With the vampire, a third-level mutant, and the two mutant tigers, King Kong and Heavenly King, more than two hundred survivors were nothing. After Xia Feng left the matter, he continued his great cause of conquering the zombies.

The upgrade of the corpse-controlling divine light and the assistance of Iori made Xia Feng conquer the zombies several times faster. As he strolled through residential areas, the invisible fluctuations emitted by the corpse-controlling divine light had already destroyed the zombies inside. All were under control, and then under his command, they walked down the stairs in groups and gathered in the streets, waiting for the next order.

As the zombies were controlled and left the community, some survivors who were trapped at home and had run out of ammunition and food finally had the opportunity to look for food in their neighbors and greedily took everything they could eat back to themselves. family, just to survive in the crisis-ridden apocalypse.

There are also some brave ones who carefully avoid the zombies and walk outside the city. These people are brave and smart. The dense population of the city before the end has destined that this place will be a world of zombies. Stay here You can only wait for death in the city, and only by leaving the city can you find a way to survive.

No matter what kind of people they are, Xia Feng doesn't pay attention to them. The first ones stay at home. When Xie Dong's base grows to a certain level, he will naturally find them and integrate them into the base. Those who explore outside the city will Those who do, will find that only the road leading to the university town is safe, and what awaits them is the same fate of being included. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

But soon, a burly young man caught Xia Feng's attention. This man was carrying a large backpack and was walking through the courtyard of a government unit. Unfortunately, he encountered a wandering dog. Mutant dogs in the city.

From the appearance of the mutated dog, Xia Feng could probably tell that it was not a small dog that was kept as a pet, but a mutated Chinese pastoral dog, also known as a native dog. Compared with those pet dogs, it was larger and also More offensive.

Even level two superpowers, if they don't have Xie Dong's top superpowers, would be basically impossible to defeat mutant beasts of the same level. So when the mutant dog pounced on the young man, Xia Feng was already worried. He pronounced a death sentence.


The expected bloody scene of the young man being torn into pieces did not appear. Instead, the mutated dog let out a cry. This moment made Xia Feng become interested and watch it seriously.

At this time, the backpack worn by the young man had been thrown aside, and some food such as rice and noodles could be vaguely seen. He himself was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt, and his exposed skin was covered with a layer of bronze luster, which seemed to be One manifestation of his superpowers is presumably increased strength and defense, but the reason that allows him to suppress mutant dogs and dominate the wind is not his superpowers, but his boxing skills.

The young man's boxing skills are not all showy like those in the TV series, where he hits one move after another. Instead, he moves with steady and powerful steps, constantly wandering around, looking for the mutant dog's flaws.

The mutated dog had been punched a few times just now and was a lot more careful now, but after all, it was simple-minded and soon couldn't hold it back and pounced again.

The young man nimbly jumped to the left and back to avoid the mutated dog's attack, and then a set of fierce combination punches hit the mutated dog's body.

This punch looks very fierce, and the moves are not limited to fists. The shoulders, elbows, and knees are all weapons used to attack. The attack was like a storm, and the thick-skinned mutated dog whined continuously and hurriedly backed away. Jump.


The young man had no intention of letting go of the mutated dog. He followed him with a lunge, shouted loudly, and swiped his right leg at the mutated dog's front paw. His fist also hit the mutated dog's head. Knocking the mutated dog down to the ground.

Then the young man jumped up and hit the mutant dog's neck hard with his elbow. With a click sound, the mutant dog's neck was suddenly broken and its limbs twitched several times. There was no breath anymore.

Xia Feng gasped when he saw it. He defeated a second-level mutated dog with his bare hands. This young man was anything but simple, especially his boxing skills. They were definitely real killing skills. There was no sloppiness in each move. The punches and kicks hit the vital point. Before the end, it is estimated that seven or eight big men would not be his opponent.


The dull sound of applause came from Xia Feng's big fan-like hands, instantly alarming the young man who was breathing heavily. Xia Feng's image like an ancient demon made the young man unable to rest at all. He stood up and walked towards Run away.

Mo Tong, drive him back, don't hurt him.

Xia Feng gave a faint order in his heart, and the magic pupil hidden in the shadow instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the young man. In a few leaps, he chased the young man.

As a level three zombie, the speed of the demon pupil was far faster than that of ordinary people. Even though the young man's boxing skills were exquisite, he could not touch the demon pupil at all and was quickly forced back.

Xia Feng pulled up the Zixiao stick stuck on the ground, kicked down the courtyard wall with his feet, strode up to the young man, and wrote on the ground: What's your name?

Are you wise? The young man looked at Xia Feng in surprise.

Xia Feng did not answer, but circled the words he just wrote, indicating to the young man that he was the interrogator.

My name is Wang Jiukun. If I fall into your hands, I'll kill or behead you. It's up to you. The young man shrugged and said in a cynical tone.

What's the name of your boxing technique? Xia Feng continued to write.

Bajiquan. Wang Jiukun answered simply this time.

Xia Feng is no stranger to Bajiquan. He has seen some comments on the Internet that Tai Chi can calm the world and martial arts can regulate the universe. It is a very famous boxing method in traditional Chinese martial arts.

Teach me! Xia Feng wrote two words again. He just saw Wang Jiukun's Bajiquan being extremely powerful and had the charm of cracking mountains and cracking rocks, which was very suitable for his practice.

When Wang Jiukun saw Xia Feng's request, he immediately shook his head and said, I'm sorry, martial arts is passed down from family to generation, so I'm sorry...

Before he finished speaking, Xia Feng punched the ground, and a large crater was created in the cement-hardened ground. Cracks spread along the crater, as if he had just experienced an earthquake.

Hehe! I can teach, I can teach. Bajiquan is all about swinging your arms and hitting the sky and knocking you down, and stomping your feet to shake the world. Your physique is perfect for it. Wang Jiukun squeezed out an ugly smile and said with a thumbs up.

It seems like you don't care about life and death as you just said! Xia Feng cursed in his heart, then raised his finger and pointed at the magic pupil next to him, and wrote on the ground: He will always follow you, which makes me satisfied. , everything is fine, otherwise...

Xia Feng left a string of ellipses at the end, leaving Wang Jiukun with endless reveries.

Wang Jiukun seemed to think of some miserable way to die, couldn't help but shudder, and hurriedly promised: No problem, I will definitely satisfy you, Bajiquan! It's about exerting force on the heels and moving on the waist. Through the fingertips...

Seeing Wang Jiukun talking incessantly, Xia Feng couldn't help snorting, knowing that the more he behaved like this, the less he knew how to teach himself real things, so he waved his hand to ask him to stop, and then wrote on the ground: No rush During class, tell me about your experiences! I love to hear it.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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