I'm a Corpse King in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Chapter 13 Purple Lightning Blue Dragon

Before the end of the world, Xia Feng was addicted to games and often skipped classes. He couldn't even remember the names of his classmates. However, he had a good relationship with several roommates in the same dormitory. At this time, the young man lying by the window was named Xie Dong is the one who has the best relationship with him.

On the day when the apocalypse came, Xie Dong didn't go online because he was too hungry. Instead, he lay down in the dormitory to rest. He originally thought that given the density of the dormitory at night, even if he was lucky enough not to turn into a zombie, he would definitely be eaten. He never expected that this kid would be so lucky and survive to this day without any damage.

According to Xia Feng's calculations, about 90% of human beings have not been able to withstand the baptism of spiritual energy and have turned into zombies with only instincts. With such a high probability, they can still see their good brothers from the past appear in full force. In front of him, he was quite excited.

After thinking about it, Xia Feng decided to give Xie Donglai a unique way to communicate. He directed thousands of zombies to move at the same time, and placed a few big words on the open space: Dong'er, daddy is here to save you.

Xie Dong, who was lying in front of the window watching the movements of the corpses, was stunned when he saw these big characters. His bright little eyes were full of doubts. This familiar tone was only used when communicating in the dormitory. Only a few guys who recognized their son would scream like this, but how could they be exposed by a group of zombies?

While he was wondering, the group of corpses changed again, forming a new line of font: I am your Feng Daddy. www.zbcxw.cn Xingxing Novel Network

Xie Dong could see clearly that when the zombies said these words, the most obvious one among the zombies, a giant zombie with a height of more than three meters and like an ancient demon, waved at him, as if he was saying hello to an acquaintance. .

Such a weird scene made Xie Dong open his mouth. It took him a while to react, and he shouted out the window: F*ck! Xia Feng, you idiot, why did you become a zombie and still look like this? Big man, this is taking hormones.

He did not doubt Xia Feng's identity. After all, he could recognize himself, and with this way of chatting about recognizing his son, he must be someone very familiar with him.

Come down and talk, these zombies won't hurt you. Xia Feng heard Xie Dong's shouts and controlled the zombies to change their formations to form new characters.

Looking at the words below, Xie Dong's expression was a little uncertain. The dark mass of corpses underneath really frightened him, and he couldn't help but think of the terrible scene where the survivors were eaten by zombies.

Fuck! Brother Feng won't lie to me.

The brotherhood established by spending more than two years together day and night allowed Xie Dong to overcome the fear in his heart and shouted outside: Feng son, wait for me to go down.

After saying that, he turned around and left the dormitory, running down the stairs. As soon as he arrived at the door of the dormitory building, Xie Dong saw two neat rows of zombies standing in neat rows, and they all bowed to him as if to welcome him. The most distinguished guest.

Xia Feng stood in the center, walking towards him with steady and powerful steps. After walking in front of him, he slowly squatted down and stretched out his fist that was as big as a real casserole.

Looking at the fist stopped in mid-air, Xie Dong smiled knowingly. All the previous worries disappeared without a trace at this moment. He also raised his fist, touched Xia Feng's huge fist lightly, and said: Brother Feng, An good.

Dongzi, be well. Xia Feng responded silently in his heart.

When brothers met, they naturally had a lot to say. Although Xia Feng could not speak at this time, he still wrote about the current situation in writing, but he did not expose the matter of the cyan jade talisman. It was not that he did not trust Xie Dong, but The fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better.

Xie Dong also told his experience. It turned out that when the doomsday came, he was lucky enough to awaken his ability to transform into a beast. It was because of this that he survived the most chaotic period.

There were zombies everywhere at that time. Xie Dong remembered that all the mechanical and electrical students who lived on the sixth floor had been arranged by the school to go out for internships two days ago. Now it happened to be empty, so he ran to the sixth floor.

When I went up the stairs, I encountered a few zombies, but with the powerful power after transformation, I made it to the sixth floor without any danger.

In the dormitory on the sixth floor, Xie Dong was lucky enough to find some snacks left by the students of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. There was clean drinking water in the hot water room. With no shortage of food and water, he was able to spend his time in peace. these days.

However, after the consumption in the past few days, there was not much food left. Xie Dong was planning to go to the fifth floor to deal with the zombies and look for food when he heard Xia Feng's roar like rolling thunder and saw the zombies walking out of the dormitory in groups. Just as he was about to see where these zombies would go, he was discovered by Xia Feng.

Show me your superpower. Xia Feng wrote on the ground after listening to Xie Dong's story.

Okay, let me show you how handsome my transformation is.

Xie Dong confidently agreed, and his body immediately began to crackle. His thin body expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he grew to more than two meters tall. Green scales also emerged from the surface of the skin. Feng almost thought he was going to turn into a zombie.

But a closer look shows that they are not exactly the same as zombies. Xie Dong’s scales are not only cyan, but his pupils are not scarlet like zombies, but a noble golden color, and there is a spiral on his forehead. Wisps of purple arcs burst out from the horn, surrounding his strong body, making him look like a god of war who controls thunder and lightning.

Hehe, it looks good! I gave this transformation a name, Zidian Qinglong, what do you think? Xie Dong said proudly.

Show show. Xia Fengyan wrote on the ground concisely.


Xie Dong nodded, walked to a poplar tree, raised his hand and punched out, only to hear a click. The poplar tree, which seemed to be about ten years old, was broken by this punch. .

Moreover, the fracture of the poplar tree was still somewhat black. It was obvious that Xie Dong's punch was not only powerful, but also had a terrifying arc burn effect.

This was not over yet. After Xie Dong broke the poplar tree with one punch, he spread his palms and shouted: The purple lightning is shocking!

With this loud shout, wisps of purple arcs quickly gathered in Xie Dong's palm and turned into a purple light ball the size of a basketball. When he pushed his palm forward, the purple light ball streaked out in the air like a shooting star. A beautiful trajectory landed on the ground five or six meters away.


With a muffled sound, a two-meter-square deep pit was blasted out of the hard ground. The area within several meters was covered with thick floating soil. This power was like a cannonball.

Xia Feng met many people with superpowers, and Xie Dong was definitely the most powerful one among them. He was probably the top among the entire group of survivors. If the wild boar man's transformation was so strong, then he It had already been blasted to pieces.

How's it going? It's awesome! Xie Dong walked over with beaming eyes and asked with a smile.

Xia Feng's heart was filled with envy when he thought that his good brother had awakened such a powerful power, especially the transformation of the Purple Lightning Blue Dragon and the move of the Purple Lightning Shocking Breaker. It was so fierce and handsome that it could be called a cartoon. The protagonist template in .

No, we can't let him swell like this, we have to hit him. Looking at Xie Dong walking towards him with a smile, Xia Feng couldn't help but have this idea in his mind.

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