Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 774 Mystic Eyes VSSuperpower (Monthly Ticket)


    Fang Li's declaration, let Scarlet Blazing God not only not angry, but made a happy laughter.

    The laughter, because of Aria's childlike voice, is simply better than music.

    However, in that beautiful voice, there is a sense of power that is enough to make people feel frozen.

    "In order to recapture my important partner, so I plan to fight with me?"

    Scarlet Blazing God is very happy smiling.

    "Well, this is the best."

    "After all, this is love."

    Crimson's glow began to light up around Aria's body and enveloped her body.

    The light, though not so strong, can make the whole air become lost.

    Fang Li's words, it can be very clear feeling.

    Aura of Scarlet Blazing God, just like a flame, is burning and rising.

    As in the previous sense of presence, Suralet Blazing God’s aura was at least twice that of Sun and Habi.

    "Although Aria is still far behind Sun and Habi in terms of physical strength, if you do close combat with you, Absolutely will be Insta-kill instantly, but in terms of Superpower's strength, it's the best, no matter what It's Ruyi Bang, Somersault Cloud, or Koyomi Kagami, and I can play like an arm!"

    Such Scarlet Blazing God is no doubt only stronger.

    Originally, Sun and Habi were strong but strong but their oneself, the power of Hihiirokane that could be used, but only Ruyi Bang and Somersault Cloud.

    In Aria's words, it is not strong in itself, but the degree of accomplishment as Scarlet Blazing God is the ultimate of perfect,genuine.

    So, as long as you use Aria's body, Scarlet Blazing God can use Hihiirokane that surpassed out of the norm's power.

    There are no restrictions.

    "Try it for the time being."

    So, Scarlet Blazing God suddenly patted his palm.


    The air around Fang Li suddenly twisted.

    "Li-kun !"

    Shirayuki exclaimed.

    However, almost in the moment of exclamation, Shirayuki felt that he was being held by a pair of hands and opened at an astonishing rate.


    The distorted space bursts so suddenly, like a balloon that bursts, slashes the terrifying blast wave and strikes it.

    "BOOM —!"

    The whole beach suddenly shuddered, and it seemed like it had been hit by a huge impact, setting off countless grit.

    As a result, the terrifying blast wave even pushed out the incoming waves, making the corner of an island, like the surface of the sea that borders the beach, seem to be digging, and it instantly became empty.

    When the seawater fills in, the turbulent waves turn into waves, rolling up whirlpools, and striking the island with astonishing momentum, covering the entire beach.

    The ultra-large strategic aircraft named Fugaku was suddenly swallowed by the sea and disappeared into the sea.

    At first glance, it seems that the corner of an island is sinking into the seabed and it is frightening.


    Fang Li, holding Shirayuki, flitted into the sky like a meteor and flew overhead, looking down at the sea below, and his eyes began to change.

    The power shown by Scarlet Blazing God, more or less, was surpassed by Fang Li's estimate.

    By the time Fang Li caught up in the air, another meteor flew up in the sea below.

    Only, that road meteor is crimson.

    "Flying is a difficult superpower, because you have to use mind/energetic to control the body, rather than let the body in the air movement, for this must exercise mind/energetic, but also with the body to cooperate with mind/energetic control, is more difficult than manipulating the most sophisticated instruments, so even level 5 (Esper) are not a few can do free flight, you still have such a ability, but I am a little surprised. ”

    Scarlet Blazing God controls Aria's body and flies in the air, almost parallel to Fang Li, staring at Fang Li's crimson eyes like a star, shining brightly and smiling on his face.

    "But, for me, flying is just one of the least obvious things."

    When it fell, Scarlet Blazing God took another shot.


    Going up to the heights of Fang Li's all around, space is once again twisted.

    However, this time, space doesn't blast like a blast of a terrible blast wave. Instead, it is divided into one by one cube.

    The cubes, which look like transparent crystals, can have a small number one on their interiors, with a lacquered black cube.

    Thus, Fang Li is surrounded by a cube such as one by one, as if Crystal had a block around the body.

    Only, watching this scene, Shirayuki was shocked.

    "Can't touch those things! Li-kun! ”

    Shirayuki quickly opened up.

    "That is the Dimensional Hexahedron. Space dark bodies that can stop everything, cut it, and even destroy it, will be finished once it is touched!"

    Unfortunately, it is only now that it is too late.

    "Come on and see how you deal with me."

    In Scarlet Blazing God, with Aria's childlike voice, the one by one cube fluttering around Fang Li all around suddenly flicked like a bullet and turned into a dark beam, violently shoots towards Fang Li. .


    Shirayuki has closed his eyes.

    However, Fang Li did exactly the opposite, but he suddenly opened his eyes.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes glittering.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Helix !"

    In the moment of falling voice, Ogre Lux in Fang Li's hands suddenly turned into a phantom.

    “shuā shuā shuā shuā shuā ————!”

    In the sharp chord of the wind, numerous swords and lanterns appear in Fang Li's around the body. Like a storm, they flew in all directions.

    Look closely, that Jianguang, just centered on Fang Li, formed a sphere with a diameter of two meters.

    As its name is, it is a spiral like slash.

    As a result, countless swords suddenly met with countless black bodies.

    "pū chī —!"

    In the cutting sound, space dark bodies capable of stopping, cutting and destroying all substances are split in half by bright swords.

    "pū chī –pū chī –pū chī –!"

    With the sound of a cutting sound, one by one's space dark bodies were all split into two by a sword light, neat and tidy cut.

    "Hey —!"

    Suddenly, the space dark bodies that were cut in half by one by one opened one after another. Like the splashes, all the dark light inside the room turned into sparks, and they bloomed around Fang Li's all around.

    Bring the pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes brightly.


    The smile on Scarlet Blazing God's face was stiff and he was horrified.

    "Is the three-dimensional space cut off?!"


    Not cut off.

    "It's killing!"

    Along with this kind of discourse, a figure appears to be stunnedly leaps to the front of Scarlet Blazing God.

    "Qiāng — !"

    The cold sword light scratched the air.

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