When Wu Kui heard Xie Dong's question, a slightly reserved smile appeared on his face, and he replied: The space here is spacious and there is no threat of zombies around. It is much better than our original pig farm.

Now that we know this is a good place, we must cherish it and cooperate with Qi Laoer to integrate the survivors of the pig farm into our collective. Don't have any other ideas. Xie Dong patted Wu Kui shoulder, with a strong warning in his tone.

Don't worry, leader, I will cooperate well. Those who have awakened their superpowers will be allowed to join the combat team. Some young and strong people will also be incorporated into the logistics team. Even some who are weak will be included in the logistics team. Got the job. Wu Kui replied respectfully.

That's good. Our base is just the beginning. It will get bigger and bigger in the future, and your benefits will be indispensable.

Xie Dong smoothly drew a big cake for Wu Kui, then turned to the mutated pig and shouted: Stop scratching the ground with that pig's mouth, get over here.

Mutated animals all have certain intelligence, even the pigs that were famous for being stupid before the end of the world. Hearing Xie Dong’s cry, the mutated pig immediately moved its four short legs and ran over, screaming in its mouth. A humming sound.

Follow me and I'll find you a place to live. Xie Dong grabbed the mutant pig's big ears and dragged it towards the academy.

Wu Kui stood aside and watched this scene, with a strong look of fear in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up and replaced it with a kind smile.

Bajiquan emphasizes using the heels as the source of power, using the legs to carry the waist, and transmitting power to the fingertips. The most important thing is explosive power. It seems simple and unpretentious, but in fact the force is exerted quickly and violently, moving like thunder.

Wang Jiukun said in his mouth, and his body quickly exerted force along with the explanation. He punched the wooden stake in front of him, breaking the wooden stake as thick as the mouth of a bowl with one punch.

Xia Feng stood aside and watched carefully. After coming out of the secret realm, he began to ask Wang Jiukun to teach him the Bajiquan technique, and at the same time, he was waiting for news from Xie Dong.

Of course, he did not miss the work of harvesting the secret realm, and left it all to Long Xiang. With his authorization, Long Xiang can also give simple orders to zombies with his excellent mental power. In addition, he has The architectural style of the Ice Dragon Clan is very familiar, and it can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Judging from the news that has been sent back so far, the harvest is very good. Not to mention other things, just a dozen of the eight-armed puppets were dug out, and more than fifty intact ice pole cannons were disassembled, and Xia Feng The long-range firepower is greatly enhanced.

Boss, I've told you about the technique of exerting force. Now let's start learning the moves! When the time comes, you can integrate the technique of exerting force into the moves and understand them. I guarantee that you will master it as soon as you learn it, and it will be easy to crack mountains and crack rocks. Wang Jiukun was very exaggerated. said.

Adults can also open mountains and crack rocks now. Mo Xiaomo sat on the stone bench next to her, holding a fluffy pink bear in her arms, chewing gum in her mouth, and said while blowing bubbles.

Adjectives, adjectives, let's learn the first posture, the starting posture. Wang Jiukun smiled awkwardly and quickly skipped the topic.

In fact, the most important thing in practicing boxing is the foundation. You need to train your body and hone your strength from an early age. The subtlety of the boxing technique is secondary. No matter how exquisite the boxing technique is, without strength and speed, it can only be a showpiece.

As a zombie, Xia Feng's current body may not even be penetrated by bullets, and his huge strength is even more frightening. On the contrary, the most time-consuming part can be skipped directly, as long as he learns the moves and power techniques.

In this way, there is the possibility of quick success. Even if he cannot master the complex moves in a short period of time, some small techniques for exerting force can increase his combat effectiveness by several percent in a short period of time.

Of course, Wang Jiukun's breathing technique has not been forgotten by Xia Feng. When he breathes according to a specific rhythm, he can feel a weak warm current flowing through his body. Although it is not as good as locking pulses and swallowing spirits, it is still better than It is much better to passively accept the baptism of spiritual power.

Time passed quietly while learning boxing, and three days passed in the blink of an eye. When the noon sun burst out with scorching light, the vampire responsible for liaison with Xie Dong also flapped his wide bat wings and brought back the latest news from the zoo.

It's all here. The vampire handed a neatly folded piece of white paper to Xia Feng, still cherishing the words like gold.

Xia Feng reached out and took the white paper, opened it carefully, looked at the densely packed small words on it, and quickly browsed it.

It has to be said that Xie Dong's invisible and clairvoyant people are simply born scouts, far stronger than zombies who only have instincts. The information they found out is very detailed, and the types and numbers of mutant beasts are all on paper. It is recorded in detail.

According to the information on the paper, there are a total of twenty-three mutant beasts gathered in the zoo now, and the species are quite diverse. Monkeys, leopards, wolves, antelopes, etc. are all mutated from rare animals in the previous zoo. .

With the zombies in the entire Zhangcheng District as his backing, and a powerful weapon like the Ice Cannon, Xia Feng no longer looked down upon the ordinary mutant beasts. He was confident of killing even the third-level mutant beasts.

But among the twenty-three mutant beasts, there are five bird mutant beasts, which makes Xia Feng feel a little troublesome. After all, the mutated birds fly faster, and even the Ice Cannon may not be able to hit them. With their ability to fly, they could directly ignore the sea of ​​corpses and eliminate Xia Feng's biggest reliance.

Of course, thorny things are tricky, but Xia Feng does not intend to delay the attack on the zoo any longer. According to the information obtained by the superpowers, there is indeed a spiritual vein in the zoo, and it is better than learning.

The school one is two or three times bigger. If a mutated beast reaches level four with the help of spiritual veins, it won't be a thorny problem.

When Xia Feng made up his mind, the zombies in the entire Zhangcheng District began to take action at this moment. Thousands of zombies gathered on the city's main road and swept along the wide road in the direction of the zoo.

The most conspicuous thing in the sea of ​​corpses is the power-type zombies that are more than two meters in size. The bulging muscles contain explosive power, which is in sharp contrast to the shriveled bodies of ordinary zombies.

Compared with strength-type zombies, speed-type zombies are like assassins, hiding low-key among ordinary zombies. Their thin bodies are perfectly integrated with the huge sea of ​​corpses, with only a pair of sharp saber-like claws shining. A faint cold light.

These second-level zombies are Xia Feng's elite troops, but when it comes to the real killer, they all stay by his side at this time.

Needless to say, Demon Eyes and Vampires, who have reached level three, will be an important force against mutant beasts this time.

Naturally, the two mutated tigers King Kong and King Kong will not be left behind. Although King Kong was injured by the Minotaur in the secret realm, after Xia Feng fed a large number of zombies, not only did Xia Feng completely recover from his injuries, but he and King Kong both reached the edge of advancement. He is only one chance away from being promoted to level three, and maybe he can successfully advance during this trip to the zoo.

Xia Feng did not let go of Long Xiang, a timid guy who was afraid of death. His body was already a level three zombie, and he had been transformed by the Red Nightmare Dragon Ball. His combat power was far stronger than that of ordinary zombies. Naturally, Xia Feng would not give him any slack. Opportunity.

In addition to them, there was also the artillery unit specially formed by Xia Feng for this operation. There were one hundred ordinary zombies equipped with ice cannons. Long Xiang worked hard for three days to dig out one hundred ice cannons. Only then had such a long-range attack force been formed, a trump card specially prepared for those bird mutant beasts.

Zoo, mutated peacock, I'm here, please become the nourishment for me to advance!

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