Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 744 I am very interested in you

    "Xiū… —!"

    Under Sharp's sky-splitting sound, the super-large strategic bomber flew over the cloud layer, flying like an enormous blackbird, passing half a sky in an instant.

    Along the way, winds, dark clouds, and dense fog have been accompanied by this bomber. Plus, the bomber itself has a few principles of optical camouflage. He wants to capture the bomber's shadow in an extremely fast flight. It's a very difficult thing.

    Precisely relying on these, a very large strategic bomber named Fugaku can not be found in the vicinity of the Academy Island, until it was over the Academy Island after being witnessed.

    Of course, this is also because the Academy Island is an Artificial Island, the location is on the beach, and it is a short distance from the land of Island Country, so it can be successfully over the sky of Academy Island, otherwise it has long been detected by satellites and radars. Right?

    In this case, the bomber was extremely fast flying and constantly flew away in the direction of the sea.

    Having entered Fang Li inside Fugaku, it was not until then that the interior of this bomber was very different from what he had imagined.

    There is not much sense of mechanics and military here, but rather a very rich sense of life.

    There is heating in the hallway.

    There are blankets on the floor.

    There are rooms in the cabin.

    Some of these rooms are designed for the engine room that can be controlled by the engine from the inside, while others only have a living room.

    Therefore, this super large strategic bomber is not so much a weapon as a base.

    To transform this way, perhaps the original function of the bomber is gone. Is it really only a convenient means of transportation?

    Fang Li, who had entered the cabin, led one of the rooms under the leadership of Tsubaki and Tsubaki.

    "Hey, stay here temporarily."Pointing to the bedded living room, he said to Fang Li: "I will let Sarah look at you here, no problem?"

    This sentence, Fang Li has not had time to answer, Sarah is a protest.

    "Why me?"Sarah said with some dissatisfaction: "I didn't want to stay with this monster."

    It seems that Sarah really made Fang Li a dangerous character.

    Only, Yan is so said: "This is a helpless thing, since even more than with Tsubaki together is not this human of the enemy, then this can contain this man is not exist, and since power than but, that as human you look at this person, Certainly better than our Oni. ”

    After all, Oni is a very simple existence that does not consider anything other than power.

    Since power does not work, Oni, who is considered to be nothing more than human, at least knows how to think, and Sarah, who once again owns Superpower, is more suited to watching Fang Li.

    No matter how you say it, you can't put it on Fang Li. Let him mess up, right?

    However, Sarah still reluctantly looks like.

“……Is this Quest necessarily executed? ”

    Sarah glanced at Fang Li, whispered and said something.

    "I didn't really want to stay with this person."

    Seeing Sarah so resisted, Ting and Tsubaki were left alone, Fang Li thought thoughtfully about Sarah's body.

    According to information provided by Riko, the silver-haired young woman in front of her is not only a master of archery but also Strega (Witch) who handles the wind, but also has a special Ability.

    It is an Ability called "Macrojuno".

    Sarah who possesses this ability can predict the natural movements of animals, and can also see animals and people close to their deaths, with an accuracy of almost 100%.

    In other words, this is a Strega (Witch) who often deals with Death.

    Perhaps, precisely because of this, Sarah is not willing to stay with Fang Li?

    "It feels like this man is like concentrating the death to the depths of the whole body. It's very scary…"

    Sarah's whispered voice told Fang Li that his guess was correct.

    Then, Fang Li's mouth slightly raised a curve and looked at Sarah with interest. Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth.

    "I don't care. If it's this kid, it's okay to be guarded."

    Fang Li's words so that all the people present were stunned.

    Sarah, in particular, feels like being stared at by any scientific madman, and may be dissected at any time. His charming face is white, his head shakes like a tumbling wave, and he directly writes resistance on his face. Now.

    Unfortunately, as an Oni, Nguyen and Tsubaki are not the ones who can detect things.

    "Since you can agree, it would be better."

    Saying so, he is throwing such a word against Sarah.

    "Then the man gave it to him. Before he reached his destination, he looked at him."

    After that, he left with great strides.

    Tsubaki gave a glimpse of Fang Li, followed behind him and left.

    And more

    There was only Sarah left, and when I looked at it, I would just leave Neal and Tsubaki neatly, and I was somewhat dumbfounded.

    Before Sarah responded, her hand was pulled.

    "Okay, let's get into the room."

    Fang Li grinned open with a 100% misunderstanding.

    "I'm very interested in you."

    Without carrying any malicious words, Sarah's charming face became whiter and he shook his head desperately. As a result, he was dragged into the room by Fang Li.


    In the next second, the door is heavily closed.

    Immediately, Sarah's panicked voice rang from the room.

    "you…what are you planning to do? ! ”

    "Nothing, just want to observe and observe you carefully."

    "Who will let you do something so strange!"

Funny? ”

    "strange! Very strange! In short, you must not be near me! Otherwise I will bite you! ”

    "You thought you were Vampire? If you can bite it, it's okay to try it, but let me also look at your Ability. ”

    "Ability ?"

    "In short, you come here first."

    WellIs that the direction of the bed? ! I dont go! ”

    As soon as the words fell, the door of the room was forced open and Sarah cried and ran out from the inside.

    However, just less than a meter away, one hand came out of the room, grabbed Sarah's collar and dragged the silver-haired young girl back into it.


    The door, closed again.


    Soon, Sarah's mournful resounded.

    It was stated in advance that Fang Li did not do anything weird, only launching Mystic Eyes of Death Perception at a very close distance, triggering Sarah's "Macrojuno".

    Only, even this girl who is accustomed to the death of another person, under the Mystic Eyes that can look straight at death, as if to see something extremely terrible, sent out a tragedy.

    It's just that.


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