
The moment the golden rune entered the body, a shrill scream suddenly came from Long Xiang's mouth, resounding throughout the entire mental space, and even the surrounding fog was shaken by the roar.

He didn't know why these bean-sized golden runes caused Long Xiang such pain, but after Xia Feng saw the golden runes, he breathed a sigh of relief. The green jade runes were finally here to save him, at the critical moment. , this baby must be reliable!

Ah! What the hell is this? Why can't I move? Let me go.

Long Xiang kept twisting his body and wailing loudly, but no matter how he twisted, his body was still firmly fixed in place, unable to move at all. Instead, golden runes continued to penetrate his body. His red body was rendered with a layer of light gold.

And as a large number of golden runes penetrated, wisps of milky white energy also escaped from his huge body, like white elves flying in all directions, but no matter how they flew, they ended up Everyone will dive into the pool, blend into the milky white water, and become a part of it.

As more and more milky white energy was integrated into the water pool, the water pool that was originally only a few meters in size quietly began to expand. On the other hand, Long Xiang's body became increasingly thin as more and more energy escaped. The smaller. Star Novels Network

Long Xiang's body was completely condensed by mental power. Feeling the constant loss of body energy, Long Xiang became more and more frightened. When his body shrank to the size of seven or eight meters, he finally couldn't hold it back and turned towards him. Xia Feng begged for mercy: Stop, stop sucking, I was wrong, I am willing to surrender, stop.

Surrender? You dare to surrender but I dare not accept it. Who knows when you will bite me back? You should just become the nourishment of my spiritual space! Xia Feng said coldly.

Although he knew that Long Xiang's origin was definitely unusual, and he probably had a lot of knowledge about spiritual energy, it was not safe to keep such an old monster around, so he would rather spend more time exploring it slowly. Be willing to accept surrender.

The most important thing is that although the green jade talisman came to save lives, he couldn't control it at all! If the green jade talisman is unwilling to stop, it will be useless even if he agrees.

No, I can recognize you as my master. We, the Red Dragon Clan, are born with the ability to separate the source of spiritual power. If you master the source, you will master my life. You can wipe me out in a single thought, so you don't have to worry about my betrayal. . Long Xiang said anxiously.

After hearing this, Xia Feng suddenly became interested, but still said in a cold tone: Who knows whether what you said is true or false, you'd better become a nutrient.

In just these few words, Long Xiang's body shrunk by about one meter. Faced with a life and death crisis, he was confused. He explained very eagerly: Really, what I said is true. Our Red Dragon Clan is here. I am very talented in spiritual power. I can understand your language because we, the Red Dragon Clan, are born to be proficient in hundreds of languages. Splitting our spiritual origin is also one of our talents. No other ethnic group can, only we can.

Okay then! You split the spiritual source first and I have a look. Xia Feng said, even if the golden runes are not under his control, there is no harm in trying it. If it succeeds, it will be equivalent to gaining more experience. With rich and powerful helpers, even if you don't succeed, you won't lose anything, no matter what.

At this time, Long Xiang was like a drowning man who was about to drown, desperately trying to grab the last straw to save his life. Even if this straw could not save his life, he was still willing to try.

Upon hearing Xia Feng's request, Long Xiang let out a long dragon roar, and a drop of transparent drop-shaped liquid emerged from the center of his eyebrows and slowly floated towards the expanding pool.

What are you going to do?

Long Xiang's actions aroused Xia Feng's alert. Although Long Xiang acted like he was sincerely surrendering, he still did not dare to be careless. After all, this was his own mental space. If something happened, it would be too late to cry.

I put the source into your spiritual energy, and you can control my life and death. You let me put it in and I can feel it. Long Xiang explained feebly. It seemed that the drop of the source was split and wasted on him. Not small.

Then put it in!

Xia Feng thought for a moment, and finally nodded and agreed. Anyway, there is a big killer weapon like the blue jade talisman, so it is worth trying.

With Xia Feng's permission, Long Xiang regained control of the transparent water droplets and flew towards the pool. After flying above the pool, they dropped vertically and merged into the milky white pool water, creating a subtle trace in the rolling pool. Check the splash.

As the transparent water droplets fell into the pool, Xia Feng suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. This feeling was very similar to when controlling zombies. He could feel that Long Xiang, who was connected to the other end of the feeling, was completely controlled by him. , one thought of life, one thought of death, it all depends on his will.

After controlling life and death, Long Xiang, the younger brother, was officially accepted, but he couldn't control the blue jade talisman at all, and he could still only watch Long Xiang being slowly squeezed dry.

Master, I have recognized you as my master, please stop immediately! If I lose some more mental power, I won't be able to even condense my body. Long Xiang begged miserably.

Before he finished speaking, Long Xiang was surprised to find that his spiritual power stopped dissipating, and golden runes emerged from his body one by one, returning to the boiling pool water. His body also regenerated at this moment. Got free.

Thank you master, thank you master.

Long Xiang, who had regained his freedom, ran out ten meters away like lightning, far away from the pool that frightened him, and kept thanking Xia Xia.


Xia Feng was also a little confused at this time. After thinking about it, he could only attribute it to the fact that the blue jade talisman was very spiritual. Knowing that Long Xiang was now a friend rather than an enemy, he took the initiative to let him go.

But naturally he would not tell Long Xiang all this. Only by maintaining a sense of mystery could Long Xiang do things for him more sincerely.

Therefore, Xia Feng did not deny it, but said lightly: Okay, no need to thank me, since you recognize me as your master, I will naturally not watch you die. After all, you have lived for endless years, and you still have something in your head. A lot of stuff that interests me.”

Whatever the master wants to know, I will tell you everything. Long Xiang seemed very polite.

Let's talk about this world first! Xia Feng said the question he wanted to know most.

The world? Long Xiang was stunned when he heard this, and then explained with a smile: Master, this can't be called a world, it's just a small secret realm.

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