Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 587 changes sweeping the battlefield


    When the roaring stifling sound rang loudly in the sky and caused a shock wave to spread there, the huge hill-like Demon Beast finally fell from the high above the horizon.

    "Xiū… —!"

    In sharp sound of the gale ring, Hakugei didn't even have the wailing to send out. The huge body was turned into an unprecedented shell. It was rubbing the air while disturbing the atmosphere. Under the gaze of everyone, at an astonishing speed, from the air Fall down.

    In the end, heavily landed on a wilderness.

    "BOOM —!"

    The ground trembles.

    In a strong shock enough to trigger a flash flood, Hakugei heavily fell on the ground, shattering the rock and smashing the earth. In a terrible collapse, the body was gradually buried by gravel.

    Until this time, Fang Li's figure slowly fell from the sky, from head to toe glittering stars, and then directly suspended in mid-air, stagnant.

    Hakugei watched as Hakugei fell from the air in this manner by Fang Li. The destroyed fog that had been killed did not even have time to completely dissipate. A fog was left on top of it, and someone was stunned on the spot. .


    Ferris, who treated the wounded at the rear, made such a noise.


    Crusch can't help but be unbelievable.

    "…so that's how it is. Is this your real strength?"

    Even Wilhelm looked in silence at Fang Li floating in midair and the hand holding the sword tightened slightly.

    In the end, no one in the audience was able to make a sound and let the silent atmosphere fill the air.

    Of course, this scene did not last long.

    "Oooooooooooooooh —!"

    In the next second, everyone burst into a tsunami-like cheer for the Guardian Knight that floated in midair.

    With one person alone, facing one of the Three Great Demon Beasts will endanger the world for four hundred years, and even the Kingdom’s conscription forces will all be wiped out. Almost all of the Hakugei annihilated from the altar will be paralyzed.

    This kind of action is really encouraging morale.

    "Emilia-sama !"

    "Un… /p>

    In the distance, Rem and Emilia, who also watched this scene, were extremely surprised and couldn't help but smile.

    Excited, surging in the hearts of the two people.

    At the moment, Emilia said to Rem: "I've been much better. Rem, let's go and help."

    Rem naturally has no opinion and is immediately nodded.

    However, when Emilia was preparing to move forward, Rem smile on face suddenly froze, and his pupils gradually expanded.

    The tip of cute tipped up slightly.

    In this moment, Rem smelled.

    I smelled a taste of disgust that went deep into my heart and could never be forgotten.

    Responsive to the sense of this smell, Rem yelled at Emilia who was going to step forward.

    "Emilia-sama! Be careful

    Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything at this time.

    The Black Hand, undetectable to the naked eye, quietly approaches from the back of Emilia.



    Suspended in midair and staring at the gravely rubble for a thorough burial, Fang Li of the location of Hakugei, who had collapsed into the engulfed land, suddenly noticed something strange.

    Although it was a long way away, Fang Li, who was more sensitive to the dead aura, still found something wrong.

    Even if it is extremely slight, the surrounding air does change.

    (This feeling…!)

    This feeling was felt by Fang Li.

    Just when Natsuki Subaru was killed by Elsa in the past and Fang Li was involved in his Return by death.

    At that time, Fang Li was watching Natsuki Subaru's death but was interrupted by an unexpected incident.


    Something existed at the time, behind Fang Li, and Fang Li's body was covered with double bracelets, so low in Fang Li's ears.

    At this point, the change in the air is the same as the feeling of panic that Fang Li felt at that time.

    However, it is far less than that time.

    However, even if it is far from that time, because of the deep impression of that time, Fang Li still remember that feeling.

    Now, Fang Li discovered it and the same feeling appeared on this battlefield.

    Unfortunately, calm minds let Fang Li understand almost what happened in split second.

    Almost at the same time, accidental occurs.

    "Aaaaaah —!"

    As Evil Spirit's roar suddenly opened in a corner of the battlefield, everyone was surprised.


    Shortly afterwards, the explosion appeared in the direction of the sound.

    Fang Li turned hard and looked in that direction.

    There, Rem's body was turbulent and a white single horn grew up on the forehead. He was holding a chain with a Morning Star, like Meteor Hammer's weapon. Waving.

    It's around the body, and I don't know when someone actually appeared one by one.

    One by one dressed in black, wearing a hood, like an unknown incarnation, completely enveloped in a cape, doing madman's dress.

    Such a group of people surrounded the Rem of Oni Transformation with a group of daggers, some of whom held a dagger like a cross, while others held up their hands and gathered fireballs in front of their palms. They attacked Rem.

    That dress, the atmosphere, the feeling, Fang Li have all seen.

    In the soul of Rem, in its past memories.

    "Witch Follower ————!!!"

    Rem The growl of Berserk tells everyone that the characters around the body are unknown.

    "Witch Cult ?!"

    Crusch, Ferris and Wilhelm entire group were both shocked.

    Witch Cult, actually rushed in while Hakugei was hunting?


    In the air, Fang Li's figure suddenly turned into an arrow from the string, and at an astonishing speed, he flew in the direction of Rem.

    However, just as the timing is aimed at, another presence that dominates the battlefield is also starting to go mad.


    In the exploding sound, the gravel rubble was lifted like a blast in the collapsed huge hole.

    “wū… wū wū wū… wū wū Wū… ——!”

    From there, Hakugei broke free and issued an irreverent cry. As he rushed into the air and twisted his body, blood congestion's eyes stared at Fang Li, madly bumping up.

    The wind blustered around the body of Hakugei who rushed.

    "you wanna die!"

    Seeing Hakugei slamming with great momentum, Fang Li flashed an unprecedented hit in the ice blue Mystic Eyes.

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