I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 40 The ability to evolve

Cracks appeared on the dark beads, and crimson light bloomed from the cracks. Each ray of light contained the high temperature of molten iron, causing the surrounding temperature to suddenly increase several degrees.

Master, be careful, throw it away quickly.

Long Xiang shouted anxiously. As a member of the Red Dragon tribe, he knew the power of the Red Nightmare Dragon Ball clearly. If he did not use the correct method and activated the power of the dragon ball rashly, the only outcome would be no bones left.

Although Xia Feng showed strange abilities in the mental space that frightened Long Xiang, he knew very well that Xia Feng was still a low-level being and could not resist the high temperature released by the Red Nightmare Dragon Ball.

If it were endless years ago, he would naturally be too lazy to care about Xia Feng's life and death, but now that Xia Feng has mastered his spiritual origin, once he dies, his soul will be gone. Instead, he has become the one who cares about Xia Feng's life and death the most.

Throw it away? Why throw it away? Xia Feng asked in confusion, holding the Red Nightmare Dragon Ball in his hand.

Uh! It's okay, I'm talking nonsense, don't worry. Long Xiang looked at Xia Feng as if he were looking at a monster, his eyes full of doubts.

Although the energy released by the Red Nightmare Dragon Ball is not spiritual energy, its destructive power is more powerful. Even Long Xiang in his heyday did not dare to resist, but Xia Feng at this time seemed to be completely fine.

The only thing that looked weird was his chest. The red runes representing the fire transformation exuded a faint fluorescence. As soon as the light released by the Red Nightmare Dragon Ball came close to Xia Feng's body, it would be swallowed by the red runes. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

The master is the master. He is indeed different from ordinary people. Long Xiang sighed loudly.

Just as he was sighing, the red runes on Xia Feng's chest began to spin. It seemed that he was no longer satisfied with passive acceptance, and erupted with a strong suction force, swallowing up the light emitted by the Red Nightmare Dragon Ball. .

As the red light was swallowed up, the cracks on the dragon ball gradually expanded. After touching it for about ten minutes, the cracked dragon ball finally shattered under the load, and several fragments of different shapes were quietly broken. Lying in Xia Feng's hands, it no longer had any luster.


At the same time, a loud dragon roar came from Xia Feng's body, and the five-pole rotation started on its own without his permission. Red lines spread all over his body, and blazing flames rose around his body.

After completing the fire transformation, Xia Feng felt an uneasy feeling of depression for no apparent reason. He subconsciously raised his palm and pushed it forward slightly.

The next moment, a fireball the size of a washbasin condensed out of the palm of his hand and shot out like a fireball. It accurately hit the bluestone ground not far away, exploding a large crater two meters square.

The Red Nightmare Dragon Ball can actually enhance my fire transformation. Does that mean that if I find the right materials, my other transformations can also evolve! Xia Feng looked at the giant pit in front of him, silently in his heart. thought.

Brother Feng, when did you learn this move? Why does it feel more powerful than my Zidian Jingtian Po? Xie Dong smacked his lips and sighed. He had been standing next to him just now, but Long Xiang entered Xia Feng's body after , he has always used mental communication, so he is still confused until now.

My move is called Red Nightmare Dragon Flame, what do you think, it's not bad! Mo Xiaomo was not here at the moment, Xia Feng could only write on the ground with his claws, and there was a sense of pride in the words.

Not having the ability to attack from a distance has always been a pain in Xia Feng's heart. Now that he finally has this ability, he naturally feels comfortable. Even naming this move came naturally. Red Nightmare Dragon Flame naturally appeared in his mind. name.

It can only be regarded as a generalization. My current strength is not as good as yours, and the power of Zidian Jingtian Po has not been shown yet, otherwise it will definitely be stronger than yours. Xie Dong said unconvinced.

Xia Feng didn't have the chance to speak with jealousy from Dong Man, but pointed to another Red Nightmare Dragon Ball and said: Long Xiang, this is yours.

Thank you, Master!

Long Xiang thanked him, and then he couldn't wait to grab it from the dragon's mouth. He took the black dragon ball into his hand, opened his mouth, stuffed it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it wholeheartedly.

At the entrance of the dragon ball, Long Xiang's zombie body suddenly glowed with red luster. His body of more than two meters tall quickly grew to about three meters in a few breaths, becoming a level three zombie.

At the same time, a group of beating flame marks condensed on his chest, and there was a dragon shadow looming in the flame, which was extremely mysterious.

Xia Feng saw all the changes in Long Xiang, and he was not surprised by this. After all, the Red Nightmare Dragon Pearl belonged to the Red Dragon Clan, so it was understandable that it would have a greater effect on Long Xiang.

What he is thinking about now is another thing. Now he is a zombie at the top of the third level. After entering the Dragon Prison Secret Realm, he obtained treasures such as the Ice Extreme Cannon and the Yellow Bracelet. The Five Extremes Rotation has also successfully evolved, although he has not yet been promoted. Level 4, but its strength has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

The zoo, which he was afraid of at the beginning, finally gained the strength to get involved. As his strength increased, he also discovered that there was an invisible wall blocking him on the way to the fourth level zombie. If If you want to successfully advance, you may need a very large amount of spiritual energy, and this spiritual energy will most likely fall on the spiritual veins in the zoo.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng wrote on the ground: Dongzi, there is nothing going on here. You should return to the base immediately and pick a few smart people with powers to help me find out some information.

Inquiring about news? What news? Xie Dong asked.

There is a zoo in Zhangcheng District, did you know? Xia Feng continued to write.

I know, you want me to find out about the mutated beasts inside? Although Xie Dong was very nervous, he was not stupid, and he immediately understood what Xia Feng meant.

Xia Feng nodded, confirming his idea.

No problem, I'll go right away. Where can I find you if I get any information? Xie Dong agreed and asked smoothly.

In three days, I will let the vampire find you. Xia Feng wrote on the ground.

Okay! Xie Dong nodded and strode out of the hall. At this time, Long Xiang had also completed absorbing the dragon beads and used his mental power to communicate with Xia Feng: Master, there is nothing valuable in this hall. Something, should we leave the secret realm directly or wait.

Don't be in a hurry, it took a long time to get here, you have to clean it up. Xia Feng said as he walked out of the hall.

Long Xiang followed closely behind Xia Feng and asked puzzledly: Scavenge? The dragon beads have been absorbed by us, what else is there to harvest?

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