In the most luxurious hotel in Zhangcheng District, Wang Jiukun slowly walked into the luxurious suite on the sixth floor. As soon as he opened the door, he heard a burst of laughter. Several of them looked to be in their twenties and exuded youth. The breathy girl was sitting on the sofa, chatting about pre-apocalyptic gossip.

Half a month after the end of the world, when the whole world is shrouded in disaster and despair, these girls are still discussing which star is more handsome and who has a better private life, without any awareness of the end of the world. It is simply incredible. things.

Hey! Brother Kun is back. A girl with short hair spotted Wang Jiukun first and greeted him with a smile.

Wang Jiukun nodded, and then asked: Where is Xinxin?

Before he finished speaking, a beautiful girl with an innocent appearance and long pale golden hair walked out of the inner room of the suite. Seeing this girl, a hint of shyness appeared on Wang Jiukun's cynical face.

Liu Xin glanced at Wang Jiukun, frowned slightly, and asked, Didn't you find any food?

There was an accident. We may have to change places in the future. Wang Jiukun shrugged and said a little embarrassedly.

What's the accident? Didn't you say that you are very powerful and can protect us? Liu Xin asked, with a hint of questioning in his words. Star Novels Network

However, Wang Jiukun didn't have the consciousness of a strong man at all. Faced with the question in a bad tone, he answered honestly: I met a very powerful monster and became his prisoner. Although he didn't kill me, in the future we All must obey their arrangements.”

What's going on? Please tell me clearly. Liu Xin still maintained his strength.

Wang Jiukun didn't mean to hide anything. He told everything about his encounter with Xia Feng today from beginning to end, and finally said helplessly: He is very strong, and all the zombies in the city listen to him. I have tried my best, and he promised me not to It will hurt you.

Liu Xin touched his pointed chin, pondered for a while and said: We can negotiate with him. Since he needs your breathing skills and boxing skills, then we can make more demands, at least not restrict us. freedom, but also provide us with supplies.”


Wang Jiukun seemed a little hesitant. In front of Xia Feng, he felt as if he had been stripped naked. He really didn't want to negotiate with Xia Feng anymore.

Wang Jiukun, are you a man? Are you going to hand us over like this? How can you make Sister Xin like you like this?

While he was hesitating, a girl with long hair jumped up from the sofa, pointed at Wang Jiukun and scolded him. The other girls also stood up and agreed.

The one who promised to protect us is now handing us over to others.

Men are unreliable. They say one thing but think another.

Thankfully, Sister Xin is still considering accepting you!

The girls' chattering voices made Wang Jiukun's head feel like it was exploding, and he couldn't help shouting: That's enough, I'll go right away.

After saying that, he turned around and left the room, heading outside the hotel. Just after taking two steps, he heard Liu Xin shout: Wait a minute.

What's wrong? Wang Jiukun asked with a frown.

Bring Xiaomo with you! You also know her abilities. Maybe she can make the negotiation smoother. Liu Xin pushed out a petite girl who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. This girl had been hiding just now. In the corner, he was the only person who didn't say anything to Wang Jiukun.

Wang Jiukun felt much better when he saw Liu Xin caring about him, his brows relaxed, he nodded, and walked out of the hotel with the girl named Xiaomo.

Xia Feng stood at the door of the hotel, watching Wang Jiukun come out with a little girl, and suddenly felt confused.

On the way here, he heard Wang Jiukun say that he was protecting several young girls. They were all members of a dance group before the end of the world. They came to Zhangcheng District to participate in a performance and happened to stay in the same hotel as Wang Jiukun.

After the doomsday came, Wang Jiukun rescued a few girls who had not turned into zombies. Although there were not many, there were seven or eight of them. Why did he only see one now?

I...I want to talk to you.

When Wang Jiukun saw Xia Feng, he stammered and said,

When Xia Feng heard this, he immediately frowned. This guy was so afraid of himself after he exposed his inner secret. He didn't expect that after entering the hotel, he would have the courage to negotiate terms for himself.

What do you want to talk about? Xia Feng waved Zixiao and quickly wrote on the ground.

We don't want to follow you. If you can't control zombies, give us a piece of territory and I'll give you boxing and breathing techniques. Wang Jiukun mustered up the courage to say.

When Xia Feng heard this, he felt like there was something wrong with his ears. Could it be that he was the founder of a charity? Or he said that he had the face of a virgin and dared to negotiate a deal even if he captured a prisoner.

Just as he was trying to get Wang Jiukun to recognize his identity, his head was inexplicably confused. The Wang Jiukun in front of him looked more and more pleasing to his eyes, as if his request was not excessive. He had such a large territory, and giving it to him was nothing.

Tick tock!

The crisp sound of water droplets sounded in his mind very suddenly, and Xia Feng seemed to see the mental space full of mist again. The pool filled with milky white liquid was no longer as calm as before, but instead had layers of ripples.

The illusory scene disappeared in a flash, but Xia Feng's head regained its clarity, and he looked at the man who came with Wang Jiukun with some surprise.


The girl has a round little face, small and exquisite facial features, and a petite figure, giving people a very cute feeling. The most eye-catching thing is her eyes, each of which has two silver eyes. His pupils give people a rather strange feeling.

Obviously, it was this girl who used her powers just now and affected his thinking. If it weren't for his strong mental power, he might have fallen into the girl's trap.

And the most terrifying thing about the girl's ability is that it can directly affect thinking. When facing some enemies who are not mentally strong enough, she can turn them into puppets or lead them to commit suicide.

But judging from the girl's performance just now, her personality should be somewhat introverted and timid, and she is kind-hearted. Using her ability on Xia Feng was only to guide him to agree to Wang Jiukun's request, and she had no intention of controlling him.

Therefore, Xia Feng did not have any ill intentions towards the girl. Instead, he planned to take her under his wing. Anyway, he was mentally strong and was not afraid of the girl's mind control, so there was no need to worry.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng waved Zi Shuang, wrote on the ground and asked: What is your name?

Before I finished writing the word you, I heard the girl timidly say: My name is Mo Xiaomo.

When Xia Feng heard this, the purple frost in her hand suddenly stopped, and she looked at Mo Xiaomo in disbelief. She could actually know her own thoughts. Could it be the legendary mind-reading skill.

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