Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 783 returns after a year

    When Fang Li opened his eyes, the familiar lawn of his personal residence entered his field of vision.

    "are you back?"

    Fang Li murmured and immediately viewed the record of Main God's Dimension.

    "Serial Number 11273 applied for early departure from Personal World. The entry time in the "Aria the Scarlet Ammo" world has not yet arrived. During the break of Main God's Dimension, it will be possible to apply for another entry into the Personal World at any time until the end of the limited time. until."

    If you think about it, how much time did Fang Li spend in the world of Aria the Scarlet Ammo?

    In accordance with the ratio of 1:10, Fang Li was only a short time away from Main God's Dimension.

    "In other words, can the rest time in Main God's Dimension be calculated in ten days?"

    Although accurate, it should be less than ten days.

    "In this calculation, I did not achieve my goal at all."

    Fang Li is somewhat cynical.

    Originally, Fang Li entered into Personal World. According to Ryougi Shiki's suggestion, he gave himself a rare vacation and really wanted to take a break.

    Unfortunately, in the world of "Aria the Scarlet Ammo", Fang Li did not rest at all, and he was almost always engaged in confrontation with all kinds of beings. As before, he was totally obliged.

    Of course, this labor life came only after entering Main God's Dimension.

    Prior to entering Main God's Dimension, Fang Li was a hikikomori and he was relaxed every day except for school.

    "However, in this way, things in the world of "Aria the Scarlet Ammo" can be considered to have come to an end."

    Previously, Fang Li had left without any excuse, and indirectly caused various problems. Therefore, he took a rest and entered the world of Aria the Scarlet Ammo.

    Now, although the purpose of the rest has not been met, at least this time is no longer a matter of not saying it, but it really comes to an end.

    And the rest time at Main God's Dimension is also a lot of surplus.

    "In that case…"

    In Fang Li's mind, a girl's figure appeared unconsciously and she could not help but smile.

    Immediately, Fang Li raised the head and looked upwards, speaking loudly.

    "Apply to Personal World."


    Since the rest time also has so much remaining, then Fang Li has no reason not to return.

    Going back to that very important person is waiting for your own world.

    As a result, the System Notification tone of Main God's Dimension began to ring.

    "Serial Number 11273 applied for Personal World and started to match."

    "Personal World is currently: Aria the Scarlet Ammo, Gakusen Toshi Asterisk, Re: Zero-Start Life in Another World, Tsukihime."

    "Please select to apply for Personal World."

    The System Notification tone just fell from Fang Li's mind and Fang Li made a direct choice.

    ""Gakusen Toshi Asterisk"."

    As soon as the voice was over, the System Notification tone immediately began to ring.

    "Personal World selected, the selected Personal World is "Gakusen Toshi Asterisk", is it OK?"


    "Successfully selected, the rest time in Main God's Dimension is ten days, entering the world in a ratio of 1:10, and 20,000EX change points must be delivered. Is it delivered?"


    "After successful delivery, after entering the Personal World, you will not be able to trigger any Quest. No matter whether it is Main Quest, Side Quest or Hidden Quest, it will not be triggered. The rest of Main God's Envoy will not be able to enter the Personal World. When time arrives, if you want to stay, you'll need to deliver an additional level of EX change Points."

    The familiar notification sound falls again.

    Shortly afterwards , in a private residence owned exclusively by Fang Li, Fang Li's figure disappeared out of thin air and disappeared.


    "Buzz 嗡…"

    The legendary vertigo has just faded and Fang Li feels a shock from his waist.

    Feeling the vibration, Fang Li first glimpsed, and even seemed to understand something. He touched his pure white activation body that was not in the lower back and smiled.

    "It's just a return. Did you actually make you so excited?"

    The sense of vibration naturally comes from Bo Xie.

    At this moment, Bo Xie seems to perceive himself as returning to a familiar world, and a rare response.

    "I always thought you were a cold guy. There was no other feeling except Jie Jie. Now it seems that you are just "cold on the outside?" ”

    Saying such a sentence would make Bo Xie awkward, Fang Li gently stroked the pure white activation body until he recovered calm and opened his own eyes.

    The buzz, almost at the same time, entered Fang Li's ear.

    Because of the location where Fang Li stands, the center of the precisely lively street.

    The one by one people came and went, passing Fang Li and letting this dialogue go to Fang Li.

    "You already bought tickets for Gryps?"

    "don't say , the tickets are basically sold out. I'm still online now."

    "true or false? Did you not even pay for tickets one month ahead of schedule? ”

    "Who let it be the world's most popular show? Which session is not the case? ”

    "makes sense."

    Upon hearing such a conversation, Fang Li was somewhat surprised.

    "Has it already been to the beginning of "Gryps"?"


    — "Gryps".


    The three kinds of Festa, with three years as a cycle, and one year as a unit, have been alternated. Under the manipulation of the six Integrated Enterprise Foundations, it has long been the world’s most watched and welcomed mega-event.

    When Fang Li left, it wasn't long after Phoenix was just over.

    Is it now time to start Gryps?

    "It seems that my departure in this world is not just three months."

    With this in mind, Fang Li took out his own Black Ring and put it on a temporary basis to find out which terminal he used in the world.

    After the terminal was turned on, Fang Li extended the hand and opened the space screen in front of him to confirm the time.

    It did not matter that Fang Li's expected that the time for Fang Li to leave would be a year after the end of “Phoenix”.

    In other words, Fang Li left for almost a year.

    Since the beginning of "Gryps", there are almost all the hot posts related to it online.

    However, Fang Li merely scanned these posts and then searched for another hot topic.

    ———— "Sylvia Lyyneheym".

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