I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 44 Encirclement and Suppression of Mutated Beasts

The boundless sea of ​​corpses is frightening, but the speed is really incredible. A distance that an ordinary person can walk for half a day, but the sea of ​​corpses took three days and two nights to see the conspicuous sign of the zoo. .

After arriving at the zoo, Xia Feng did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the sky. In the high sky at this time, five large birds that looked like fighter jets were constantly circling, and would swoop down from time to time. Grab zombies one by one from the sea of ​​corpses and eat them in the air.

But the mutant birds are very disciplined. Only one mutant bird rushes down every time. Rather than hunting, it is more like testing the sea of ​​corpses, so Xia Feng did not use the Ice Cannon to deal with them. Anyway, hundreds of thousands of zombies are Here, even if dozens of them are captured, it's just a drop in the bucket.

These mutated birds had already appeared when the Sea of ​​Corpses was about ten kilometers away from the zoo. They were obviously scouts sent by the mutated peacocks. Under their surveillance, no action in the entire sea of ​​corpses could be hidden from the eyes of the mutated peacocks.

Being able to send out scouts to investigate the enemy's situation, and also know how to conduct small-scale harassment to test the reaction of the sea of ​​corpses, shows that the mutant peacock in the zoo must be very intelligent.

This was within Xia Feng's expectation. Level three mutant beasts were not as intelligent as some children, not to mention the mutant peacock with the ability to control mind, which was naturally more intelligent. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

However, Xia Feng's strategy this time was to be upright and overpower others. No matter how smart the mutated peacock was, it didn't matter. Unless it could give up its spiritual veins and escape, it would have to face the tide of corpses.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies swept towards the zoo under Xia Feng's control. Even though the zoo occupies a vast area, it can accommodate hundreds of thousands of zombies to attack at the same time. In order not to waste troops, Xia Feng simply divided the zombies into three parts, and one part was attacked from the front. Attack, the other two parts will roundabout and outflank from both sides of the zoo, slowly forming a huge pincer shape, firmly sandwiching the entire zoo in the middle, forming an airtight encirclement.

As the saying goes, if there are tens of thousands of people, it is boundless. Even if it is divided into three parts, when they pour into the zoo, they are still boundless and dye the earth black.

Naturally, such a large-scale attack could not go unnoticed by the mutated peacocks. Soon after the corpse sea striker entered the zoo, a dozen huge mutant beasts rushed out from the depths of the zoo and charged towards the corpse sea.

Compared to the endless sea of ​​corpses, these mutant beasts can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean, but the fighting power they display is frightening, especially the two leading mutant beasts.

The first one is a monkey-like mutant beast covered with golden hair. It is more than six meters tall and looks like a giant in front of ordinary zombies that are no more than two meters tall. Every time it waves its arms, a large number of zombies will be thrown away, as if Dumplings are average.

The other one is a huge spotted leopard. Although it is not as tall as the golden monkey, its lethality is more terrifying. A pair of front paws wave out afterimages, and the sharp nails are like a curved blade with an inner edge. Knife, cut all approaching zombies into several pieces.

Led by the Golden Monkey and the Spotted Leopard, more than a dozen mutated beasts slaughtered in all directions, leaving a thick layer of zombie corpses on the ground. There were faint signs of killing into the depths of the sea of ​​corpses.

Master, why don't you take action? Or you can use the Extreme Ice Cannon. Even if it takes a little effort, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with them! Long Xiang stood next to Xia Feng and asked in confusion.

They are just appetizers. There will be a big meal later. It is not worth showing off their trump card. Even though they are ferocious now, their strength will eventually run out. By then, they will become lambs to be slaughtered. Let us handle it. Xia Feng said calmly.

I see, the master is wise. Long Xiang remained flattering as always.

Don't call me Master anymore. It makes me look like a slave owner. Call me Pluto. Xia Feng suddenly remembered the title that he and Xie Dong had discussed together, and told Long Xiang.

Yes, Pluto. Long Xiang changed his name in an obedient manner, and he and Xia Feng watched the mutated beasts wreaking havoc in the sea of ​​corpses.

At the same time, in the direction of Quancheng, more than ten miles away from the zoo, two young men were walking on foot. One of the men was tall, holding a large bow more than two meters long in his hand, and carrying a black The quiver contains ten dark purple arrows.

The other man was relatively shorter and did not carry a weapon, but his eyes showed a strange blue color, and his whole body exuded a cold aura that kept strangers away.

Hey, Xihan, do you think the information this time is accurate? Are there really so many evolved beasts here in Zhangcheng District? the tall man holding a big bow said as he walked.

The man known as Eclipse Han turned his head and glanced at the tall man, and said coldly: Shifang, the information will not be wrong, we just need to complete the mission.

Hey, I know the prophet's information is correct. Isn't this a chat? If there are really so many evolved beasts, how much blood essence will be extracted? I'm afraid our abilities will be improved again. The man named Shifang The tall man said with a touch of fire in his eyes.

Ehanhan was not as optimistic as Shifang, and said as he walked: It's not like you haven't seen that evolved beast in the mountainous area. Killing a person with superpowers is as easy as killing a chicken. I'm afraid there are more than twenty evolved beasts away from here. It’s simple, be careful if you fail to hunt, you risk your life.”

Speaking of the evolved beasts in the mountainous area, Shifang also had a look of unnaturalness on his face, and said with lingering fear: We can't afford to offend that monster in the mountainous area, but it's not that easy for an evolved beast of that level to appear. As long as we are careful, it shouldn't be a problem. .”

I hope so! Eclipse Han whispered and hurried on, while Shifang stopped talking and followed closely behind Eclipse Han.

Xia Feng didn't know that other than him, there was anyone who dared to target the mutant beasts in the zoo. At this time, he was still using the corpse sea tactics to kill the power of the mutant beasts.

After several hours of fighting, more than a dozen mutant beasts showed almost abnormal fighting power. Tens of thousands of zombies died under their crazy attacks. Corpses were scattered on the ground in layers, causing the nearby ground to become stiff. Raised one level.

Of course, after killing so many zombies, the mutant beasts also paid a heavy price. The eight weakest mutant beasts have become food for the zombies, and the remaining mutant beasts are also injured.

Even the most ferocious golden monkey mutant is no exception. The most conspicuous thing is the zombie head hanging on its thigh. Although the zombie's body has long since disappeared, before death, the sharp teeth bit the golden monkey fiercely. The fur of mutant beasts.

Xiao Mo, let the vampires and demons take action! These mutated beasts are no longer a threat. It's time to transform them into combat effectiveness.

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