Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 747 kills Aria


    When a loud bell resounded across the sky, a blast of wind blew up and the shock struck all around.


    In the close quarters, Tsubaki and Sarah group of three, who did not have time to respond to each other, were all shocked by the strong winds that caused the crash. They flew in different directions in the muffled sound. Go out.

    The two sides of the battle, also in the impact of the wind storm retreat out, figure as phantom as passing through the space until a distance away to stop.

    Let the eyes meet in the air.


    Sun held the Green Dragon Crescent Blade and happily licked his lips, making an extremely happy voice.

    "Wonderful, I really don't know how long it hasn't been so hot. Let me be more happy!"

    After that, the figures of Sun's figure flew out again, and under the sky-splitting sound of “chī”, it turned into a shadowy shadow and flew in the direction of Fang Li.

    "Hey —!"

    The heavy Dragon Blade's lightning squat, but it was immediately blocked by a sharp dagger to make sparks.

    The heavy slash of the future attacked Fang Li who could stop him from feeling. From above the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, an indispensable force was being hit.

    Thus, Fang Li simply took advantage of this force to instantaneously reduce the weight of the body to zero, leap out of the air, and move away from the center of violence.

    "Don't escape! Come to fight me! Fang Li! ”

    Sun shouted, a flexible rotation of the Green Dragon Crescent Blade in his hand, brought a strong wind, under the assault of the Sun, turned into a storm of slash, constantly waving in the direction of Fang Li's away.

    “shuā shuā shuā shuā shuā ————!”

    In the short split second, Sun hit a dozen swords. Each knife evoked a sharp sky-splitting sound, which completely disrupted the air flow.

    "clang clang clang clang clang —!"

    In the continuous collision sound, the slash of the Green Dragon Crescent Blade is like a sizzling torrent, and it constantly falls on the little dagger, making it sparkling and splashing.

    Fang Li only blindly in the retreat, carrying the Moon Blade, calmly watching the incoming berserk slash, with the smallest action and the most labor-saving way to give that squalllike attack to the flicks, around The body has sparks all the time.

    The Sun, on the other hand, seems to have completely turned it into a rampage meat grinder. The Green Dragon Crescent Blade continues to shake in the most berserk posture, allowing the bright blade to traverse the heavily blade light sword shadow and envelope it towards Fang. Li.

    To be honest, it really can be called a stunt.

    Obviously her body is so petite, Sun was able to dance such a heavy weapon on the Green Dragon Crescent Blade as if it were a wind wheel. It was used without any hindrance. Even if not divine skill, even if it is a divine skill, it is definitely a stunt.

    Compared to such grandsons, the power and speed of Tsubaki and Tsubaki are really not worth mentioning, and only relying on Physical Ability alone is fighting.

    However, even so, Sun still did not win Fang Li.

    This Is It

    Sun loudly laughed out loud.

    "This is the only match I have for Kowloon's Monkey King!"

    In this case, Sun suddenly stopped attacking, but the figure was like a mirage.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li eyes flicker finally sparkled like a Prana, causing it to surge in speed, turning it into a stream of light, rapid glittering, disappearing on the spot.


    In the disappearance of the Fang Li's figure, a ghostly figure fluttered from its original position. The Green Dragon Crescent Blade slammed down to the ground and made the ground startle. Set off thick gravel.

    After a blow, Sun did not feel discouraged. It felt like a general feeling, suddenly turned his head and looked in the other direction.

    "Over there!"

    Sun suddenly shook his hands on the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, a spin, forced a fly, heavily slammed on the blade of the Dragon Blade.

    The Green Dragon Crescent Blade suddenly turned into a wind wheel and swung out of it as it rotated. With chaotic strength, it moved toward the front.

    Almost at the same time, Fang Li's figure was similar to Teleportation and appeared there.

    Looking at the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, carrying an amazing imposing manner vortex, Fang Li only stepped on the ground and the entire people leaped high.

    "H ū — !"

    The moon blade that turned into a wind wheel immediately passed the place of Fang Li's.

    "Pā… /p>

    At this time, a crisp sound was aroused.

    It was the voice of the grandchildren who did not know when they appeared in front of the swift moon knife, and re-introduced their weapons into their palms.

    Right now.

    The next moment, Sun Meng stepping on the ground, sky in the rising wind, with a whirlwind whirlwind, to the high leaping front of Fang Li.

    Immediately, with a fierce smile full of fighting intent, the lethal weapon was turned into a blade light and the force rushed up.


    This is the movement that is caused by the direct airflow being cut off.

    The Sun's slash, like the moon shadow of the sky, with a bright knife-like awn, flung back to Fang Li's body mercilessly.

    Once it was touched by the blow, it would be Fang Li. Without Prana's defense, it would only be split in half.

    Even with Prana defense, it will inevitably fall to the end of an injury.

    Fang Li naturally does not want to get hurt.

    Therefore, Fang Li chose to avoid it.

    "Flashing Dash – Reflected Moon …"

    At the same time, Fang Li's body became as erratic as the illusion moon in the water.

    "pū chī —!"

    The blue dragon knife of the violently cuts directly splits the phantom that is erratic.

    As a result, the phantom disappeared directly into the air.


    Sun was not shocked and anti-happy, figure fell firmly on the beach, raised the head, watching forward.

    There, Fang Li appeared to emerge slowly from an invisible wave.

    Facing Sun's delightful gaze, Fang Li said so.

    "Is it satisfied? If you are satisfied, you can begin to answer my questions? ”

    Fang Li's words made Sun grin.

    "Of course not enough!"Sun is like a noisy little child. He said slyly: "You didn't really fight me! From the beginning you have been in defense and dodge! Has no active attack! ”

    Speaking of this, Sun did not know what he was thinking of and showed a mischievous smile.

    Only, that smile, began to bring a little malicious.

    Then, Sun said so.

    "Since you don't want to be serious, then I'll make you serious!"

    Sun, he was in the hornet's nest.

    "For example, kill Aria!"

    Voice falls.

    Fang Li, suddenly raised his head.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes ,glittering and start.

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