I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 39 Red Nightmare Dragon Ball

Secret realm? Please be more careful. Xia Feng asked.

The so-called secret realms are actually small spaces one by one, and the universe is a huge space. All small spaces exist attached to the universe and are accessories of the universe. You can think of the universe as a huge bubble. The secret realm is the small bubbles surrounding the big bubbles. Long Xiang's life was in Xia Feng's hands, and when faced with Xia Feng's questions, he explained it very carefully.

If it's just a small space, then the secret realm shouldn't be eternal, right? Will it collapse over time, or will it be affected and move? Xia Feng continued to ask.

Master is really wise. You are right. The secret realm is just a small space. Naturally, it does not exist forever like the universe. For example, this Dragon Prison secret realm will probably be broken after hundreds of thousands of years. And during this period , if it encounters an undercurrent in space, it will move along with it. Long Xiang said with a flattering look.

You mean this secret realm will float away at any time? Xia Feng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard this. He was still thinking of using this place as a secret base. If the secret realm kept moving, then this plan would be ruined. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

Long Xiang was quite familiar with the art of observing words and expressions. He immediately heard the implication of Xia Feng's words and explained with a smile: It won't float away at any time. The probability of undercurrents in space will appear is very small. Many secret realms will remain until the end. Destruction will not encounter a spatial undercurrent, and the Prisoner of the Dragon Secret Realm should have already encountered a spatial undercurrent before it was discovered by you. The possibility of encountering an undercurrent again is basically gone, so you can use it with confidence.

When Xia Feng heard Long Xiang's explanation, he nodded slightly, then changed the topic and continued to ask: The Dragon Prison Secret Realm, so to speak, this secret realm exists just to imprison you, right?

Master Yingming, this place was indeed built specifically for me. However, it takes a long time to talk about this matter. I wonder if it would be convenient for you, Master, to find me a body first. My current mental body is too weak. If I am in your If you stay here too long, you will assimilate me. Long Xiang said sadly.

After being tortured by the golden runes, his body shrunk from the original more than ten meters to about two meters. He no longer had the majesty he had before. On the contrary, due to the decline in strength, it was difficult to maintain his current body.

It's okay to give you a body. I have a lot of zombies that only have instincts. You can choose one at will. Xia Feng agreed very generously.

Thank you, Master. Long Xiang said with great gratitude.

This is nothing, but there is one thing I want to tell you clearly. None of my subordinates have the ability to speak. You must be mentally prepared. Xia Feng gave Long Xiang a vaccination in advance.

I thought Long Xiang might be a little dissatisfied, but unexpectedly he said indifferently: I have condensed a spiritual body, and I can communicate with my spiritual power. It doesn't matter whether I can speak or not.

That's good, leave my mental space! Several bodies have been prepared outside, you can choose as you like. Xia Feng nodded and said.


Long Xiang agreed, and while twisting his body, he nimbly got into the gray mist around the space and disappeared. As he left, the entire mental space quickly became illusory. It was obvious that Xia, who had not condensed his spiritual body, Feng doesn't have the ability to stay in the mental space at will.

His eyes returned to the tall palace, and ten level two zombies, five of the speed type and five of the strength type, were standing neatly in front of them.

Master, is this the body you prepared for me? Long Xiang asked excitedly. After returning to the real world, his body had shrunk to the size of a finger, looking like a little loach.

Choose one for yourself! Xia Feng pointed at the zombie in front of him and said.

When Long Xiang heard Xia Feng speak, his small body flew nimbly in the air, circling around the ten zombies. After carefully selecting them, he got into the head of the largest power zombie.

What a strange body. It is obviously filled with a sense of death, but it also contains a strong vitality. It is really a strange life form. Long Xiang sighed in wonder while waving his arms to adapt to the new body.

The unintentional words aroused Xia Feng's interest, and he asked: Why, haven't you seen zombies before?

No! I've never seen it before, but it's not surprising. The universe is vast and there are countless special life forms. It's nothing. Long Xiang said very casually.

After Xia Feng heard this, he stopped continuing the topic and said instead: You didn't answer me just now, how did you get imprisoned here?

Hi! Actually, it's nothing. I just made some mistakes, and our Red Dragon Clan and Ice Dragon Clan haven't dealt with them. They took advantage of the situation and sentenced me to eternal imprisonment, so I'm trapped here. But it's over now. In countless years, the Ice Dragon Clan might have been extinct.

Long Xiang didn't seem to like mentioning the past, so he just mentioned it in a few simple sentences. Then he changed the topic and continued: Although this Dragon Prison Secret Realm was built to imprison me, there is another treasure that is also sealed here. Now it’s just right to dedicate it to the master.”

Although Xia Feng knew that Long Xiang wanted to cover it up, he was not interested in understanding these racial grievances separated by thousands of miles, so he followed Long Xiang's topic and asked, What other treasures are there?

Master, you don't know something. Although this place was built to seal me, while sealing me, it also suppressed two Red Nightmare Dragon Balls. Here! They are the beads held in the two dragon heads on the cauldron. Xiang pointed to the big cauldron in the palace and said.

Red Nightmare Dragon Ball? Is it the source of power for your dragon clan? Xia Feng asked. He had been influenced by many mythological stories and was still very familiar with the Dragon Ball.

That's not true. The Red Nightmare Dragon Ball is a magical item left behind by the strong men of our Red Dragon tribe after their death. It has the magical ability to strengthen the body, but it can only be used by the Red Dragon tribe. The bastards of the Ice Dragon tribe suppressed them here because they wanted to Destroy the divinity in the dragon ball, and then take it for yourself. Long Xiang shook his head and said.

Since they were left behind by you, the strong men of the Red Dragon Clan, they should be of greatest benefit to you! Do you want to get these two dragon beads? Xia Feng patted the cauldron and said slowly.

After Xia Feng revealed what he was thinking, Long Xiang didn't take it seriously. Instead, he stretched out a finger and said, One, I only want one. The other one is naturally dedicated to the master. After all, the divinity of the Red Nightmare Dragon Ball has long been eliminated, and even those who are not members of the Red Dragon Clan can easily absorb it.


As Xia Feng spoke, he put his hand into the dragon's mouth and took the black-looking bead in his hand. Before he could take a closer look, red light bloomed from the pillar...

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