​the water pool in the mental space increased significantly, but at this time it slowly began to shrink again. The milky white water in the water pool also kept popping up bubbles one after another, also following the water pool. shrink and shrink.

But Xia Feng was not panicked. He could clearly feel that when the pool shrank, his mental power did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger. If it was said that absorbing Long Xiang's power originally made his mental power If his strength is a bit frivolous, after experiencing this change, his mental strength will become as solid as a rock.

A barbecue party has brought such great benefits. Am I really the chosen one? If that's the case, I just hope this trip to the zoo can go smoothly!

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