Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 749 Guild Wars Banned

    so far.

    When the voice was introduced into the ears of Fang Li and Sun, the reaction was completely different.

    Fang Li turned his head and looked directly at the source of the sound.

    However, Sun is as if he knows who is coming.

    Under such circumstances, a buggy drove up in the forest path in front of a forest and raised a lot of dust and stopped on the beach.

    Above the buggy, a person is standing in the driver's seat without a roof, holding a sniper rifle in his hands.

    The person who had just shot was clearly the person.

    This person, Fang Li is not unknown.

    At Bandire in Far East Warfare, the other person also attended.

    Moreover, in the information provided by Riko, there is also mention of the existence of this person.

    Therefore, Fang Li clearly remembers the other person's name.

    "Zhuge Jinghuan …"

    Awe-inspiring, it is the expression that has always been with a smile in the face, people can not see what they think, represents Ranban attended Bandire, and announced that Zhuge Jinghuan joined Grenada (servant).

    Fang Li's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception Go to its body.

    "Un… /p>

    The next moment, Fang Li suddenly became one of them.

    Immediately, Fang Li seemed to understand something. Mystic Eyes of Death Perception was silently cancelled. The body's star-studded stars were also dimmed.

    The Sun also seemed to lose interest, so that the crimson rays in the eyes gradually disappeared until they disappeared.

    There was an instant atmosphere where one party could die at any time and it suddenly disappeared.

    In the face of this situation, Zhuge Jinghuan seemed very satisfied with a smile on his face. Facing Fang Li nodded, his polite greetings rang out.

    "I'm really sorry, Mr. Fang, our people seem to be overwhelmed. ”

    In a word, I told Fang Li that the family of Sun was Ranban.

    Of course, Fang Li had already guessed and it was not surprising that this point.

    Only Sun, who seemed to be very dissatisfied with Zhuge Jinghuan's statement, but did not seem to say anything because of the hateful relationship, only looked upset and turned to Fang Li.

    “There was a disappointment today, but we also have an opportunity in the future. This is something to be thankful for.”

    "You don't run away, I'll come to you again."

    "Fang Li."

    Leave such words, Sun is a stir, flexible jumped into the air, landed on the top of a tree tree, between several jumps and disappeared among the trees.

    Fang Li only took a look at Sun's departure, and then reverted his gaze to Zhuge Jinghuan's body.

    In return only Zhuge Jinghuan's constant smile.

    "We don't have a good reception, but please do more."Zhuge Jinghuan smiled so much: "Mr. Fang, please get in the car. ”

    That is, there is no redundant opening, and there is no statement about what just happened.

    Zhuge Jinghuan is like trying to expose the fact that Sun just attacked Fang Li's thoroughly, as if nothing had happened before and opened in another direction.

    "All of you, if you don't want to throw away, get on the bus together."

    In the direction of Zhuge Jinghuan's opening, it is precisely the direction in which the Tsubaki and Tsubaki and the Sarah group of three are located.

    After the shock from the beginning of the battle to fly to the shock, the three people have been hiding watching the game.

    Until now, the three talents slowly came out from the side of the jungle.

    Only, 阎 group of three also do not see Zhuge Jinghuan.

    "No need."He said directly: "We will go back by ourselves and we don't need to go along with you."

    Having said that, Tsubaki, Tsubaki and the Sarah group of three are no longer hesitating to turn their heads into the woods.

    I believe that anyone who sees this scene can understand it?

    阎 group of three The one who said at the beginning that there is no good feeling is Zhuge Jinghuan.

    In other words, the Ranban ambassador named Zhuge Jinghuan is the one who can compare with Sherlock regardless of his mind or strength.

    However, that is not a surprising thing.

    “It is a great honor to be able to see the descendants of Zhuge Liang, known as the divine strategy and wonderful planning, in the reign of the Three Kingdoms era.”

    Fang Li raised his eyes and stared at Zhuge Jinghuan, laughing like a laugh.

    "I heard that you are as good as your ancestors. They are good at strategy. Will the things that Sun just did to attack me be arranged in advance and used to test my strength?"

    Hearing this, Zhuge Jinghuan's smile is still no change, only so loud.

    "Please get in the car."

    That is no denial, nor affirmation.

    In addition, the face that can't see the smiles and knives in his mind makes people unable to see through Zhuge Jinghuan's ideas.

    Only one thing is certain.

    mr Fang, but not even the talent who Victorious Fighting Buddha is able to reach evenly, but also our countryman, we will not neglect you. ”Zhuge Jinghuan said very politely: "So please accept our invitation from Ranban and be our guest."

    Only this sentence, Zhuge Jinghuan is very sincere.

    Therefore, persuasion is also multiplied.

    In this regard, Fang Li only shrugged and took Moon Blade to the direction of Zhuge Jinghuan.

    Waiting for Fang Li to get in the car, the SUV's engine was once again started up, driving under the guidance of Zhuge Jinghuan and heading for the forest.

    To the depths of the forest, keep driving away.


    If Liberty Mason is the largest association in the world, then Ranban is the largest gang in the world.

    To describe it in modern terms, it is a triad.

    China’s population base is among the highest in the world.

    In this country, almost all the talents are concentrated in Ranban, which divides Ranban into several factions.

    Ranban, represented by Zhuge Jinghuan, is based in Hong Kong, China and is known as the gang of Ranban in Hong Kong.

    Since Ranban has a close relationship with IU in business, many talents in Ranban have once stayed in the IU and shared their skills and heritage with Superhuman from around the world.

    Koko is one of them.

    However, Zhuge Jinghuan had even made a move because he wanted to compete for talent and played with IU leader Sherlock.

    This is what is mentioned in the information provided by Riko.

    Fang Li turned his head and looked at Zhuge Jinghuan sitting in the driver's seat while recalling the information.

    Feeling Fang Li's line of sight, Zhuge Jinghuan was just like he guessed, laughing at him.

    mr If you have anything you want to ask, please do not hesitate to open your mouth. ”

    After all, dialogue is the most basic aspect of intelligence warfare.

    Presumably, Zhuge Jinghuan should be very good at dialogue?

    One is not careful, I'm afraid Fang Li will be set by Zhuge Jinghuan.

    However, Fang Li did not have any berserk.

    "Then I said straight."

    At the moment, Fang Li spoke bluntly.

    "What is Sun in the end?"

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