Before the end of the world, Xia Feng had seen many puppets and robots in movies, but these purple puppets were completely different from those he had seen in movies. Instead, they looked more like large puppets carved from purple wood. Only the hands The purple sword inside looks like an iron weapon.

Moreover, there are wisps of fluorescence flowing on the surface of the purple puppet, running around on the wooden body of the purple puppet, like a group of naughty elves.

The purple puppet didn't seem to have any thoughts. It was just executing a certain order, killing all outsiders, or killing all living things. After discovering that Xia Feng was approaching with a group of corpses, the purple eyes flashed with light, and hundreds of puppets rushed over at the same time.

Xia Feng naturally had no interest in communicating with these stupid puppets. When he saw them rushing towards them, he immediately faced them with Zixiao in his hand without any fear.

To be honest, Xie Dong and the vampires were able to fight and flee all the way to the ruins despite being burdened by the evil spirit. Xia Feng really didn't care much about dealing with these puppets.


Zixiao, who looked like a three-edged military thorn, was regarded as a baseball bat by Xia Feng. He hit it hard and sent the purple puppet flying at the front. It flew more than ten meters away like a kite with its string broken, and fell heavily. on the ground.

Xia Feng didn't even look at the purple puppet. He raised his leg and kicked out another puppet on the chest, knocking it to the ground cleanly. Star Novels Network

Of course, at this time, Xia Feng, who did not know any fighting skills, was inevitably attacked by the other two puppets. However, the sharp swords in the hands of the two puppets struck Xia Feng. In addition to causing a string of sparks, even Not even a single white mark was left behind. Instead, Xia Feng swung Zixiao in his hand and flew backwards, knocking down several companions one after another.

At this moment, Xia Feng felt extremely happy. He finally found a battlefield suitable for him to perform, and showed his powerful strength as a level three zombie, one against a hundred.

In the city, the buildings are a paradise for petite speed zombies like Mo Tong. On the contrary, they are a kind of constraint for Xia Feng's giant body, and there is no such hearty feeling as now.

When the fight started, Xia Feng simply thrust Zixiao into the ground and started fighting these puppets with his bare hands. His huge size made his punches and kicks contain tremendous power. From time to time, a puppet would fly into the sky. , and then fell to the ground, making a dull sound.


After another puppet was knocked to the ground by a hammer, Xia Feng glanced at it with scarlet eyes, but suddenly found that the number of puppets around him had not decreased at all. Only a dozen of them were lying on the ground motionless, and the rest were all alive and well. , launched attacks continuously. He was so excited just now that he didn't pay attention to this matter.

He knew his own strength well. Even a building made of concrete and steel bars was as brittle as a piece of paper under Xia Feng's fists. But these purple puppets seemed to be unbeatable Xiaoqiang, even if they were knocked down by him and flew away. , can also get up quickly, which is enough to show how powerful the purple puppet's defense is. It is no wonder that Xie Dong, an S-level superpower, is also helpless.

You're the bastard, right? Today I want you to see what the defense-breaking claws are, the ultimate gold, transform me.

Xia Feng howled in his heart, and the golden runes on his chest suddenly lit up with dazzling light, and golden lines spread out, making his burly body more noble and majestic.


With the blessing of metallic transformation, Xia Feng's red-gold palm fiercely tore open the purple puppet's defense, and then thrust his arm forward and penetrated directly through its chest.

After receiving this heavy blow, the light in the purple puppet's eyes suddenly dimmed. As Xia Feng retracted his arm, he fell to the ground, motionless, and there was no possibility of getting up.

In Xia Feng's palm, there was a prismatic five-color crystal. This crystal looked a little dim, but when he held it in his hand, Xia Feng could clearly feel the huge spiritual energy contained in it.

Could it be that these puppets are all driven by spiritual energy, and this thing is their power system?

Xia Feng guessed in his heart, and broke open the chest of another puppet again, and sure enough he found another multicolored crystal. Compared to the previous one, this one was dimmer, but the aura it contained was still very optimistic.

I thought I was just fighting quest monsters, but I didn't expect that I could also explode experience stones.

Xia Feng's scarlet eyes shone with excitement. The purple puppets in front of him were no longer cold puppets, but turned into cute experience babies.

Little darlings, no one of you can run away today, they are all mine.

Xia Feng screamed lustfully in his heart, and rushed into the center of the purple puppets like a tiger descending from the mountain. With his golden claws waving, he grabbed pieces of five-color crystals from the chests of the purple puppets, frantically harvesting the spiritual energy needed for advancement.

When the last purple puppet fell to the ground, Xia Feng had already made a hill with five-color crystals on the ground. Amazing spiritual energy emanated from the hill, making the vampire and Mo Xiaomo unconsciously move closer. , greedily accepting the baptism of spiritual energy.

On the contrary, the zombies like Demon Eyes had not received Xia Feng's orders and had been standing motionless. However, from the occasional restlessness, they could feel their desire for spiritual energy in their bones.

However, Xia Feng did not plan to give the five-color crystal to them. Even the vampires and Mo Xiaomo did not have the ability to lock pulses and swallow spirits. It would be too wasteful to passively absorb the spiritual energy of the five-color crystal. Instead of using the five-color crystal , it would be easier to practice next to the spiritual veins.

Opening his palms, five dark chains flew out from his palms and danced into the hill made of five-color crystals. The next moment, a huge amount of energy no less than the school's spiritual veins poured into Xia Feng's body, turning into waves. The warm current nurtured his body.

At the same time, Xia Feng's height also began to grow again, gradually climbing from the original three meters three to three meters four, three meters five, and three meters six. The effect was even better than that of a whole spiritual vein.

The feeling of increasing strength is wonderful, but it goes away as quickly as it comes. When Xia Feng reached 3.6 meters in height, hundreds of five-color crystals were turned into powder and blown away by the breeze, and could no longer provide anything. of aura.

Five-color crystals and five-color spiritual veins can be swallowed by the spirit-swallowing chain, and both appear in five colors. Could it be that the five-color crystal is the grandfather of the five-color spiritual veins, so that is why it has this effect.

Xia Feng thought with some wickedness in his heart. At the same time, he looked into the ruins. The purple puppets had all been eliminated. Why didn't Xie Dong and the ghosts come out yet?

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