Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 778 You will still lose (seek monthly ticket)


    Scarlet Blazing God could not help but squeeze a deep depression from his throat.

    "Good weight…!"


    Good weight.

    In this moment, Scarlet Blazing God only felt that a terrible destructive power hit him in front of him. Even if he had used Superpower to defend himself, he couldn't stop it completely and made his body mourn.

    And the huge tornado is as if he intends to break through the Superpower barrier in front of him.

    "Hey —!"

    Exploding sound , sounding like tornado at the front of the Superpower barrier like a huge drill bit.

    “pā pā pā pā Pā———— !”

    Cracking sound, which spreads around the ground where Scarlet Blazing God is standing, breaks the ground and collapses almost instantly.

    Under such circumstances, Scarlet Blazing God can only do his best to withstand the terrible attacks in front of him.

    I do not know, behind it, like a black ghost, quietly appeared.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes, looking straight into Scarlet Blazing God's back.

    "pū chī —!"

    The next second, the sound of the sharp blade piercing the body sounded.


    Scarlet Blazing God, who was struggling to resist the terrible attacks in front of him, widened his eyes.

    I saw that, behind it, a dagger like a crescent moon slammed into Scarlet Blazing God's body and holed it in.

    Scarlet Blazing God's eyes widened and his neck stiffened. He slowly turned his head and looked at his back.

    There, Fang Li held the Moon Blade, facing the stiff eyes of Scarlet Blazing God, and the ice blue Mystic Eyes did not carry any emotion.

    "pū chī —!"

    Another burst of tears began.

    Only, that is the sound that Fang Li inspired by Moon Blade pulling out of the body of Scarlet Blazing God.

    "Uh?"Aaaaah ————! ”

    The next second, Scarlet Blazing God issued a painful sorrow.


    The Superpower barrier, which is resisting the huge Tornado, broke down and disappeared completely into the space.

    Thus, the torcanado, which had not been reduced, crossed the original site of Scarlet Blazing God and drove all the way to the earth, breaking down the trees and separating the sea of ​​fire. It seemed as though they were going to break through the sky and penetrated half of the island directly into the ocean.

    In the end, the berserk waves were lifted and disappeared above the water level.


    I do not know how long the past has passed and silence has once again come.

    One hand holding the grandson, one hand holding Habi, Shiroguki in the hand still holding Irokane Ayame, looking at the scene in front of her eyes, did not respond for half a day.

    In Shirayuki's sight, there is a huge gully.

    The gully, starting from this open space, has led to the other side of the island and reached the sea.

    There was nothing left except the broken trees, the broken rocks, and the ground that had been razed to the ground.

    Just as literally speaking, there is a tornado passed from here, causing such a scene.


    A little disturbed breathing spreads in the still air.

    In front of the gigantic gully, Fang Li one hand holds Bo Xie, one hand holds Moon Blade, head down, and ice blue Mystic Eyes looks to the ground in front of him.

    Scarlet Blazing God, he lay there.


    In the mouth, constant dejection of depression.

    After a closer look, Scarlet Blazing God's body did not have any injuries.

    That's because Fang Li scruples the original Master of this body and takes her away from the original place when Berserk's tornado is about to hit his body.

    However, even so, Scarlet Blazing God still feels it.

    His own existence is gradually disappearing in this physical body.

    Scarlet Blazing God's words can be understood.

    Scarlet Blazing God finally stared at Fang Li with resentful eyes as he hugged his chest and endured the painful feeling of being eliminated.

    Correctly, it should be said that watching Fang Li was right for ice blue Mystic Eyes.

    Three months ago, Scarlet Blazing God nearly died under the Mystic Eyes.

    Now directly hit by the Mystic Eyes that even Space itself can kill, Scarlet Blazing God knows that he is already impossible to survive.

    At least, in Aria's body, that is impossible to survive.

    In this case, Fang Li's voice slowly passed into the ears of Scarlet Blazing God.

    "Don't feel humiliated. Just after the blow, I once defeated your physical ancestor when it was still incomplete. It was also my strongest move. I'm not better than Ruyi Bang, who I can't beat you, but I can You have already reached this point and you are already amazing."

    ———— "EX treme Death – Seven Nights".

    The ultimate mystery of Nanaya Assassination Arts, once it is out, will surely kill the opponent's ultimate skill.

    This trick, in the past, when Fang Li was not fully mastered, and when it was Fifth Rank, had Sherlock defeated.

    Now, Fang Li not only completed it, even improved it.

    The original EX treme Death – Seven Nights was at the same time throwing weapons, oneself also jumped in the air, when the opponent chose to resist one of the parties, the remaining convenience will strike to kill, the end is either thrown out of the weapon To smash the heart, either the user flying in the air to give his head a skull.

    However, according to their own situation, Fang Li improved it into a powerful killing move.

    The weapons that are thrown with all the skills of the Flashing Scabbard are powerful enough to rival the large tornado.

    Oneself is not jumping off the opponent's head in mid-air, but it uses all the tricks of Flashing Dash, like Teleportation appears behind the opponent, and launches a direct blow.

    Therefore, the opponent's end, either by the terrible tornado rushed to powder on the spot, or was killed by a fatal blow from behind the scene.

    Therefore, this is a certain kill mystery that brought the skills of Flashing Scabbard and Flashing Dash in Nanaya Assassination Arts to the limit and implements all of Nanaya Assassination Arts.

    More terrible than the original version, it belongs to the ultimate mystery of Fang Li's.

    Understand this, Scarlet Blazing God is extremely unwilling.

    WeiThe WHY

    Scarlet Blazing God is extremely difficult and painful.

    "Obviously this time the physical body …Quite perfect…Ability also…It came out completely…"

    “ Why?”Will lose…"

    Hearing this, Fang Li only continued to take a breather, watching the extremely painful Scarlet Blazing God, whispering.

    "Because, you are just hiding behind and manipulating other people's bodies to fight, and only for their own pleasure."

    "And I, but it was a gambling."

    That is, the Rank paid is completely different.

    "You are really strong. Even if there are many extraordinary things in this world, you are still the best a rank. Even if Sun and Habi are incomplete, you can be almost invincible, let alone completely. ."

    "However, in the past, no matter how many times you appeared, in the end still was lost to others."

    "Himiko in the second and third centuries."

    "Oda Nobunaga in the Warring States Period."

    "also, that happened to Samurai of Hotogi Shrine's Miko and Tohyama Family seven hundred years ago."

    "In the end, you lost."

    "That, it's because you only play for your own pleasure, not just becasing faith and life like others do."

    "So, no matter how many times you will lose."

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