Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 786 is the biggest one

    Sylvia's room was very spacious, not only had the bathroom, the kitchen and the bedroom, and even the living room had a comparison with Fang Li in the VIP room in Butei High.

    At this time, in the bedroom, Fang Li sat shirtless on the bed, his wet hair being gently wiped by a towel.

    "Who did you let you fall into the bathroom?"Sylvia rubbed her head and helped Fang Li wipe her head, saying: "Is it come come to say that I found someone in the bathroom bathing. Shouldn't they wear clothes? Is it possible to change your clothes without clothes? ”

    After all, here is the female dormitory, but also the female dormitory of the women's school, how are all impossible to find men's clothes.

    Therefore, Fang Li is now in a state of wearing only one big crotch. After exercising, the body, which has become very healthy, is directly exposed to the air and is already soaked.

    Incidentally, Sylvia encloses a bath towel directly in the body, and everything else is gone. The hair is also covered with moisture and even drops of water.

    However, Sylvia completely ignored himself, only wiping his head with a towel to help Fang Li.

    In this regard, Fang Li only shook his shoulders while obediently accepting Sylvia's ministry and said, "I didn't think you were taking a bath."

    "Is it not important to think about it? It is important that you come in."Sylvia turned purple eyes to Fang Li's body and said: "But don't tell me you don't know I'm there. I can't believe it."

    "I only wanted to give you a surprise."Fang Li took a look at Sylvia and said with a smile: "Only, I did not expect that instead you gave me benefits."

    "…idiot."Sylvia charming face was once again slightly red, and some of the strange white Fang Li gave him a look. Then he said, "If you want to surprise me, then you don't have to break into the school ah. The surprise is almost startling. If When you're discovered, you're dead."

    This is not just talking about it.

    The Queenvail Girls' Academy has such an Ability.

    Of course, this does not mean killing Fang Li but destroying Fang Li on the human side.

    No matter how to say, here are countless people dreaming of hoping to peep at the secret garden of their idols. If a man comes in, it will definitely be obliterated in a social sense.

    Even considering intellectual considerations, as a facility under the Integrated Enterprise Foundation, this campus has many secrets, such as Lux's research materials, even Ogre Lux's research materials, or even Meteor Engineering's technical secrets.

    Once the things that Fang Li has come in have been exposed, it would be regarded as being forced to press on to steal secrets. That can only be recognized.

    This kind of thing, as long as it is not an idiot, it can certainly think of.

    Fang Li naturally is not an idiot, and has always been proud of his cool analytical power and observation power. It is even more impossible to understand the seriousness of the matter.

    However, Fang Li said he was careless.

    "As long as you don't find it, won't you?"

    It sounds very reasonable, but in reality it is a rational one.

    "It really took you."Sylvia sighed like a stunned breath and immediately smiled, looking directly into Fang Li's eyes. He smiled and said: "If it hasn't been discovered, then have you taken the chance to visit other places? ?"

    Sylvia's smile looks beautiful when he says this, but Fang Li can be sure that if he says yes, that beautiful smile will immediately turn black.

    As a person who is indifferent to death, Fang Li has always had the courage to challenge difficulties.

    Only at this time, the fearless Fang Li will laugh out loud, raising his hand and making a surrender.

    "Even if I think, then I have to look at the conditions to allow it. I don't even know the way. I found it hard to find it. How could I still hang around?"

    This is the truth.

    So Sylvia can only sigh and say something like this.

    "The next time you stop doing it, it's too dangerous. If you get caught, I can't even speak for you."

    After that, Sylvia is helping Fang Li wipe the body's water.

    "I couldn't find the clothes you could wear here, so you'll just wrap the sheets and I'll have them. I've already aired them for you, and I'll do it soon."Sylvia got up and said to Fang Li: "Don't run around anymore?"

    Leaving this sentence, Sylvia just wanted to turn and left, but he was pulled and forced to smash.


    Sylvia gave a small exclamation of subconsciousness.

    When it came time to react, it was already lying on the bed and lying down.

    Fang Li's face appeared on Sylvia's face, staring at Sylvia's charming face that intrigued countless people all over the world, extend the hand, and flick a bullet on his forehead.

    "I told you in advance that I didn't mean not to contact you?"Fang Li said: “You will understand later that if I want to get in touch with this side, it will be almost impossible.”

“……It sounds like a statement to perfunctory girls. ”Sylvia caressed her forehead and was caught in the eyes of Fang Li's. She said, "You shouldn't think I'm such a good coping woman?"

    "World Famous Diva, the best idol, I believe no matter who will not say hello?Fang Li said with a smile: "Although, for me, you are only an ordinary girl."

    In a word, Sylvia's bulging charm face could not help but move slightly, as if he had been stunned, he couldn't help smiling.

    That smile is as beautiful as a painting.

    Looking at such Sylvia, Fang Li could not help but be up.

    You know, this World Famous Diva is just around the state of a bath towel.

    Fang Li must admit that he will not help but eat this delicious dish.

    And this brainteaser was also seen by Sylvia.

    "What can I not be allowed to play?"

    At the moment, Sylvia grinned.

    "I have a concert tomorrow. If something goes wrong, then you will be in trouble."

    Sylvia's words, let Fang Li's lips groan.

    "You use this excuse every time."Fang Li somewhat helplessly said: "Why, who makes you the biggest?"

    When the voice fell, Sylvia retorted it.

    "Not right?"

    Raising his face up, Sylvia gently kissed Fang Li's lips, and then Lang Li smiled and sang in a blank expression.

    "To me, you are the biggest one."

    This discourse, along with that beautiful smile, entered Fang Li's heart.

    So, Fang Li can only smile.

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