I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 27 The little bird clings to the human

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

Watching Xia Feng's actions for a few seconds, Wang Jiukun's breathing became heavier and heavier. He turned to look at Liu Xin behind him with red eyes, hugged her around the waist, put her on his shoulders, and strode towards the hotel with rapid strides.

Let me go, let me go! You bastard. Liu Xin shouted while beating Wang Jiukun's back with both hands.

But Wang Jiukun was originally a descendant of ancient martial arts. He was full of real kung fu, and now he has become a superpower. How could she, a weak woman, resist? A small fist hit her back, and it was like scratching an itch. She couldn't resist it at all. cause any impact.

Beauty is about to happen. Mo Xiaomo muttered with a blushing face as she looked at Wang Jiukun who walked into the hotel.

Where did you learn this little language? Xia Feng finally couldn't help but ask after hearing the strange words.

So, it's very beautiful. Mo Xiaomo said seriously.

Others use a three-foot sword to travel to the end of the world, but your beautiful words kill everyone! Xia Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Then he looked in the direction of the hotel. Wang Jiukun had been in there for a while, but why did he become quiet? He was now a level three zombie, and his hearing was much sharper. If there was any movement, he could still hear it. Could it be that Wang Jiukun was like this? The boy got scared at the last step.

Thinking of this, Xia Feng suddenly became a little annoyed and said to Mo Xiaomo: Tell Wang Jiukun that if he can't do it, I will let my zombies try. www.zbcxw.cn Xingxing Novel Network

Mo Xiaomo nodded and shouted at the top of her lungs: Wang Jiukun, Master said, if you don't let Beauty happen, Master will go up to Beauty.

What nonsense are you talking about, ruin my reputation. Xia Feng slapped Mo Xiaomo's head angrily, but he didn't use any force. He still liked this silly little girl very much.

Woo! Mo Xiaomo pouted and cried pitifully, just like a kitten.

Wang Jiukun had been getting along with Mo Xiaomo for a while, and he could probably figure out what she meant. After a while, the sound of Mi Mi came from the hotel, melodious and melodious, arousing endless reverie.

Damn, this beast, let him find a room in the hotel and do it right in the lobby. Xia Feng cursed in his heart and was not in the mood to continue listening to the corner. He waved to Mo Xiaomo and said Go far away.

Do you still have family? Xia Feng asked her in his heart.

I don't know, the phone is not beautiful anymore. Mo Xiaomo shook her head, her eyes were slightly moist, and she obviously missed her family a little.

If they are still alive, there will be a chance to find them in the future. Tell me about your abilities!

Xia Feng also thought of his parents and sister at this time, and was unwilling to continue this somewhat heavy topic, so he turned the topic to Mo Xiaomo's ability.

Hmm... Mo Xiaomo bit her finger and thought for a while, then said: I can unfold the formation to make other people's hearts beautiful, as beautiful as mine.

Beautiful monster!

Xia Feng couldn't help but complain, but he also roughly understood that Mo Xiaomo's ability was just like what he had guessed, he could control his mind.

How many people can you control at the same time? Can you control them all the time? Can you control them to commit suicide? Xia Feng asked a series of questions. These are the key to judging the potential of Mo Xiaomo's powers.

I've never tried it! Mo Xiaomo shook her head.

Then try now. You control them first. Xia Feng pointed at the zombies around him.

When Mo Xiaomo heard this, the silver double pupils in her eyes appeared again, shining brightly, but soon the luster dimmed. Mo Xiaomo shook her head in confusion and said: They have no brains and cannot be beautiful. .”

It seems that thinking can only be affected by changing the thoughts of intelligent life, so zombies with only instinct cannot be controlled. Xia Feng came to a conclusion in his heart, and pointed to a few girls next to him and said: Then try your companions , let them all come over.


Mo Xiaomo nodded, and as her silver double eyes bloomed with light, several girls in the distance walked towards this side neatly.

Do you find it difficult? Xia Feng asked.

It's not difficult! Mo Xiaomo replied very easily.

Can you always control it? Xia Feng asked.

It can keep happening. Mo Xiaomo was still saying weird things, but fortunately Xia Feng probably knew that it meant he could always control it.

If you ask them to commit suicide, will they resist? Xia Feng asked again.

No, they don't have your wall to block my formation. I can control any beautiful thing at will. Mo Xiaomo said, then turned to look at Xia Feng, and asked cautiously: They all They are my friends, can you please not hurt them?

Silly, I just asked you, but I didn't let you really control them to commit suicide. Xia Feng raised his hand and knocked on Mo Xiaomo's head.

The brief conversation has already allowed Xia Feng to evaluate Mo Xiaomo's abilities. He privately divided the power levels into four levels: S and ABCD. Wang Jiukun's skin hardening is the lowest level D, and Xie Dong's Purple Lightning Blue Dragon, Xia Feng thinks, should be considered an S-level one. Not only has its various physical attributes been greatly improved, but it also has lightning damage. It simply has no shortcomings.

And Mo Xiaomo should be rated as A-level. Although her abilities are incredible, once she encounters an enemy who can resist her beautiful... bah, mind control, she won't be able to fight back at all, unlike... Xie Dong is so perfect.

But it can be considered

There are not many S-levels. In Xia Feng’s heart, vampires and demons can only be regarded as A-level. Vampires are because of their ability to advance quickly through blood, while demons are mainly because of the two kings and kings. The mutated tiger was only considered an A-level by Xia Feng. In fact, he was not very capable.

Keep her with you from now on! Just treat her like your own sister and act as a translator at the same time.

Xia Feng secretly made a decision in his heart. When he was a child, he wanted to have a younger sister. However, he had both parents and children, and had no plans to practice trumpet anymore. This wish has never been realized. Now that he has met such a cute little girl, he will give up this wish. Done!

After teasing Mo Xiaomo for a while, more than half an hour passed quietly. At this time, Wang Jiukun walked out of the hotel with a proud look on his face, followed by Liu Xin with a red face, staring at her with big eyes like spring water. Touching Wang Jiukun's back, soft light flashed.

Damn it, little bird doctor! You were cursing just now. In a big battle, you are acting like a little wife. Although Xia Feng is, ahem, commonly known as a virgin, he has watched a lot of study materials, and he can tell at a glance Seeing Liu Xin's state, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The beauty is over, and the relationship between good friends has changed. Mo Xiaomo also commented beside her.

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