Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 679 Can’t Retreat

    "Rumble —!"

    In a thunderous sound, the avalanche-like burst of turbulent air resembled a typhoon and fell under the appalling breezes in the direction of the sea of ​​flowers below.

    Fang Li stood in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers and watched the blast wave that had fallen like an avalanche.

    Body, flame-like white phosphorescence skyrocketing.


    The ground is suddenly cracked.

    Centered on the landing point of Fang Li's, the ground collapsed and collapsed.

    In the turbulent winds, Fang Li was like riding the wind, and the entire figure turned into a white streamer.

    No, it should be said to be a white comet.

    Because, while the white phosphorescence ignites from the flame-like flame of the Fang Li's body, stars like sparks shine in the Fang Li's body.

    The convergence of phosphorescence and starlight turned Fang Li's figure into a white comet.

    Fang Li not only used Stigma, but also used Prana for body enhancement.

    This moment, Fang Li, is a state of unreserved, full power.

    Immediately, he rushed directly into the awkward blast wave.

    Blade light, lit.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Ten Lives !"

    A huge blade light emerged from the avalanche-like blast wave, like a giant crescent moon, crossing the unreasonable power.

    "pū chī —!"

    Clearly in the cutting sounds, the bottom wave covering the earth and covering the earth was blasted by a crescent-like huge blade light and cut open.

    "BOOM —!"

    Along with a deafening roar, it was blown open by a blast of two waves, setting off an unprecedented berserk's impact and expanding in all directions.

    The scene was like a star in the universe that caused a big explosion. It caused a terrible impact in a circle to sweep around, and it instantly took a distance of several tens of kilometers to shock the people.

    However, such a shocking shock was immediately interrupted by a chilly sword.

    Shortly afterwards, Fang Li, with its white phosphorescent and blue stars burning in the body, appeared in the center of the impact. One hand held a sword, one hand held a bow, looked in the direction of Arcueid, cracked the air, and washed it up. The sky.

    Upon seeing this, Arcueid was just as unwilling to show weakness, with an irrational low-pitched, stunned and swooped down.

    Two stream of light, so down together, one up, both at an extremely alarming rate, plundered each other.

    Until they collide with each other.


    In loud crashes, the waves that crushed the atmosphere shook away from the point of impact.

    Inside, the two stream of light flew out again, circled around and heavily impacted again.


    Under a percussive sound, the two stream of light chased each other across the sky, like two beaks, colliding with each other, shaking the shock of the atmosphere and shaking the sound of the brain.

    The battle situation was fierce and hard to imagine.


    Sharp's sky-splitting sound, Arcueid's sharp hand suddenly cut through the sky, like lightning, carrying the fierce force of the color change, facing the front of Li Li, squatting down.

    That clawed light, like the sharpest blade in the world, irritated the scalp with tingling sensations, which made Fang Li's skin feel painful.

    That claw light, no fancy, did not carry a hint of skill, but the feeling of a crisis in people's hearts broke out directly.

    Believe that if it is hit by such a paw, it will be considered a tall building will be instantly defeated.

    In the face of such a terrible blow, Fang Li naturally impossible to meet the speed, figure suddenly retreat, an instant violent withdrawal from the distance of tens of meters.

    The sharp claw light suddenly fell in the position of Fang Li's previous moment.

    As a result, the claws are not reduced to the ground.


    In the explosion-like sound, the extremely sharp claw light directly hit the ground to hit, so that the gravel fly, blast wave all around.

    At this time, the Fang Li that blew off a few tens of meters away suddenly dribbled down like inertia, and then the speed accelerated to the limit in an instant. Suddenly Leaps went in the direction of Arcueid.

    Arcueid did not react at all.

    Talking about power, Fang Li is far from unique Arcueid.

    However, as the speed type of Main God's Envoy, using the Stigma, using all Prana to enhance the performance of the whole body, the speed of Fang Li's is far from what Arcueid can do.

    Therefore, during the Arcueid tragedy, Fang Li was already in front of him like a ray of light.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Seven Nights !"

    Like a speed of light, it crossed the space, crossed the time, crossed the space between the heavens and the earth, and transformed into an arc of chilly, leaping in the direction of Arcueid.

    So a God Speed ​​hit, even if it is Arcueid, it is also impossible to escape.

    So Arcueid made a frantic cry, one hand turned into a claw shape, like the claws of ferocious beast, brought up an all-conquering wind, met the incoming swordsmanship, and the storm The slash came, heavily crashed in one piece.

    "Hey —!"

    The collision of one sword and one claw was aroused as if the steel and steel collided with each other and the crisp sound caused a circle of air waves.

    "Pā———— !"

    Both Fang Li and Arcueid were both shivering. Under the cracking movement, they were all shaken apart and separated by a distance.

    Some confrontation, both sides actually are comparable.

    However, Arcueid flings forward, regardless of disregard, and continues to fling towards Fang Li with a claw stroke that is sufficient to tear the magma away.

    Fang Li only carries a pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes, figure is like a shuttle in the stormy waves, unstoppable glittering, the claws of future attacks give one by one dodge.

    "Hey —!"

    In the exploding sound, the light of the dodge's claws fell in succession, blasting the ground and overturning the earth, leaving the sea of ​​flowers torn apart.

    The broken stone that had been blown away suddenly caught up in the air, suddenly gathered together, and lumped together into huge rocks. Like a shell, there were no violent violent shoots.

    Goal, precisely Fang Li.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Moon Flower !"

    Like the moon-like slash turned into a dazzling knife, with Fang Li as the center, the entire expansion opened, plundering the rock shells from the violently shoots and cutting them one by one.


    The abruptly detonated rock shells suddenly exploded and set off a rich fire, turned into flames, and burned in mid-air.

    Fang Li took out of the fire wave and exited a good distance before he stopped.

    In Fire Wave, Arcueid's expression became brutal and he was laughing.

    As for Fang Li, there is a thorny expression.

    "Difficult to do Ah…

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