I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 26 The Status of Prisoners

Just now, Xia Feng used some clues to see through Wang Jiukun's hidden secret, making Wang Jiukun mistakenly believe that he had the ability to read minds. Unexpectedly, just like that, he actually met someone who could see through his own thoughts.

If it were pure thought control, Xia Feng would think that Mo Xiaomo was a good subordinate, but if it was mind reading, it would make him hesitate. After all, no one likes all their thoughts to be exposed to others.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng's eyes suddenly showed a hint of killing intent. If such a powerful power cannot be used by himself, it would be best to kill him, otherwise it would be very unpleasant if he becomes an enemy.

Just as this thought came up, Mo Xiaomo opened her mouth to explain: It's not mind-reading, it's a formation. The mind formation can only detect thoughts about me, and there are walls in your body. It's not beautiful. Only What you want to send me, I can hear.”

Hearing this, the killing intent in Xia Feng's eyes immediately faded a lot. Judging from Mo Xiaomo's performance, she didn't realize that she just wanted to kill her. However, this girl spoke in a strange way, and there was something incomprehensible about it. Feel.

A small southern language? Two or three people in one generation?

A strange idea came to Xia Feng's head, but then he thought, if Mo Xiaomo couldn't pry into his inner thoughts at will, it would be an excellent translator who could help him escape from the pain of writing and communicating every day. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

You will follow me from now on, understand? Xia Feng said to Mo Xiaomo from the bottom of his heart. His words were very direct. After all, he now has the absolute initiative and there is no need to adopt a soft policy.

Understood, loyal! Mo Xiaomo nodded solemnly. It was obvious that the little girl understood the current situation in her heart and had no words of rejection at all.

Yes! Xia Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then said in his heart: From now on, you will be my translator and translate what I am thinking.

Okay, the translator has happened. Mo Xiaomo's weird words made Xia Feng couldn't help but pat his head. With his expressive ability, he can be a good translator!

But something is better than nothing. The first thing is to solve Wang Jiukun's matter. When Wang Jiukun looked from Xia Feng to Mo Xiaomo, he was like an eggplant beaten by frost, with his head lowered.

Xia Feng looked at Wang Jiukun and said from his heart: I'm very angry now.

The adults say he is not beautiful. Mo Xiaomo said to Wang Jiukun with a serious face. The strange words made Wang Jiukun raise his head in confusion, his eyes full of question marks.

Just translate the original words, no need to modify them. Xia Feng shouted at Mo Xiaomo from the bottom of his heart.

I understand, sir, he said he was very angry. Mo Xiaomo nodded and said it again.

Everything I promised you before must be overturned. Now everyone is my prisoner and will not receive any preferential treatment.

Xia Feng's words were translated from Mo Xiaomo's mouth, and they were a little softer, but they still made Wang Jiukun's eyes widen, and he protested loudly: No, you can't touch them, otherwise I won't know the boxing and breathing techniques. teach you.

Stop threatening me with these things. Without these things, I can't survive. Recognize your identity. You are a prisoner, Mo Tong. Go and capture all the people in the hotel. You must live.

Xia Feng said angrily in her heart. The last words she said were to Mo Tong, but she did not block Mo Xiaomo. She was the translator seriously and translated all the words.

It was the last sentence that made Wang Jiukun calm down again. Obviously Xia Feng had no intention of killing people yet, so there was still room for discussion.

I'll leave everything to you. Don't embarrass them. They are just a group of little girls. Wang Jiukun had no intention of negotiating at this time, and his tone was more pleading.

Xia Feng ignored his plea and asked instead: Is there someone you like among these girls?

Yes, there is a very beautiful girl who I like very much. Wang Jiukun nodded and admitted that there was nothing to hide. He protected Liu Xin and others even at the risk of his life, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

Xia Feng did not ask any more questions, but waited for the return of the magic pupil. The magic pupil was very efficient. After a while, he heard a woman's piercing scream. Seven or eight girls ran out of the hotel. After seeing Wang Jiukun, , all hid behind him.

Wang Jiukun, didn't you say you would guarantee our safety? Why did another monster enter just now? Do they not want your boxing skills and breathing skills?

Liu Xin asked loudly, while looking up at Xia Feng who was like a demon, he subconsciously took two steps back, hiding himself behind Wang Jiukun like an ostrich.

I'm sorry, I failed. Wang Jiukun said dejectedly. Xia Feng shook his head secretly. In the end of the world, the strong are respected. With his ability, he took over all these girls and made them slaves or maids. As a result, Now it's completely reversed, this seemingly cynical guy has turned into a bitch, being ordered around by a helpless woman.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng suddenly hated the fact that iron cannot become steel, and said to the woman: You may not know your situation yet, but now you are all my trophies, whether I let the zombies eat you one by one, or find dozens of A man takes your turn, it all depends on my mood, including Wang Jiukun, who is also my prisoner, and prisoners are not qualified to negotiate terms.

Mo Xiaomo glanced at Xia Feng with some fear, and then translated all the words obediently. Although what she said was not impressive, it still made all the girls tremble.

You...you can't, you still need him to teach you breathing techniques and boxing

Law, and the whole city is yours, we don’t want much. Liu Xin said bravely.

I said, prisoners are not qualified to negotiate terms. Use your pig brain to think clearly, this is the end of the world, not the church where the Virgin lives. Xia Feng said coldly.

Then he raised his hand and pointed at Wang Jiukun and continued: Wang Jiukun, don't you want to protect her? You taught me boxing and breathing techniques. Now you can only exchange your own life and your woman's life. Take her to the hotel and give it to me. Slept with her.

As Mo Xiaomo slowly translated what Xia Feng said, Wang Jiukun's eyes suddenly widened, and Liu Xin's face showed panic as he shook his head and protested: No, it can't be like this.

Xia Feng did not let Mo Xiaomo translate this time, but slowly stretched out his palm and waved five fingers in front of Wang Jiukun. The meaning was very clear, and he was only given five seconds to think about it.

At the same time, the surrounding zombies began to move slowly, making Xia Feng's movements for several seconds even more powerful.

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