Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 586 Kills Fog’s Strike

    “wū wū wū wū wū ————!”

    Hakugei's groaning sound is still ringing, allowing the members of the crusade to get one after another mind/energetic and the morale is even higher.

    "pū chī –pū chī –pū chī –!"

    The sharp blades in the hands of the soldiers and Mercenary constantly cut the giant of Hakugei.

    "Hey —!"

    Magicians Magic and Magic Stone Cannon's shooting were successively exploded on the side of Hakugei.

    "Oooooh —!"

    Wilhelm was still roaring, letting the hatred in his heart run, slash back and forth on the huge hill-like body of Hakugei, leaving a trail of wounds.

    "Hah —!"

    Crusch also kept a certain distance. The sharp sword in his hand flew up and waved an invisible slash, ignoring the range and blowing like a wind to Hakugei.

    As a result, only Ferris retired to the rear, helping the wounded who had suffered more serious injuries under the attack of Hakugei.

    The war situation is developing in the direction of favoring the crusade.

    Until some moment…

    “————wū… wū wū wū… wū wū wū… wū wū ————”

    Hakugei suddenly issued a berserk scream.

    The call was full of rage and killing intent.

    Shortly afterwards, almost in a split second, the game changed.

    "gū lū …"

    With some disgusting sounds, the pits of the Hakugei body suddenly squirmed, resembling their mouths.

    The next moment, fog appeared.

    In the countless pits of the Hakugei body.

    Like the eruption of spring water, the dense fog spewed out of a mouth-like pit and turned into a storm. It was like carrying quality and sweeping in all directions.

    "This is not good!"

    Seeing this scene with his own eyes, the Crusch complexion changed without hesitation.

    "All staff retreat!"

    There is no need for a reminder from Crusch. Headed by Wilhelm, many people who are sensible and highly skilled are already leaving Hakugei's around the body.

    However, there are still people who can't back up.

    Like a tidal wave of mist, it covered some of the soldiers and Mercenary who had no time to withdraw.

    "pū chī —!"

    The next moment, the fog, blood splatters.

    "Aaaaaah —!"

    Under the shrill screams, the fog was devoured by the devoured soldier and Mercenary, as if they had been stricken by life, and no traces were left except for the blood.

    These people, in this place, have disappeared from the world.


    Even the existence of memories and proofs are not preserved. It seems that they did not come to the world in the first place and were completely eliminated.

    In this regard, those who evaded even did not realize that some of their own ranks were being cut down. They took it for granted to forget the dead and re-formed the battle.

    That is the elimination of fog.

    “wū… wū wū wū… wū wū Wū… ——!”

    Hakugei so stunned with the cry of the air, swimming in the fog, and gradually rose to the air, turning the eyes of blood congestion, staring down.


    Looking down at the bird's-eye view, Hakugei's posture was full of defiance, split second, and the innermost feelings of everyone on the court felt a sensation of feeling horrified.

    “wū… wū wū wū… wū wū Wū… ——!”

    Immediately, Hakugei made a call and the huge mouth slowly opened.

    Inside, a white mist is fluctuating.

    The annihilation-type fog that can be extinguished by itself is under the gaze of the people, like an avalanche, violently surged out of Hagugei's mouth and turned into a waterfall, pouring in the most violent form, toward the bottom The direction of the crusade against the army fell.

    The scope of the envelope is a few hundred meters.

    The scene is like a high cloud layer falling all the way down.


    Crusch's voice finally got anxious.

    “No! It’s too late!

    Even Wilhelm seemed unable to keep calm, and his voice was filled with anger and fierceness.

    As for the rest of the people, they can only stare at the fog that falls like a waterfall. Like the victims of an avalanche, they are stiff and unable to move even with moving bullets.

    This is the true power of "Demon Beast of Fog".

    The situation was completely reversed.

    It is conceivable that after the avalanche-like fog fell, I feared that, apart from a few individuals, the members of the entire crusade would be obliged to face full armies.

    If there is no Fang Li's words.

    "H ū — !"

    Just as everyone looked at the terrifying fog in the sky like a duck, a figure carried the wind and fell into the crowd like a Teleportation flash.


    The sparkling stars are shining and sink under the soles of their feet in the flow.


    The ground was heavily crushed, blasting a blast wave and hitting it around.

    Fang Li soared into the air and swept his way up to the sky. The figure turned into a meteor and met the fog of falling avalanche.


    The exclamation from Crusch, Wilhelm and even Ferris burst into the sky.

    "Day Ah…

    The soldier and Mercenary in the crusade also had their eyes widened.

    Under the watchful eyes, the figure that turned meteor hit the sky.

    In his hands, he clings to the lethal weapon that is as beautiful as moonlight.

    Ice blue Mystic Eyes bloom with icy light.

    Crack-like Death Line is printed in Fang Li's field of vision.

    Looking at the white mist that pours down and covers the entire field of view, Fang Li only mentions the Moon Blade in his hands.

    Eyes, abnormal calm.

    As a result, the cloud layer falling from the sky meets with the sky-high meteor in midair.

    Conflicts broke out instantly.

    "Qiāng — !"

    The pleasing squeak sounded without any precursors.

    In that voice, the sky was bright.

    An extremely bright blade light suddenly appeared, like a crescent moon appearing out of thin air, slammed into the sky.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Shining Moon !"

    The crescent moon, like a flash of light, rushes to the sky and meets the white mist.

    "pū chī —!"

    The moonlight-like blade light cuts through the cloud layer in crisp sounding cut sounds.

    Like the avalanche-like annihilation-type fog, under the absolutely stunning knife, the life and death was defiled in half.


    It wasn't just broken.

    At this moment, the fog was killed.

    Then, Murdering Demon, who turned into streamer, passed through the dissipating fog, passed the turbid sky, and swept the sky in front of Hakugei, whose eyes were widened.

    Immediately, it fell.

    "Flashing Dash – Flying Moon !"

    Like a rock-like kick, as he fell down, heavily squatted.


    The heavy stifling sound rang out.

    The huge Demon Beast, which is comparable in size to a hill, was born and fell from the air and fell to the ground.

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