Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 780 you, it really is interesting (seeking monthly ticket)

    This is the top of the Grenada (servant) site on the top of an alpine mountain.

    The top of a magnificent palace looks like a tower, which is very high. From here, you can almost see the panorama of the island.

    And here, at this moment, there is a man standing in the wind.

    Body wearing a coat, wearing a Detective hat on his head, and his mouth is still biting the pipe, very handsome man.

    The man stood here and looked at the entire island, watching the place where the sea of ​​fire was turned down, but he did not say anything and silently smoked a pipe and smoked.

    Until a certain moment, the man made a wry smile.

    "Since it has come, then come out."

    The man is so open.

    "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

    When the voice falls, the scene is still silent.

    Until after a while, a footstep came slowly.

    Looking at the man who stood in the wind and looked at the firescape of the entire island, Fang Li was not surprised and did not have emotion. He only murmured as he expected.

    "You did not die yet."

    "Sherlock Holmes."

    The man facing the wind, famous detective of precisely world's strongest, Aria's great-grandfather — Sherlock Holmes.

    Fang Li gazes at this famous detective.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes, appears in its in eyes.

    Shortly afterwards , a cracked Death Line emerges from Sherlock's body.

    Looking at this scene, Fang Li's eyes is just glittering.

    Sherlock, like what he expected, smiled a bit and started to talk.

    How? Is there a big difference from when I was in IU? ”

    Still remember, at the beginning, in Sherlock's IU, Sherlock's body spread everywhere over the Death Line and was about to end.

    However, at this moment, Sherlock body's Death Line is much less, as if it completely restored Life Force, just like ordinary people.

    What does that mean?

    This means that Sherlock’s life span has been extended.


    More precisely, it should be said that young people have been restored.

    The evidence is that at the time of the IU, Sherlock who handed Hidan to Aria lost all of his life-spanning power and the entire person began to age.

    And now, Sherlock has become young as usual before losing Hidan.

    So Sherlock survived.

    "If possible, I would like to ask how you survived."Fang Li somewhat indifferently said: "Can you tell me?"

    "This is a very sourness/bad mind request, Fang Li-kun."Sherlock said with a laugh: "According to my reasoning…No, even if not need reasoning, I also believe that if you are, you will know how I did it? ”

    Hearing this, Fang Li grinned, but did not deny.

    In this case, Conversely Sherlock began to understand what he said.

    "IU was originally a place to share everyone's technology, and I was the ultimate body of completion. All the people's technology was concentrated in this body and became the leader of IU."

    Sherlock Shi Shiran's opening.

    "And in the IU, isn't there an expert in genetic manipulation?"

    Who is this expert? It is not necessary to explain it.

    In addition to Vlad, or Sayonaki, who else can it be?

    "At that time, I was actually dead from a physiological point of view."Sherlock laughs and says: "Only after that, fuck, with the help of some people, regulated the genetic protein on NMN, excited its activity, tried to reach rejuvenation, and eventually passed several growth periods, finally reaching For the purpose."

    This kind of technology, even Sayonaki never owned it?

    However, Sherlock was a complete body of the IU, not only fully acquired Sayonaki's technology, and even further developed the technique, which eventually reached the goal of rejuvenation.

    Therefore, Fang Li can feel it.

    Compared to the time of IU, Sherlock's aura is not only extremely powerful but also very dynamic.

    (This is the true strength of Sherlock Holmes?)

    Last time, Sherlock could only fight by entering the Hysteria Mode because he was about to end his life. He was already dying and he couldn't do much at all.

    But now that Sherlock has completely recovered Life Force, after a few more years of growth, I'm afraid I'll be stronger than I was at the time of my heyday.

    The current Sherlock, although not as good as Sun and Habi, compares Hilda and Oni who entered the third form. It was "only stronger."

    I am afraid, if we let Sherlock go through several more growth periods, then would Sun and Habi be overtaken by him?

    "You are really a monster."Fang Li said satirically: "Together with your own genes, even if you become stronger, you will eventually become a monster like Vlad who is not a ghost."

    "Rest assured, I still have a sense of proportion."Sherlock didn’t carelessly say: “The so-called genes are actually only one by one mystery of the human body. If there is a mystery, then there is no inextricable existence. This is my pride as Detective.”

    "Then you have been hidden behind the scenes, and even came here, what is it for?" ”Fang Li directly asked: "To understand the mystery of Scarlet Blazing God?"

    "That after all, it was the existence of a century of research that I had not fully solved. I naturally would not be curious."Sherlock said in an intransigent way, "This is called a man's romance, Fang Li-kun."

    That's what it is, but in fact, Sherlock should have come because of Aria?

    After all, Sherlock had long noticed that the Hidan Golden Shell of Aria within the body was destroyed, knowing that sooner or later it would become Scarlet Blazing God, which was hidden all the way behind the scenes.

    until now.

    "I'm only an old soldier after all."Sherlock laughs and says: "This time is still yours, so I'm still a watcher."

    As soon as the words came out, an exquisite Knight Sword was suddenly thrown at Sherlock.


    Sherlock subconsciously took it over, and it was a dazed one.

    Because it was Sherlock in IU and in the final battle with Fang Li, it was stuffed to Fang Li's.

    "That is the national treasure of United Kingdom?"Fang Li said: "You guessed it was through my hand to Aria that Aria would be returned to the motherland. Unfortunately, Aria has inherited Hidan. It's busy. This valuable Item, you still have to bring it. ”

    After that, Fang Li turned around and left directly.

    Only Sherlock left, stroking Knight Sword in his hand, helpingless smiled.

    "I can't reason about this matter Ah…

    "You are really interesting…"

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