I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 15 The fight between python and tiger

This wound looks like it was bitten by a wild beast. Could it be that a mutant beast appeared here? How could a mutant beast eat a dry zombie? Xia Feng looked at the zombie with only half of its body left and silently guessed in his mind. With.


A deafening beast roar suddenly came from a distance, interrupting Xia Feng's thoughts and making him no longer have to guess. There really was a mutant beast hunting zombies, and this voice sounded powerful. , it is definitely not something that ordinary cats and dogs can call, it is probably a large animal.

This is the roar of a tiger. There is a tiger nearby. The cold voice of the vampire sounded nearby, which coincided with Xia Feng's thoughts.

But as to whether it was a tiger roaring, Xia Feng felt that it still needed to be proven. Although the Qilu land had outstanding people and produced many great men, it did not produce tigers. Except for zoos, it was impossible to see tigers elsewhere.

But then I thought about it, there is really a possibility that tigers will appear in this place, because there happens to be a wildlife park in Zhangcheng District. Although I have never been to it, I heard that there are many large wild animals in it, including tigers. After the apocalypse, if these Large animals have mutated and may migrate here.


While he was thinking about it, another tiger roar sounded, but the sound was crisper than the previous roar. It was obviously not coming from the same tiger.

It's not like there's no room for two tigers in one mountain. Why did two tigers suddenly pop up? Could it be a male and a female? Xia Feng complained in his heart very speechlessly. www.zbcxw.cn Star Novels Network

I originally thought that conquering the women's college would be a very simple matter, but I didn't expect that when I entered the campus, I only saw half of the zombies, but I found two tigers that like to eat zombies.

Think about the cute orange cat before the end of the world with such strong fighting power. If it were replaced by a fierce tiger, it would probably be more powerful than a main battle tank. If it went crazy, the entire campus would have to be demolished.

With this thought in his mind, a loud noise suddenly came from his ears, and even the ground seemed to tremble. Xia Feng looked along the sound and saw that a dormitory building in the distance collapsed right in front of his eyes. The two tigers were still there. It's really tearing the school apart.

Ho! Roar!

After the dormitory building collapsed, there were two more tiger roars. The anxiety and anger contained in the roars could be faintly heard, which made Xia Feng's mind suddenly come to life again. He had no confidence in killing the two tigers together. But if they fight each other, then he will have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

As a zombie, Xia Feng is more ferocious in his bones than before the apocalypse, and he is more decisive in doing things. Although he is worried about the powerful fighting power of the mutated tiger, after making up his mind, he does not hesitate to fight with blood. Ghosts, demon pupils and hundreds of zombies rushed towards the battlefield.

With a height of more than three meters, ordinary walls and trees could no longer block Xia Feng's sight. When he passed through the library, two tigers appeared in his sight.

The mutated tiger is more oppressive than before the apocalypse. It is only about four meters tall. Its brown fur is covered with narrow black stripes, and its thick tail is more like an indestructible giant pillar.

Even though he didn't do much research on wild animals, Xia Feng recognized the two mutated tiger species at first sight. The Siberian tiger, also known as the Siberian tiger, is among the best among the many tiger species in the world.

But at this time, the conditions of the two mutant tigers were not very good. They had large and small scars on their bodies, and one of them had a long blood mark on his face. If it were deeper, he might not even be able to save his life.

The condition of the other one was not much better. There were two finger-sized blood holes on his left leg. Black blood kept pouring out of the holes. When it dripped to the ground, it would corrode into small pits. It obviously contained the plot of the drama. Poison, movement will be greatly affected.

Opposite the two mutant tigers, there is a yellow giant python standing with its head held high, gently swallowing the snake message. The giant python is twenty to thirty meters long, and even the height is about two meters. It has smooth yellow scales. Wisps of white lines emerged, and a single purple horn grew out of the huge snake's head.

Different from the spiral horn that Xie Dong grows when he transforms, the yellow python's horn is more like a large three-edged military thorn, exuding a faint fluorescence, which can be seen clearly even in the dark night. Chu.

I thought it was two tigers fighting, but then I realized that it was a python and a tiger fighting. Looking at the yellow python, it looked a bit like the golden python before the apocalypse, but the golden python has no horns and is not poisonous, so it is not exactly the same. .

As the king of beasts before the end of the world, the Siberian tiger's combat effectiveness is by no means comparable to that of the golden python. However, compared to the misery of the two mutated tigers, although the golden python has many wounds, they are basically skin wounds, and they are not No muscles or bones were injured, and combat effectiveness was not greatly affected.

Two mutated tigers were forced into such a state by a giant python, which really violated the principle of mutation that Xia Feng understood of the strong. After thinking about it, there was only one possibility, that is, the golden python in front of him had already Like him, he has reached level three, but the two mutated tigers are only at level two. This situation will only occur under level suppression. After all, every breakthrough will exponentially improve all aspects of the body.

Xia Feng's distant view did not attract the attention of the three mutant beasts. Their battle was still continuing, but they had already moved from the ruined dormitory building to the playground nearby.

As a third-level mutant beast, the golden python was naturally the main attacker. It opened its bloody mouth and bit at the mutant tiger with scars on its face. The two fangs in its mouth were like two sharp scimitars. , flashing with a cold light.

The mutated tiger did not dare to confront the golden python head-on. He jumped up with his body like a hill and avoided the bite of the giant python. However, the giant python missed the blow and immediately twisted its head and pointed the horn on its forehead toward Stab the mutated tiger.

The mutant tiger couldn't dodge, and its fur was scratched by the purple horn, leaving a terrible scar. I think most of the scars on the two mutant tigers came from this.

Seeing that the mutated tiger was in danger, another mutated tiger rushed forward and bit into the huge body of the golden python. Its sharp teeth broke through the scales and tore off a large piece of flesh.


The painful golden python let out a long hiss, and while the huge snake body twisted, the snake's head came to the mutated tiger in an instant. The mutated tiger's left leg was injured, and its flexibility was affected. It couldn't avoid it for a while, and then Being tightly wrapped by the golden python with its huge snake body.

The golden python still maintains the nature of snakes eating. After entangling its prey, it squeezes its body continuously, then opens its huge mouth and bites the mutated tiger.


The mutated tiger kicked its hind legs wildly, but was unable to break free from the steel-like snake body. It let out a helpless whine, waiting for the moment of death.


A deafening tiger roar sounded from the mouth of the scar-faced mutant tiger, and the invisible sound waves spread like ripples on the water, pouring onto the huge golden python's head.

The snake's head was shaken by this sonic attack, and even the snake's body was loosened, allowing the entangled mutant tiger to find an opportunity, kicking its hind legs hard, breaking free from the predicament, and jumping far away to the side. , looking at the golden python warily.

Seeing the deadly attacks between the mutant beasts made Xia Feng's blood boil, and it also deeply shocked him. He didn't see how the nearby dormitory building collapsed just now, but it was just this brief confrontation. The smooth rubber track of the playground has been destroyed into many potholes, and even the central turf has been flattened several times. This is just unintentional damage.

Such a strong combat power makes Xia Feng, who plans to fish in troubled waters, a little embarrassed. Judging from the current situation, except for himself, it seems that none of the younger brothers he brought can be of much help!

While he was troubled, a somewhat fat young man suddenly appeared in his sight.

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