Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 678 takes the world as an opponent

    The leapfrogging challenge has always been Fang Li's privilege.

    No, this is not correct.

    It should be said that for the Plot Character in Dungeon World, in general, Main God's Envoy is likely to leapfrog.

    After all, Main God ' s envoy not only has class addition and title addition, also a variety of equipment can promote themselves, Combined Attributes to a certain extent, plus a variety of addition, it can achieve with high a Rank plot Character the degree of rival.

    As a result, although there must be excellent Class and title, and a lot of EX change points must be used to equip the quality Equipment, Fang Li has always had this condition. Therefore, in terms of Attribute, Fifth Rank is only late. At that time, it was already able to match the Fourth Rank Plot Character. Now that the Fourth Rank is in the late stage, it can match the Third Rank Plot Character.

    Since the attribute has been followed, and has mystic Eyes of Death perception so out of the norm ability, then the Leapfrog Challenge is not a strange thing.

    So, even if not yet reached third rank, so far, Fang Li is not less with third rank plot Character, until the world, even on NRVNQSR twenty-seven such ancestors level of high D EAD apostle, that also does not fall downwind.

    However, today, Fang Li finally met the breaking of the rules than himself.

    Marble Phantasm.

    This Ability is really terrible.

    Such an Ability can definitely give its users the privilege of leapfrogging challenges.

    Not to mention that Arcueid's power has not yet returned to half of its heyday, and its strength is enough to completely squash Nrvnqsr so that Rank Rank of Dead Apostle, which is ranked tenth in Twenty-seven Ancestors, definitely has a third-ranking Third Rank. strength.

    This strength, coupled with such an Ability, is the result.

    "cough cough …"

    Blood foam, once again coughed from Fang Li's mouth.

    "Everything has been strengthened with Prana's defense, and the result has suffered such damage?"

    Feeling the pain from the whole body, Fang Li struggled to get up from the ground as he tossed his chest. A pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes looked up and down to Arcueid's body.

    "————Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ————"

    There, Arcueid ignored gravity, suspended directly in midair and yelled.

    The berserk's cry was directly transmitted as a heavily sound wave. It was like a storm sweeping across the space. It ran over this space, swept over the world, and ran over the endless sea of ​​flowers. Finally, it struck. To the Fang Li's body.


    The powerful sound waves make Fang Li look like they are retrograde in the wind and raise their hands again. They block themselves in front of their ears. The ears have already been shaken and buzzed, but the visible lines are still staring at Arcueid's body. .

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes, full power.

    "biri …"

    Familiar touch inductors slammed into the head and let Fang Li's Mystic Eyes begin to glow.

    Immediately afterwards, the crack-like lines were also printed on Fang Li's eyes.

    Those lines, and not solely only in Arcueid's body, are also swimming in every corner of the world.

    In other words,

    "Do you use the world as an opponent?"

    Fang Li spits out the blood in his mouth and his expression gradually calms down.

    The pure white activation body slips silently into Fang Li's palm.


    In the tremors, the pure white Urm Manadyte glows and turns into a beautiful light blade that pops out of the activation body.

    Fang Li held the Moon Blade in one hand, and Bo Xie in one hand. The ice blue Mystic Eyes looked at Arcueid and spoke loudly.

    "stupid girl! Are you really going to go on such a rampage? ! ”

    "Did you forget it? How did you make irreparable things in this state 800 years ago! ”

    Fang Li's voice made Arcueid's cry in the air stop.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li eyes flicker continued to make a sound.

    "Didn't you say that you plan to do a lot of extra but happy things in the next 800 years?"

    "You are not making a decision. In the next 800 years, you will no longer live like weapons like before."

    "In this case, it is like 800 years. Because of the trivial villain's calculations, you would do something that you don't want to do at all. Could it be that you don't feel unwilling? Will not feel very hate it? ”

    "Give me a good look and open your eyes, take a closer look, think carefully, what is the best thing you should do now!"

    "Did you hear it? You stupid girl! ”

    Fang Li's voice, loud and clear, resounded and echoed over the sea of ​​flowers.

    Naturally, it was also passed into Arcueid's ears.


    Arcueid's charming face gave a bit of struggle and pain, holding his head and whispered.

    Under such circumstances, the whole bloody world is beginning to shake, like the mirage that is about to disappear, becoming shaky.

    However, once you fall into the turning berserk state and you want to stop, it's not that easy.

    Vampiric Impulses by True Ancestor was originally a desire to gradually accumulate.

    Once this desire is satisfied once, it will become even stronger next time and never end.

    So, once True Ancestor sucks a blood under the control of Vampiric Impulses, it will immediately fall and become a slave to blood.

    Arcueid is also the same. After smoking Roa's blood eight hundred years ago, he immediately fell into a rampage, killing all the True Ancestor around, and stopped until everything was slaughtered. He chose to sleep.

    Today, Vampiric Impulses not only was once again awakened by Arcueid, but also Roa forced a large amount of blood.

    As a result, Arcueid's turning berserk is more thorough than it was 800 years ago.


Aaaaaah ————! ”

    After a while, Arcueid uttered the berserk again, causing the atmosphere around the body to burst.

    And the blasted atmosphere was immediately like an avalanche, falling from the sky and turning into a blast wave that hiding the sky and covering the earth, as if it were going to crush the entire land.

    Fang Li sighed as she looked at the scene.

    Only, in that sigh, is also mixed with some whispering.

    "Liberate it…"

    Then, on the back of Fang Li's hand, a pure white mark suddenly burst into holy light.

    As the white phosphorescence of the flames, it gradually ignited in the Fang Li's body.

    At this moment, powerful power flows in Fang Li's within the body.

    Facing the strongest True Ancestor who turned berserk, Fang Li finally took the trump card.


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