After listening to the vampire's story, Xia Feng asked Mo Xiaomo to translate to Wang Jiukun: Wang Jiukun, take your woman and these girls and stay in the hotel, and wait until I finish handling the matter and come to pick you up.

Now that Xie Dong is trapped, more than 200 survivors have suddenly been added to the base. There are many people talking. Rather than letting them go to the base now, it is safer to stay in the hotel for the time being, and wait for him to rescue Xie Dong before going to the base. Not too late either.

After settling Wang Jiukun, Xia Feng left Iori to continue to control the unconquered zombies in Zhangcheng District. By the way, he left ten speed-type and power-type second-level zombies as guards to prevent him from having any defense. My younger brother died in mysterious circumstances.

As for the demon pupil and other zombies that have reached the second level, Xia Feng naturally takes them all with him. Not only that, but the zombies that have been subdued near the pig farm are also following his orders at this time. The roads converge towards the pig farm.

After all, no one can tell what dangers there are in that weird space. It would be better to bring more followers. Although ordinary zombies are not very effective in combat, they are still good even if they are used to explore the way.

After issuing the order, Xia Feng walked towards the pig farm, but after taking two steps, he turned around again, looked at Mo Xiaomo who was standing there waving, and asked in his heart: What are you doing? Not leaving?

You said you wanted to be beautiful in the hotel with your friends. Mo Xiaomo said innocently.

Except you, you follow me. Xia Feng shook his head helplessly. This girl is really stupid. Star Novels Network

The mighty team moved forward and soon arrived at the pig farm. Under the leadership of the vampire, Xia Feng went on a rampage and tore apart the pig house to pieces, and finally saw the dark hole in her mouth. .

Where is the entrance of the cave? It is clearly a black vortex with a diameter of about two meters, slowly rotating counterclockwise. When it gets close to a certain distance, a weak suction force will be felt.

Xia Feng waved his hand, and a second-level zombie with a height of more than two meters walked out from behind, striding into the vortex with dull footsteps.

When the second-level zombie approached the whirlpool, its height, which was almost the same as the whirlpool, shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it shrank to the size of a normal person, and then disappeared into the whirlpool.

Could this vortex also have the function of shrinking the body? Xia Feng looked at the vampire with some doubts and cast a questioning look. The vampire did not mention this matter just now.

The vampire also understood the inquiry in Xia Feng's eyes, gestured with his hands and said, This hole is not very big, but it is actually very big.

Hearing this, Xia Feng shook his head helplessly. The vampire's expressive ability was only slightly better than that of Mo Xiaomo. It was usually fine. Once she encountered something unfamiliar to her, her language would be very lacking. Otherwise, Nor would the vortex be described as a cave entrance.

Fortunately, the zombie-controlling divine light was powerful enough. After the second-level zombie entered just now, Xia Feng could still feel his presence, unlike the ghost who lost contact with the mutated tiger.

The intactness of the second-level zombies proved the safety of the whirlpool. Xia Feng also strode towards the whirlpool. As soon as he got closer, he felt a strange wave passing by him, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed drastically. .

Just like what the vampire said, the vortex that looked only about two meters outside looked like a huge mouth that picked out people and devoured people.

This is not a change caused by visual effects at all, but caused by the distortion and folding of space. The vortex in front of us should be the intersection of another space and the real space. Only when the two spaces collide will such a strange scene appear. .

Around the huge whirlpool, there are silver-white thin lines as thin as fingers, swimming slowly like silver fish, but they are far from as beautiful and harmless as the silver fish in the water.

When Xia Feng grabbed an ordinary zombie and threw it tentatively, the moment the zombie's shriveled body touched the silver-white thread, it was silently broken into two parts, and its lower body was directly sucked into the vortex. The upper body fell to the ground, and the fracture was as smooth as a mirror, as if it had been severed by a magic weapon.

When Xia Feng saw this, he knew that his guess was correct. These silver-white thin lines were all cracks in space, the product of the collision of two spaces. In this way, after the whirlpool, there should be another world completely different from reality.

Today, Xia Feng is no longer the ordinary student before the apocalypse. He leads an army of hundreds of thousands of zombies, has experienced the baptism of killing, and holds the power of life and death. He has become more enterprising, and he has become more enterprising for the people behind the whirlpool. In a strange space, the first thing that comes to mind is exploration and conquest.


With a roar filled with fighting spirit coming out of his throat, Xia Feng stepped into the whirlpool with steady steps. Behind him, dense zombies formed a long black torrent, continuously pouring into the whirlpool.

Xia Feng entered the whirlpool and felt his eyes go dark. When the light returned, he had already appeared in an uninhabited desert. He looked up at the sky, but did not see the sun. Then he poked the ground with Zixiao. Although it penetrated the ground easily with two strikes, Xia Feng could feel that the density of the ground here was much higher than outside.

At this time, the vampire and Mo Xiaomo also passed through the whirlpool, and Xia Feng said from the bottom of his heart: Tell the vampire to let her lead the way!

Sister Vampire, please let me do it first. Mo Xiaomo turned around and turned Xia Feng's words into a unique little language, and then a crisp word fell on her not-so-smart little head.

Lead the way from the front! Lead the way from the front! Mo Xiaomo pouted and changed to normal language.

The vampire nodded, and the broad bat wings suddenly stretched out from his back. With a slight flutter, he flew into the sky, hovering around Wei Xia Feng to guide the route.

There are no landmark buildings in the endless desert, and there is no sun in the sky to guide the direction. I don't know how the vampire used to find the way, but he was able to accurately find the ruins where Xie Dong was trapped.

Initially, after listening to the vampire's description, Xia Feng thought that the so-called ruins were just one or a few collapsed houses. But when he really saw it, he discovered that the ruins turned out to be a large area of ​​dilapidated palaces. Although most of the palaces were only There are only ruins left, but from some remaining buildings, we can still infer the former prosperity.

It's just that the appearance of these palaces is rather strange. They look like large oval balls, which are different from ancient buildings in China or Western countries.

Damn, is this the territory of aliens? I don't know if there are alien girls, but I can feast my eyes on it.

Xia Feng murmured to himself, but regardless of whether there was an alien girl or not, he had to get rid of the purple puppet guarding outside the ruins first.

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