With this idea in mind, Xia Feng quickly wrote on the ground: It's amazing. You are the strongest superpower I have ever seen.

Haha! That's right! There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. We still have to be humble. Xie Dong waved his hand. Although he said it well, he couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

Xia Feng looked at his swollen appearance and continued to write: It's a pity that such a powerful power was wasted on you.

Ah! What do you mean? I think this power suits me just right! Xie Dong asked in confusion.

Your powers are so powerful that ordinary zombies can't hurt you at all, but you are hiding on the sixth floor and wasting your time. Of course you have wasted your abilities.

After Xia Feng finished writing, he looked at Xie Dong who was scratching his head. He felt happy and continued to write: I found a place outside the laboratory building that can quickly improve my strength. If you clean up the zombies in the dormitory, go out Look, you might have discovered that place a long time ago, and your strength will be far greater than it is now.

Xie Dong looked at the long string of words on the ground and couldn't help but frowned and sighed: Oh! What you said makes sense. I thought there were too many zombies at the time, so I just wanted to hide. I never thought about using my own abilities to solve them bit by bit.

When Xia Feng heard this, he felt funny in his heart. In fact, Xie Dong's thoughts were normal. After all, there were zombies everywhere. Who would be willing to go out and fight when they had food and drink to eat and drink? But what he said made him Just took it to the ditch. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

Just as he was about to say something to comfort Xie Dongzhen to prevent him from being hit, he didn't expect him to suddenly ask: You are right, but I always feel that you are envious of my ability and deliberately hit me?

Humph! It's not good to have a strong relationship. Whatever you have in mind will be guessed at once. Xia Feng thought a little depressed, then picked up a stone and threw it at Xie Dong.

After the transformation, Xie Dong had rough skin and thick flesh. For him, small stones were not even a tickle. Instead, he confirmed his thoughts and said with a smile: Haha! I guessed it right, you are really envious.

Xia Feng didn't bother to write a word to refute. He controlled the zombies around him to raise their arms, and at the same time gave Xie Dong a middle finger. He raised his head proudly, as if asking Xie Dong: I have a little brother, do you have one?

When Xie Dong saw this, his smile suddenly froze on his face. He picked up a pebble with deep resentment and threw it at Xia Feng.

Xia Feng was about to fight back when he saw a figure running over from a distance. When he looked closely, he saw that it was the vampire he had left in front of his spiritual veins.

The vampire trotted all the way to Xia Feng, bowed and said, The vampire has met the master.

Oh! Wu Huihui, are you still alive? Why did you change your name? Xie Dong recognized the vampire and asked with a surprised look on his face.

The vampire acted extremely coldly when facing his former classmates. He didn't pay attention to Xie Dong's intentions at all. He just said coldly: Master, we found three students in the teaching building. What should we do with them?

When Xia Feng heard this, he couldn't help but touch his chin. His corpse group was not a shelter. It was okay to have one or two acquaintances, but if he just accepted people when he saw them, he would really become a nanny.

Feeding it to zombies seems a bit cruel. After all, after having spiritual veins, Xia Feng can no longer appreciate a small amount of flesh and blood, and after all, he retains human thoughts, so he will inevitably feel a little guilty about killing people for no reason.

While he was thinking, his eyes suddenly caught sight of Xie Dong, who was staring curiously at the vampire, and an idea emerged from his heart uncontrollably.

Xie Dong has top-notch animal transformation abilities and strong combat power. If Xie Dong is trained to be the leader of the survivors and he rules the survivors, wouldn't all the problems be solved?

With his own help, Xie Dong will not be short of supplies, nor will he encounter the threat of zombies. Moreover, after he conquers the zombies, the survivors he finds can also replenish his population, and he will soon be able to build a powerful survivor base. .

When the time comes, all the survivors with special abilities will be selected and formed into an army. They will secretly control it themselves and Xie Dong will take command. Whether it is to detect the enemy's situation or search for spiritual veins, it will be much more convenient than zombies who only have instincts.

The only thing that needs to be worried about is the never-ending relationship between humans and zombies. Although everyone is of the same kind before the apocalypse, they are different species after the apocalypse. If the survivors find out that Xia Feng, the zombie, is the controller behind the scenes, it may cause chaos. The survivors' rebellion.

But he only communicated with Xie Dong, and even asked the vampire to send a message. The risk of being exposed was very small, and even if he was exposed, as long as he was strong enough and the sea of ​​corpses was large enough, he wouldn't be afraid of being stabbed by the survivors.

After making up his mind, Xia Feng confessed his thoughts to Xie Dong and asked for his opinion. Only Xie Dong was suitable to handle this matter. For another person, Xia Feng would not be so relieved.

After learning Xia Feng's idea, Xie Dong thought for a moment, nodded and agreed, and said with a smile: This method is not bad. I can also understand the feeling of you hugging me.

Seeing Xie Dong agree, Xia Feng nodded and wrote on the ground: The women's college next to it is relatively remote and can be used as your temporary base. I will take away the zombies in advance and then gradually recover the zombies in the university town. , and will also drive the survivors to the women's college, then it will be up to you.

Don't worry, just leave it to me. Xie Dong patted his chest and said.

After the two people finished their discussion, it was completely dark. Xia Feng was a zombie, so it didn't matter. However, Xie Dong still needed to rest, so they dispersed and asked Xie Dong to go back to the dormitory to sleep. Xia Feng himself worked all night to go to the woman. The college rushed over.

In order to speed up the process, Xia Feng only brought Demon Eyes, vampires and hundreds of zombies with signs of advancement. Anyway, there were many ordinary zombies, and the women's college could collect thousands.

But when she came to the women's college, Xia Feng knew that she was wrong. At a glance, she didn't see a single zombie in the huge campus. This was simply impossible for the school.

Although most students are in the dormitory at this time, there are always people outside, and zombies in the dormitory are attracted by the smell of blood and can also escape. It is normal for hundreds of zombies to wander around the campus.

If something went wrong, there must be a monster. Although Xia Feng was confident in his own strength, he did not dare to be careless at this time. He ordered the corpses behind him to slowly disperse, forming a huge detection circle, and slowly moved forward to explore.

When he walked near the library, Xia Feng finally saw the first zombie. This zombie had disappeared without a trace from the waist down. Only the upper half of the body was still there, and even the belly could be seen from the wound. With the shriveled intestines inside, these are zombies with tenacious vitality. If it were an ordinary person, they would have died eight hundred times.

What really interested Xia Feng was not the zombie, but the zombie's wounds. The wounds were very irregular, and there were two deep wounds in the middle, as if they had been cut open by something sharp.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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