At Xia Feng's request, Wang Jiukun began to slowly tell his story. It turned out that he was born in a secluded ancient martial arts family. He had lived in an isolated small village since he was a child, and had fought under the guidance of his elders in the family. Strengthen your muscles and practice martial arts.

Of course, what he practiced was not some showmanship, but real kung fu that had been passed down and improved from generation to generation. Although he could not tear apart tigers and leopards alive, he could kill people with his bare hands and break through rocks with his fists.

Although the Wang family has practiced the famous Bajiquan, they have been hidden from the world for many years. Except for some ancient martial arts families who have inherited it for a long time like them, few outsiders know of their existence.

Wang Jiukun is considered the most talented person of his generation. At the age of eighteen, he has already surpassed his peers. Even some uncles and uncles are no match for him. In this regard, the nonsense he just said that has been passed down from generation to generation is just nonsense. from.

Wang Jiukun was a powerful martial artist, but he was also a troublemaker. He often made the whole village restless, so Wang Jiukun's grandfather asked him to leave the village and go to the colorful world outside to hone his character.

It was said to be a punishment, but in fact, it was to let Wang Jiukun participate in the management of some martial arts schools and gyms outside the Wang family. After staying in the martial arts gym for a while, Wang Jiukun got tired of the martial arts gyms that only taught showmanship, so he skipped work and started working all over the country. Wandering.

Although he suffered losses and was deceived during this period, he never encountered any major dangers due to his excellent skills. He even subdued a gangster on the street once and was awarded an award by the police uncle. Star Novels Network

This time I came to Quancheng purely for tourism. After visiting the famous attractions in Quancheng, I planned to go shopping around Zhangcheng District. Unexpectedly, the apocalypse broke out just after I checked into the hotel.

Fortunately, he was very capable. After dealing with a few zombies, he temporarily survived in the hotel. Later, he awakened his superpower, which made his skin extremely hard and made him more fearless. However, he tried to rush out of the city several times, but failed. They were all blocked by zombies everywhere.

Unable to leave the city, Wang Jiukun was not idle. He found a lot of food around him, and his life was smooth. Today he went out to look for food as usual. Unexpectedly, he met a mutant dog first, and then Xia Feng. Finally, Become a prisoner.

After listening to Wang Jiukun's introduction, Xia Feng pondered for a while, and then wrote on the ground: How did you improve your strength?

When Wang Jiukun saw this sentence, his pupils shrank suddenly and the expression on his face suddenly stagnated, but he recovered immediately and laughed and said: Improvement? My boxing skills have been improving very slowly in the past two years, and I haven't improved in a long time. .”

Seeing Wang Jiukun pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, Xia Feng strengthened his guess. He had also fought against mutant beasts. Wang Jiukun could kill a second-level mutant dog cleanly. His boxing skills played a big role. , but equally indispensable is his strength. After all, without strength, no matter how exquisite the boxing technique is, there is no threat.

Wang Jiukun has just said that his superpower only enhances skin defense and does not increase power. In this case, there is only one possibility to kill the mutated dog unscathed. His strength has reached that of a level two superpower user. The critical point is about to advance to the third level.

But according to Xia Feng's information, apart from using spiritual veins and eating some strange plants, there is no other way for humans to quickly improve their strength, so he asked Wang Jiukun how to improve.

Seeing that Wang Jiukun was unwilling to confess frankly, Xia Feng stopped asking questions. Instead, he looked at him quietly with scarlet eyes and played with Zixiao, which was as gentle as jade.

The unicorn that grew out of the genetic mutation of the golden python is a natural weapon. Although Xia Feng never maintains it and often uses it as a large pen to write on the ground, Zixiao itself is not stained with a trace of dust and even emit... The fluorescence became more and more profound and restrained, and Xia Feng sometimes wondered if it had any growth properties.

Xia Feng was playing with Zi Xiao, but Wang Jiukun couldn't hold on anymore. After Xia Feng's mental power increased, when he stared at others, he would unconsciously contain an invisible pressure. In addition, Wang Jiukun himself had a guilty conscience, which led to A thin layer of sweat formed on his forehead.

But at this time, he was still stubborn and denied it: I just got promoted naturally.

Xia Feng heard the words, nodded slightly, and then wrote on the ground with Zixiao: Okay! Let's change the question, take me to meet those people you protect!

F*ck! You must be able to read minds! Wang Jiukun couldn't help but curse when he saw the big characters on the ground. He really couldn't figure it out. He just briefly talked about his growth experience, how could he hide the secrets in his heart? They were all laid out.

Xia Feng's two short lines made Wang Jiukun's defense completely collapse. If he was just afraid of Xia Feng at first, it has now turned into fear.

It's not that I won't tell you, it's really useless to tell you. I can improve my strength by relying on the breathing technique passed down in my family. I used to just adjust my breath when practicing, but after the apocalypse, I found that every time I use the breathing technique, There will be a burst of heat, and the strength will increase a lot, but I am a human and can use it, you... Wang Jiukun said shrinking.

Xia Feng ignored him. Although he was a zombie, his internal organs were still there, so they might not be useless. And even if they couldn't, vampires and Xie Dong could always use them.

He took Zixiao and drew a horizontal bar on the second sentence he just wrote, indicating for him to continue.

I've told you the secret to improving your strength. You can't try to trick them anymore. Wang Jiukun said with a smile on his face.

Seeing him like this, Xia Feng couldn't help but sneer and wrote on the ground: The zombies in the entire Zhangcheng District are under my control. If I want to kill them, I don't need you to lead the way.

Then what do you want to do? Wang Jiukun asked doubtfully.

Find them a safe place so that you won't worry about them every day and refuse to teach me real kung fu. Xia Feng wrote casually, which was both an explanation and a warning. It was obvious that Wang Jiukun cared about the survivors, and by doing so he also told Wang Jiukun, don’t play tricks.

Hehe! Don't worry, I will definitely put in all my efforts to keep everything under control. Wang Jiukun became playful and smiling again after knowing that Xia Feng would not kill those survivors.

By the way, can you tell me, how do you know that I have raised a group of people? Wang Jiukun asked the doubts that were suppressed in his heart.

Xia Feng glanced at Wang Jiukun and did not answer. Sometimes, it is better to maintain a sense of mystery. Many things will not work if they are spoken out.

He could guess that Wang Jiukun had raised some survivors. The reason couldn't be simpler to say. The biggest reason was that he saw Wang Jiukun's backpack, which was full of rice, noodles and other things.

If Wang Jiukun only needs to feed himself, why bother looking for so much food? High-calorie foods such as chocolate and beef are the best choices, and there are no hotels nearby. If he is alone, the food near the hotel is enough for him, so why bother? Run so far.

Also, Wang Jiukun said that he rushed out of the city several times, which was very strange. Although there were many zombies, with his ability, as long as he didn't get dizzy and run towards the center of the zombies, there would basically not be much danger. Yes, the only possibility is that he brought someone else with him, so he couldn't rush out.

If it were before, Xia Feng might not be able to detect so many details, but after his spiritual power improved, his thinking became much sharper, and he could clearly understand these. He speculated that there was a group of survivors behind Wang Jiukun, and probably tested him, but he didn't expect it. It directly broke through his psychological defense.

Of course, Xia Feng would definitely not tell Wang Jiukun these things. Wouldn't it be more wonderful to let him think that he had the ability to read minds, so that he would not have to hide it when he taught him boxing and breathing techniques.

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