Under Xia Feng's order, the zombies started to move one after another. The powerful second-level zombies became the main force of this excavation. The hard palms covered with scales and paired with sharp nails were like sharp shovels. , quickly cleaning up the severely weathered stone pillars, bricks, tiles and other debris.

When these things were gradually cleaned up, a huge purple monster slowly appeared in Xia Feng's sight. The monster was about three meters tall. Like the puppets outside, it was also made of unknown wood. from.

But compared to those puppet-like puppets, this monster has eight arms on its upper body. Each arm has a small groove. It is the extreme ice cannon that Mo Xiaomo found just now. Only One arm was empty, because the extreme ice cannon on it had already reached Xia Feng's hand.

After some careful inspection, Xia Feng found that except for the extreme ice cannon, every finger of the eight-armed monster was hollow and should be some kind of weapon. The same was true on the shoulders and forehead. It could be called a A humanoid fire platform.

After checking the eight-armed monster's body, Xia Feng used Dejinji to transform again, using the metal's defense-breaking ability to break open the eight-armed monster's chest. After some groping, he took out a five-color crystal, the size of a purple puppet. The one in the body is exactly the same, but the crystal is extremely dim. With a little force, it turns into a pile of powder, but there is no spiritual energy left.

Obviously, this eight-armed monster uses spiritual energy as power just like the purple puppet, but it consumes more spiritual energy than the purple puppet. Therefore, after the spiritual energy is exhausted, it completely turns into a pile of rotten wood and is eventually destroyed. The palace collapsed underneath due to severe weathering.

With a judgment in his mind, Xia Feng raised his hand and let the powder in his hand fly away in the wind. Then he took it personally and dismantled all the remaining ice cannons of the puppet. After cleaning up the dust, he tested them one by one. one time.

Five of them are intact, and only two ice pole cannons are damaged. All of them are broken by silver lines, and the energy of the prismatic crystal is exhausted. It seems that the silver lines have the function of protecting the prismatic crystal and can slow down the loss of energy, so Only ice cannons with broken silver lines will run out of energy.

He handed one of the best-preserved ones to Mo Xiaomo for self-defense, and handed the remaining four to the younger brothers behind him. Of course, the two bad ones can't be wasted, they can always be used as research materials, so Xia Feng didn't even let go of the eight-armed monster's body. He found a few power zombies to be carried as coolies and took them with him.

This thing has two words reflected all over it, that is, advanced. Let alone China, even if it is placed in the entire earth, it should be the only one. Even if it is of no use, it is not bad to just keep it as an antique. , if there are descendants in the future, it will be passed down as a family heirloom.

Xia Feng was silently thinking about what he wanted, but he heard Mo Xiaomo sighing from the side: Sir, you are indeed diligent and thrifty! You will definitely be very beautiful in the future.

Hmph! Even if a mosquito flies in front of me, it still has to leave one leg. My principle has always been that what's yours is mine, and what's mine is still mine. Mo Xiaomo, it's the end of the world anyway, it's better to raise an evil loli than a good baby.

Just when he was about to instill some other thoughts into the little girl, the vampire flew back from a distance. After landing, Xia Feng took the initiative and said without Xia Feng asking, We found it. They are trapped in front.

Well! Let's go then!

Xia Feng nodded and left the ordinary zombies to hurry on. He took the second-level zombies with him and followed the vampire to the place where Xie Dong was trapped. As for finding the treasure, there was no rush at this moment. He would wait until Xie Dong was rescued. Dong, it’s not too late to search slowly.

In order to increase the speed, Xia Feng simply put Mo Xiaomo on his neck, and then he led the tireless zombie army to run all the way. Under the leadership of the vampire, after running for more than half an hour, a magnificent The huge palace appeared in front of him.

The builder of the palace must also be a relatively large being. The two gates alone are more than five meters high, and the square in front of the palace is as big as four or five football fields.

At the four corners of the square, there is a blue stone pillar as thick as two people's arms. The pillars are densely carved with reliefs, all of which are ferocious-looking birds and animals, exuding a strong evil aura.

Starting from these four pillars, blue lines spread along the bluestone floor to the center of the square, and finally converged into a huge dragon head pattern. From a distance, it looked like the birds and animals on the four stone pillars were guarding it. Like a faucet.

At this time, Xie Dong and Gui Gui were standing on top of the dragon head pattern. Not only were they, the two mutant tigers Tianwang and King Kong were also here, and even the mutant pig that was chased by them was also here.

It's just that their conditions are not very good. All their limbs are tightly locked by blue chains. These chains also exude a bit of coldness, making their bodies covered with hoarfrost, especially those with poor constitutions. Ghost, his face turned blue from the cold, and his body kept shaking.

Once you get close, you will be attacked by chains, not even from the sky. The vampire said in time.

Xia Feng nodded and waved his hand, and two speed zombies rushed into the square and headed straight for the dragon head pattern. The moment they approached the dragon head pattern, eight chains came out, covering them with lightning speed. The force of the ears wrapped around the limbs of the two zombies. Being good at speed, they didn't even have the slightest chance to dodge.

But Xia Feng did not give up, and instead sent two more zombies to rush into the dragon head pattern. But this time, he did not observe the blue chains, but stared at a blue stone pillar.

The moment the two zombies entered the dragon head pattern, Xia Feng clearly saw that a dazzling light suddenly lit up on the blue stone pillar. Although the light only flashed away, it was still caught in his eyes.

Sure enough, these four pillars are the foundation of the blue chain.

Xia Feng whispered in his heart, took Zixiao from the zombie behind him, strode to the blue stone pillar closest to him, and slashed it down hard with both hands towards the blue stone pillar.


The sharp sound of gold and iron suddenly sounded, and a string of sparks splashed out at the intersection of Zixiao and the blue stone pillar. The huge backlash force was transmitted along Xia Feng's arms to all parts of his body, making him couldn't help but step back. step.

Under such a violent collision, the blue stone pillar remained as stable as a mountain without any tremors. There was not even a trace of white marks on the place where Zixiao slashed.

The huge noise also alarmed Xie Dong who was trapped, and he heard Xie Dong shouting loudly: Brother Feng, this place is very evil. Don't waste your efforts. It's better to leave quickly! Otherwise, you will get trapped in it.

Fart, let's see how your father rescued you.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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