Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 590 – “Sloth”

    "dí dā …"

    Dumbled, Emilia heard this drop of water.

    The surrounding air is cold.

    The feeling of moisture is everywhere.

    There is a hard feeling behind the stone.

    The hands and feet seem to be bound by something.

    In this situation, Emilia gradually restored his consciousness.


    In light buzzing, Emilia slowly opened his eyes.

    Just as Emilia opened her eyes, a face was printed in the field of vision.

    It was a scary face.

    Pale is not a trace of blood.

    Thin like bones.

    The eyes protrude slightly from the eyes.

    Inside, there is almost a sense of insanity that is almost crazy.

    Such a face gazes at Emilia no more than five centimeters before Emilia's eyes.


    Frightened and caught in Emilia's heart.

    And when Emilia was horrified, that face made a laughter.

    Obviously it is a laugh, but tears flow from the other person's eyes.

    "Oh?"Oh…oh oh oh oh…! ”

    It is full of moving cries.

    Immediately, the other person's face stayed away from Emilia, allowing Emilia to see the full picture of the person in front of him.

    I saw only a priestly garb wearing a green hair, and the whole body's skin was like a necrosis, showing an astonishingly pale man spreading his hands, holding his own body, and crying. A cry of sobbing sounds.

    "What is this…! What's…! What kind of what is beautiful, what is what! ”

    The madman, who is so happy and sobbing, is crying and laughing, as if thanking God for being born in this world, but also gratitude to God for giving him a sense of survival, holding his head and making a trembling noise.

    "The brain is trembling Ah…

    So, the madman suddenly put his own finger in his mouth.

    "pū chī …"

    In the sound of the cracking of the skin, the madman actually bit his rotten fingers.

    Blood, flowed out from its mouth.


    Emilia only felt that there was a chill in her heart and she looked shocked at the purple eyes of the madman.

    Not for others, only because madman's actions and actions are too incomprehensible.

    However, the other party ignored Emilia's response, as if immersed in his own world, while holding his head and twisting his body.

    "This is just as legendary! No! Is simply the body! Silver-haired Half Demon ! Now in front of me! This is the love that Strega (Witch) has given me! Love, love, love, love, love, love, love! ”

    The madman of this kind of voice, who was no one else, sent his own fingers one by one and placed them in the mouth. They broke them in succession, causing blood to dye red teeth and also dyed red fingers that were snapped. The color of the red is so dazzling in the dark space.

    It is as if no pain is fully noticeable. The madman is self-mutilation.

    Meaningless self-mutilation.

    At least, for the kind-hearted Emilia in the heart, such a scene is meaningless and shocking.

    At the moment, Emilia couldn't help but look away, but instead found out what kind of situation he was in now.

    Right in front of the dark, dimly-spaced space seems to be the underground cave.

    Emilia was chained to the deepest part of the cave, tied to a rock, and the body could not move at all.

    "I …

    After perceiving his own status quo, Emilia first glimpsed and finally thought of it.

    He himself should have been on the battlefield.

    In the battle against Hagugei's battlefield.

    However, when Emilia was preparing to step forward as Fang Li's was active, suddenly, her neck seemed to have been heavily knocked.

    Then, when Emilia returned to consciousness, it was here.

    “ Why?”

    The newly awakened brain has not yet fully functioned smoothly, and has been hit by the incomprehensible behavior of the madman in front of him. Emilia is actually somehow reacting.

    However, at this time, self-serving madman where self-mutilation suddenly stopped the laughter and cries, contains the heart-breaking crazy eyes to Emilia's body, head one, directly into nine Ten degrees, like the neck was cut off, as emotionally open.

    "Excellent timing! Although I would like to hold a trial at this time! But it seems not! Aah! This is the test that Strega (Witch) gave me! Yes! I know! This is the test! However, But yes, but yes! However, the test is because of love! love

    The madman's tone suddenly returned to a feverish state, twisted into a ninety-degree head to the other side of the same angle, and then like a pendulum back and forth shaking his head, if crazy.

    For such a person, Emilia can't cope with his inner heart without fear and fear.

    Only, compared with fear and fear, Emilia noticed another fact that had to be noticed.

    "Strega (Witch) …"

    Emilia's look to the madman has changed.

    "You are Witch Cult?"

    In a word, let the madman's actions stop.

    Immediately, the madman is laughing.

    "This is so disrespectful! I forgot to give the important trial object a name! Aah! Strega (Witch) Ah! Please forgive my laziness! Pardon me.

    The so called madman suddenly embraced a stone next to him, and with his full body power, he struck his head with a hard one, and in the sound of “pēng pēng pēng”, he crashed into the blood.

    Only this time, Emilia did not fear this crazy move, but stared at him with a sharp eye and questioned him.

    answer me Are you Witch Cult? ! ”

    Unrelenting questioning is the manifestation of madmen as enemies.

    In this regard, the madman once again stopped the action, regardless of head bloody head, like Doll, slowly turning his neck, turned his head and looked to Emilia, pale face like a corpse remained rigid, the body in This time it was like a reaction, followed by a turn and let the other face Emilia.

    Immediately, the madman grinned and lifted his hand to Emilia.

    ‘Yes! of course

    "I … Witch Cult's Sin Archbishop! Serving as the lover of "Sloth" – Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti! ”

    Afterwards, the Witch Follower, named Petelgeuse, made a solemn dedication to Emilia and made such a speech with a mad expression.

    "Let you wait long, Strega (Witch)."

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