Damn it, you've really become a spirit. A beast still dares to mock me. I'll have to skin you and make it into a rug.

Xia Feng cursed in his mind, but did not attack again. He just held the remaining two nylon ropes with his right hand and waited quietly for the orange cat to attack.

The orange cat was very fast. It rushed forward in the blink of an eye, jumped up, its sharp front claws flashed with cold light, and fiercely clawed at Xia Feng's head. Apparently in the battle just now, it had understood the key point of the zombies. where.

Seeing the orange cat rushing towards him, Xia Feng suddenly raised his right hand and placed it in front of him, blocking the orange cat's sharp claws. After being promoted to a third-level zombie, Xia Feng's defense was no longer the same, and a thin layer of black The crystal is a bit harder than steel. The orange cat's claws scratched it and scratched a series of sparks, but only left a few shallow white marks.

At the same time, Xia Feng slapped his chest with the palm of his left hand like lightning, and the blue pattern bloomed with light. The faint blue lines quickly spread from his chest, covering his whole body in an instant, and a biting cold air burst out. The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped several degrees, and even the flexible orange cat was inevitably covered with a layer of white frost.

After the water transformation that stimulated the rotation of the five elements affected the orange cat's speed, Xia Feng immediately kicked out. His scaly left leg was like a powerful and heavy steel whip, and even caused a series of sonic booms. .

Although the orange cat's speed was affected, his reaction was still very quick. His slender body bent into a big bow, his hind legs suddenly kicked on Xia Feng's waist, and he jumped back like a spring, narrowly avoiding the situation. A powerful and heavy kick.

At this moment, a large white net suddenly fell from the sky and covered the orange cat's head. However, the vampires and demon eyes who had been waiting among the corpses saw the opportunity when the orange cat landed and took action decisively.

The orange cat's body was hit by the cold air at this time, and it was already a little sluggish. It could avoid Xia Feng's kick but could not avoid the larger anti-fall net. Although it tried its best to jump out, it was still blocked by the anti-fall net. When under the hood.

The orange cat caught in the net did not surrender. Instead, it let out a scream as if its hair was exploding. It waved its front paws wildly and instantly tore a large hole in the anti-fall net.

The net was broken, and the orange cat was about to jump out, but a nylon rope was thrown over at this moment, and it happened to be wrapped around its neck. The next moment, an irresistible huge force came along the rope, directly He pulled it along with the net and threw it heavily to the ground.

Pulling the orange cat to his side, Xia Feng did not hesitate. He raised his hand and punched down, hitting the orange cat's back hard. Under the impact of the huge force, the orange cat's spine was instantly broken into several sections, and his five internal organs were broken. The six internal organs were also shattered a lot.


The orange cat let out a shrill wail, and coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood, mixed with all the broken organs. Its green eyes gradually lost their luster, and life was passing quickly.

Magic combined with cold weapons makes you cry and shed tears. You kid, you dared to mock me just now. Xia Feng cursed in his heart, then waved his hand to the vampire, and then pointed at the orange cat on the ground, meaning He handed the orange cat to her.

Now the aura contained in the corpse of the second-level mutated beast is already a drop in the bucket for Xia Feng. It is more cost-effective to improve the strength of the vampire. After the blood is drained, the rest is given to the demon pupil, and there will be no waste.

Leaving the vampires and demon pupils behind to deal with the bodies, Xia Feng walked along the road in the school towards the dormitory building. The closer he got to the dormitory building, the more zombies he encountered.

This was expected by Xia Feng. After all, the apocalypse occurred at night, and most of the students were in the dormitory. The playground and the library, the holy place for dating, were not far from the dormitory. It was normal for there to be many zombies.

Originally, Xia Feng went to the dormitory building just to tame all the zombies in the school. Naturally, he would not let go of these wandering on the road. He used the zombie control light to tame them all. When he walked to the dormitory building, there were more zombies around him. Hundreds of brothers.

As Xia Feng advanced, the zombie-controlling divine light also had new changes. It was no longer just small waves of light. With a sweep of his palm, a green light flew out. Any zombies that were touched by the blue light would... They will all be quickly tamed into little brothers.

However, even if the corpse-controlling divine light is more powerful, it still takes some effort to tame the zombies in the dormitory. After all, Xia Feng's current size cannot enter the dormitory building at all, and the corpse-controlling divine light does not have a see-through function now. , cannot be tamed through walls.

Xia Feng had his own way of dealing with this. After he advanced, his zombie coercion became more powerful. Every time he roared, low-level zombies would subconsciously stay away from him.

Xia Feng made full use of this characteristic. He first roared in the north of the dormitory building, forcing all the zombies in the dormitory to move to the south. Then he ran to the south and used the zombie control light to control the zombies through the window.

Using this method, everyone from the southeast to the northwest spoke, and most of the zombies in the dormitory were controlled. Then Xia Feng gave orders to these zombies, asking them to bring out the uncontrolled zombies around them.

In this way, it took more than two hours, and when the sun set, all the zombies hidden in the dormitory building became Xia Feng's bag.

Counting those he had conquered before, Xia Feng already had more than 5,000 troops at this time. Before the end of the world, he would have almost a brigade. However, Xia Feng was not satisfied. His plan was to conquer the entire university town. He conquered all the zombies, then gradually expanded to take over the entire Zhangcheng District, and finally moved all the way west, bringing the entire Quan City into his sphere of influence.

As the provincial capital of Qilu, Quancheng has a population of several million in the urban area alone. Excluding survivors, the number of zombies is definitely more than three million.

With such a huge base, there must be a lot of zombies that have evolved to the second level. Maybe some of them have evolved into the third level zombies like Xia Feng. With them as a guarantee, they can search for more spiritual veins and quickly increase their strength. Secondly, I can go to my hometown to find my parents and sister to see if they are still alive.

As for now, improving strength is still the first priority. After all, an orange cat can evolve to be so powerful. Those wolf dogs, Tibetan mastiffs, and weasels will probably have even more terrifying combat power. If there are not enough corpses to protect them, I'm afraid that before I get home, I will be killed by those powerful mutant beasts in the wild.

I was silently thinking about the future development in my heart, but out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly spotted a figure upstairs in the dormitory. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, it was a thin, dark-skinned young man with a black frame on his face. Glasses, lying on the window looking out.

Perhaps in the young man's mind, zombies are monsters with only instincts, so he did not hide himself, just lying in front of the window openly and looking at the dark group of corpses.

When Xia Feng saw the young man, he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart, and thought quite excitedly: I didn't expect this kid to be alive.

To read the latest chapter of I am a zombie king in a doomsday world, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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