Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 681 I’ll kill despair


    The oppressive atmosphere is constantly spreading in the ruins of shopping malls.

    Fang Li and Arcueid stood opposite each other, but they all lowered their heads and couldn't see clearly. Only the power of the fluctuating around the body swelled the repression of the surroundings.

    This scene was maintained for a long time.

    "Pā… /p>

    After a while, Fang Li suddenly kneeling on one knee on the ground.


    Rushed breathing appears from its body.

    White phosphorescence and blue starlight, like the extinguished flame, gradually faded.

    Even Bo Xie seems to have run out of power. Urm Manadyte has become a bit bleak and has lost its luster.

    Obviously, the consumption of Fang Li's is very large.

    The soul has begun to tingle.

    Prana within the body is also beginning to starve.

    Even Stamina has a great deal of consumption, which makes the body seem somewhat weak.

    However, that is also the case.

    After all, just at the very beginning, Fang Li used an entire world as an opponent, launched direct confrontation with him, and won.

    Even if there is only one fantasy world, it is the same.

    In such a situation, it is not only Fang Li that has consumed.


    In front of him, Arcueid, who had his head down, and all of Aura's fluctuating frenzy, began to breathe quickly, keeping his shoulders and breasts up and down.

    Marble Phantasm, this kind of out of the norm ability, was cracked by Fang Li in the most violent way. The fear of Arcueid's loss was equally not weak.

    Therefore, the two people who had just launched a terrible confrontation that no one else could have imagined were all taking a breather in a dimly-lit shopping mall, and the air around them seemed to be getting warmer.

    However, the warm air quickly and again is extremely fast, falling and becoming icy.

    The reason, naturally, comes from the Princess of the True Ancestors.

    I saw that Arcueid finally slowly raised his head and stared at Fang Li.

    In the golden eyes that turn blood berserk and turn blood congestion, there is no longer only pure fierceness and fierceness, but rather a strong killing intent that was not available before.

    Under the influence of the killing intent, the entire space seems to be once again filled with bloody smells, turning into terrible pressure and shrouded in Fang Li's body.

“……Are you angry? ”

    Fang Li whispered, even though he was exhausted, complexion began to pale, and he still undertook direct Arcueid's killing intent and oppression. The ice blue Mystic Eyes were slightly glittering.

    "Even if turned berserk, self-esteem is still so strong."

    The world that he has shown is completely eliminated by Fang Li.

    This matter seems to be an unbearable result for the Princess of the True Ancestors.

    So, even if you have turned berserk, Arcueid is still angry.

    The oppression of the body becomes more and more terrible.


    The extremely depressing low buzz came from Arcueid's mouth.


    That is the low beacon of wild beast.


    That is the anger of creatures on the top side in the system tree.


    That's unforgiveness of the loathing self-control.


    That is the last wanted of the dying object.


    Accompanying this discourse, Arcueid's body slowly levitated, and at a very slow pace he rose to the air.

    At the same time, from the Arcueid's body, the power fluctuations of terrifying began to emerge.

    That power fluctuations, Fang Li is already familiar with.

    The use of realistic Marble Phantasm is reflected.

    Arcueid once again used Marble Phantasm.

    However, this time, Arcueid is not trying to reproduce that world.

    Fang Li raised the head in this way and watched Arcueid ascending to the air.

    A pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes, can not be reduced to the size of a pinpoint.

    In this moment, Fang Li saw it.


    And it's still a full moon.

    However, it is not a normal soft moon.

    It was painted with the blood of Yin Hong, and the red moon appeared.

    also known as

    ———— "Crimson Moon".

    "Rumble …"

    The air is trembling.


    It is the tremor of heaven and earth.

    I saw that Arcueid, who had risen up in the air, looked up at Fang Li and looked at the feelings of ice penetrating cold bones in his fierce and brutal eyes. One hand slowly extended into the air.

    "Rumble …"

    The tremors are aggravating.

    Is that right?


    moonFalling down…"

    Again, it's not a normal soft moon but a red Crimson Moon.

    Such a moon is falling from the night sky as if it were, and the atmosphere is rubbed against the outline, allowing the fire to begin to burn, and space begins to buzz.

    Presumably, in this moment, the entire people of Misaki Town should be able to see this scene?

    See the fall of the dark moon toward falling.

    Fang Li does not know how many people survive in Misaki Town today.

    However, no matter how many people survived, as long as you saw the scene before you, you would be overwhelmed and terrifying, and you could no longer cheer up.

“……I wish someone would tell me that it's only a fantasy. ”

    Unfortunately, this is a reality.

    Because, just recently, Fang Li personally killed a Fantasy World and kicked him and Arcueid back to this cruel reality.

    So now it's up to Arcueid to retaliate.

    The most expansive Marble Phantasm, with its moon, has fallen.

    That's Arcueid's biggest trick.

    "————"Moon Fall"."

    Just listen to the name and you can understand what kind of trick it is.

    Even if we don't understand the sight of the vermilion moon in the night sky falling towards falling, we can all know what will happen next.

    Wait until the vermilion moon falls, not to mention the area around, I am afraid that the entire Misaki Town will completely disappear?

    In the history of the most terrifying impact, turned into a debris of this world.

    If you say that desperation is what it is, then the answer is in front of you.


    "Is this desperation?"

    Looking at the lifted air layer, rolled up the explosion, and began to accelerate falling in the gradually deafening roar, the vermilion moon fell to the direction of Misaki Town. Fang Li actually laughed.

    Smiled very calmly.

    "If this is desperate…"

    Fang Li struggled to get up and held the pure white Ogre Lux, and the phosphorescence and starlight of the whole body rose again.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes, staring tightly to the top, staring at the round of Crimson Moon.

    "This time, I'll kill despair!"

    Voice fell.


    In the crackling sound, Fang Li spurned the wind, and the figure turned into a white comet again and skyward.

    To the full moon of the Scarlet, the straight sweep.

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