There was a lot of noise during the battle with the purple puppets. If Xie Dong and the ghosts were nearby, they would have heard the noise and ran over. They haven't seen anyone yet. I'm afraid something happened again. .

Xiaomo, let the vampire go take a look. Xia Feng said to Mo Xiaomo from the bottom of his heart, asking her to translate the order to the vampire.

After receiving the order, the vampire spread his bat wings and flew towards the ruins. After a while, he flew back and said, I didn't find them, but I saw some traces of walking. They should have gone deeper into the ruins.

These two guys are really restless.

Xia Feng complained in his heart, and then said to the vampire: You fly fast, follow the traces they left first, I will lead a large force to follow behind, if you encounter danger or other situations, notify me in time.

Mo Xiaomo translated all the words at the side in one breath, then patted her chest and let out a long breath. The vampire nodded slightly and flew into the sky again, following the traces left by Xie Dong and the two of them, toward Search deep in the ruins.

After the vampire left, Xia Feng also took Mo Xiaomo into the ruins. The tens of thousands of zombies behind him slowly dispersed under his command, like a black wave that swallowed everything, slowly moving towards the depths of the ruins. Advance.

The speed-type zombies that have reached the second level act as scouts to explore dangers. Their thin bodies jump nimbly over the ruins of the wall, like black monkeys. Star Novels Network

Xia Feng walked with a steady pace, scanning the surroundings while walking. Although the main purpose this time was to rescue Xie Dong, after harvesting the five-color crystals from the purple puppet, he was also very interested in this ruins. He was not I believe that there will be no treasures in the area that can stop the purple puppet.

Mo Xiaomo's eyes widened as well, and she kept scanning around, with an unusually serious look on her face, refusing to let go of anything suspicious. She looked even more serious than Xia Feng.

The reason for this was because Xia Feng promised her that as long as she could find treasures, he would give her a few plush toys. The more she found, the more she would give, which aroused her enthusiasm.

It's a pity that the innocent little girl didn't expect that the entire Zhangcheng District has become Xia Feng's possession. Not to mention a few, even a few cars of stuffed toys are nothing to Xia Feng now.

We need to educate the little girl more in the future! Let her know that society is dangerous and people's hearts are complicated. She must not be easily deceived by some man's sweet words.

Xia Feng thought silently in his heart, but Mo Xiaomo's crisp cry suddenly sounded in his ears: Oh! Treasure, treasure has appeared, treasure has appeared.

While speaking in a unique language, the little girl stretched out her white and tender hands and pulled out the broken stone pillar like a carrot. The cylinder, which was the size of an adult's arm and was wrapped in soil, was pulled out. When she came out, the little girl also sat down on the ground.

But she didn't mind it at all. She grabbed the cylinder with both hands and waved it while saying excitedly: Stuffed toys, stuffed toys, beauty has happened.

Little beautiful monster, I will take you to pick them out when we get out. First, pat the dirt on your body.

Xia Feng took the cylinder, flicked Mo Xiaomo's head lovingly, and then focused on the cylinder in his hand.

This cylinder has obviously been buried for a long time, and it was tightly wrapped in mud. Only a hint of dark blue luster was exposed on the edge. I really don't know how Mo Xiaomo found it.

Xia Feng raised his palm, used his sharp nails as a scraper, and gently scratched the cylinder. As the soil fell to the ground, the true face of the cylinder was revealed in front of him.

This thing turned out to be a dark blue cylinder, but the cylinder was filled with soil, so it was mistaken for a solid one. The inside and outside of the cylinder were covered with beautiful silver patterns, and the intersection of the patterns , is inlaid with translucent prismatic crystals.

The appearance of these prismatic crystals looks very similar to the multicolored crystals in the purple puppet's body, but they are smaller and the color is only pure blue.

On the inner wall of the cylinder, there is a swollen red bulge. Xia Feng pressed it lightly with his finger, and the bulge was pressed down. It seemed to be a button.

The moment the button was pressed, a dozen prismatic crystals inlaid on the cylinder suddenly shined brightly, and the beautiful silver lines also lit up brightly, covering the entire cylinder in a brilliant light. In the brilliance, it looks like a peerless treasure.

The changes in the cylinder did not stop there. At the end of the left side of the cylinder, a small and exquisite blue translucent screen slowly rose. A scarlet crosshair appeared in the center of the screen, and several lines of Xia Feng appeared around it. Completely incomprehensible symbols kept flashing.

Is it a weapon? Xia Feng looked at the cylinder in his hand, an idea came to his mind, and then he tried to put it on his arm.

As soon as the cylinder came into contact with the arm, a strong suction force erupted, firmly fixing itself on Xia Feng's arm. At the same time, five blue arcs also spread out from the cylinder and wrapped around Xia Feng respectively. On five thick fingers wrapped in scales.

Being entangled by these arcs, Xia Feng did not feel any numbness. He tried to clench his fingers and found that blue rays of light quickly gathered at the front end of the cylinder, condensing into a blue light group the size of a pigeon egg, emitting A hint of chill.

Are these five arcs the excitation devices of weapons?

Xia Feng silently guessed in his heart, and slowly loosened his clenched palms, and the blue light group slowly dissipated as his palms stretched.

It seems to be a high-tech device with a security system.

Xia Feng muttered to himself, then straightened his arms, and used the crosshair on the screen above the cylinder to aim at an incomplete statue in the distance with only half of its body left. His fingers wrapped with electric arcs clenched suddenly, then released, and then again Hold it tightly and hold it twice at a very short speed.

The next moment, a dazzling blue light spurted out from the cylinder, passing through a distance of hundreds of meters like a sudden gap, and accurately hit the broken statue.

With the center of the circle where the blue light hit, blue ice flowers spread quickly. In just a few breaths, the two-meter-high statue was completely wrapped in blue ice flowers.

Just at this time, a headwind hit, and the frozen statue made a crisp sound like glass shattering, shattered suddenly, and turned into countless ice crystals scattered on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Xia Feng opened his mouth in surprise. He really didn't expect that the cylinder was so small and exquisite, and could burst out with such amazing destructive power, which was much more powerful than firearms of the same size.

However, this attack is not without cost. After an attack, the prismatic crystal inlaid on the cylinder becomes visibly dimmed. Obviously, this thing cannot be used infinitely. Once the energy in the prismatic crystal is exhausted, it will Can no longer be used.

But this does not affect Xia Feng's love for it. As a boy, he has no resistance to firearms, especially firearms full of science fiction colors.

I'll call you Extreme Ice Spear from now on. Xia Feng gave the cylindrical weapon a name, but then he touched the barrel full of silver patterns, shook his head, and murmured to himself: Not good. It's really not in line with your status to call you a gun, so you might as well call it a cannon! Extreme Ice Cannon.

After taking out the name that he was satisfied with, Xia Feng turned his attention to the place where the extreme ice cannon was dug out just now. He stretched out his hand and ordered to the zombies behind: dig up this place.

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