Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 773 “Love” and “War” (Seek monthly ticket)

    On the sands of solitary islands, waves surged in waves, bringing waves of waves through the sand and gravel, over the islands, and over the very large strategic bombers parked on the beach.

    Fang Li, holding Shirayuki, slowly descended from the sky and landed on the beach. He raised his eyes and looked forward. He looked at the top of the bomber.

    "Come on."

    "It's a lot faster than I thought."

    As if a person were talking, Sun and Habi, who were holding a smashing knife and a large axe, stood side by side with Habi, looking from front to back, looking at Fang Li and Shirayuki.

    Behind the two champions, at the height of the bomber, the same petite figure as Sun and Habi was standing against the wind and facing away from it.

    The body, full of Sun and Habi more than twice the sense of presence and power as high tide, surging.

    "H ū — !"

    The sea breeze carries coldness and lets the girl's hem of the skirt fly in the wind.

    A pair of twintails also flew along with them.

    Pink Twintails formed by Cherry Blossom, a beautifully cotton-like hair.


    Shirayuki looked at the very unusual presence of the scene, with a bit of sadness in his voice.

    It is also a matter of course.

    The petite girl standing on the wing with her back to the two was long ago not the Aria that Shirayuki knew.

    "Should there be three years?"

    Extremely crisp and childlike voice, began to sound from the other's body.

    The difference is that there is less childishness and a little more rebelliousness.

    "Since three years ago, I came through Koyomi Kagami and entered the child's body. I kept trying to replace the mind/energetic in this body to complete resurrection."

    “Unfortunately, during this three-year period, the child did not understand the joy of fighting, but he was also unable to understand the beauty of his love. Even if he could inherit my power perfectly, he still could not co-ordinate with me. appear."

    “However, after a lapse of three years, the Holmes Family's children were finally opened. Although they still did not know how to enjoy the battle, they began to confuse the love. In this way, if you add a little stimulation, it can be like now. In this way, perfect appendages."

    Afterwards, Goddess, who had taken Aria's body, turned and looked down at Fang Li's body. He was very cute and with a childish face, facing Fang Li, showing a cute smile.

    "It all comes down to you, it's you who made Aria feel strange for an opposite sex, and gradually learned to love it, Fang Li."

    This kind of discourse is as if it is riding on the wind and it is introduced into Fang Li's ears.

    So Fang Li fell silent.

    "Scarlet Blazing God …"

    Shirayuki's expression is to become rigorous.

    "Is Hotogi Shrine's Miko also coming?"Scarlet Blazing God will transferred the vision to Shirayuki of the body, smile began to become a little cold up, extremely unhappy said: "Clearly from ancient times has been my ontology as to become a God Ming to worship , but whenever I present world, the person who runs out to stop me must be you, a group of boring guardians, your ancestors, the girl named Himiko is more interesting. ”

    "We are not going to be behind the ancestors."Shirayuki has a strong expression and his voice becomes strong and powerful. He replied, "Hotogi is because you are determined to be the guardian Clan. This is our mission."

    "So, I just said that you are very boring."Scarlet Blazing God is like a child with a temper, shouted: "Love is very interesting, the war is also very interesting, although the modern war is not fun, just let a poor group of civilians holding guns, hit a side completely extinguish So far ugly, that kind of thing, and pick up the roadside stone competition number not different, but the previous war but always let me blood boiling. ”

    The words of Scarlet Blazing God had just fallen, and the grandson holding the knife of the moon was open.

    "Just like the Three Kingdoms of the past, that era, excellent expert is almost as much as the stars, such as Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan, as well as Sima Family, five tigers and Zhou Yu generation, like Jewel after the fine carving of these superhuman on the battlefield fight each other, That is the real war, only that kind of war, can let me countless times can not myself. ”

    When Sun's voice fell, Habi screamed again.

    "My favorite thing is that like that, the extraordinary existence that exceeds the human wisdom has gambling on each other and serious war of duel. In that, it is the best game."

    Here, Scarlet Blazing God, who occupies Aria's body, unfolded his hands and exhilarated his speech.

    "I'm the "Love" in charge of the birth of life and the Goddess of Life "War" — Scarlet Blazing God!"

    "I long for war!"

    "I long for love!"

    "War and love, it is the best thing in this world!"

    With such declaration, Scarlet Blazing God pointed to Shirayuki.

    "However, you Hotogi has given up on such a wonderful thing, chose to silently guard this most boring thing, and obviously can use my power at any time, but only seal it!"

    "Ridiculous!" Ridiculous!"

    "bored! bored! ”

    Scarlet Blazing God seems to really start to lose his temper.

    "After many years, I finally found the body that suits me best and came to the world with the most complete gesture in the world. But in this world, there is no war. It is boring!"

    "So, I will use this island as my stronghold to turn Warrior of Oni and Ranban into my own soldier, set off here, and declare war on the world through the ocean and sky, and lead to all the Superhuman groups in the world. Launch the fiercest World War!"

    "Who can't stop me!"

    The crisp childlike voice is just like an echo, echoing over the entire beach.

    Then Scarlet Blazing God looked at Fang Li again, smiled, and reached out to Fang Li.

    "You also come with me! Fang Li! ”

    This is an invitation.

    "The war is very interesting. I will give war all over the world!"

    "But there are only enough wars. I also want the most intense love!"

    "So, come on, be my partner and go with me to the world!"

    "I'm yours!"

    "This world is yours!"

    The words fell and the audience was quiet.


    Shirayuki was concerned with Fang Li.

    What was seen was only Fang Li's calm-to-terrible look.

    "you are mine?"

    Fang Li laughed.

    That laughter is extremely ironic.

    "Obviously using other people's bodies, actually mean to say such things?"

    "All right.

    The pure white activation body fell into the Fang Li's hand and turned into a pure white light sword, pointed by Fang Li.

    "Just wait until I drive you out of that body!"

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