Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 529 is not to worry about children

    Afterwards, Beatrice took everyone to the Forbidden Library without mercy.

    "Since things have been solved, give Betty out."

    After that, everyone was beaten by Beatrice.

    Including the extremely weak Rem.

    "Of course, Elder Brother is the exception."

    Beatrice, who said such a sentence, did not have the cold attitude of banging everyone, but like a flower, laughing incomparably naive romance, holding Pack, while circling, back to the Forbidden Library, ruthlessly Close the Opportunity Door.

    In this case, Fang Li and Emilia were invited by Roswaal.

    "For Curse User, I think we need to discuss."

    So Roswaal invited Fang Li and Emilia to his study.

    Only Ram remained, leaning on the helpless Rem and returning to his room.

    "Come on, Rem."

    Ram leans on his Little Sister and lets her lie in bed.

    Rem obediently did it.

    However, in the process, Rem has always been staring at Ram's face.

    This is something that has never been done in the past.

    Because, in the heart of Rem, he only pursued the replacement of the back of Elder Sister. There is no qualification to face the direct of the beloved Elder Sister.

    So, this feeling really is a long absence.

    For a long time Rem could not remember how long it took.

    "Un… /p>

    Ram tilted the head, who didn't know what Rem was thinking about, and looked at Rem.

    "what happened? Where is it uncomfortable? ”

    Attitude, as always, crisp and neat.

    This is the former child prodigy of Oni and is known as the terrible existence of Demon God.

    For Rem, this decisive action is also the charm of Elder Sister.

    However, it was not until this moment that Rem discovered it.

    His own Elder Sister isn't really what it looks like on the surface.

    At least, this moment, Rem can see.

    Elder Sister with a calm face in the eyes has an uncontrollable worry.

    Perceived this, Rem could not help but close his eyes.

    Tears can't be restrained.

    "Rem ?"

    Ram's surprise sounded.

    It is also natural.

    Since coming to the Roswaal Mansion, let alone be sad. Even if it is joy, Ram has barely seen/goodbye his own Little Sister to express such emotions.

    How can Ram not be surprised at this?

    However, Rem has no regard for this.

    (Why did you not find it before?)

    Rem's heart only has this idea.

    Why did you not find it before?

    Didn't find that he was still the same as before, always worried Elder Sister.

    No matter how weak Elder Sister became, or how strong he became, Elder Sister was Elder Sister after all.

    Concerned about Little Sister, for granted.

    So, on the day when Oni was annihilated, Ram could not hesitate to save Rem.

    Even if it is for paying a horn, it is the same.

    And now, Ram hasn’t changed.

    Even if the power gets weaker, Ram can still work hard for Rem.

    For this reason, Ram will find Fang Li.

    The level of power does not matter at all.

    Ram does not need alternatives at all.

    Just need your own Little Sister, Rem.

    Just like Fang Li said.

    (Rem is really an idiot…)

    Therefore, it must be said.

    Rem opened his eyes when he thought of this.

    On the face, there is no self-esteem, no self-blame, and some tears only on the face.

    "Elder Sister …"

    Rem sobbed.

    “Excuse me.

    Just a short sentence, it is to let Ram completely stay on the spot.

    Shortly afterwards, Ram's fears and surprises disappeared without a trace.

    It is a smile instead.

    Like a child, he took care of Little Sister's Elder Sister with the same gentle smile.

    At this time, perhaps only really can only be understood as a twin?

    What emotions and meanings are contained in such a short sentence?

    So, Ram only extended the hand and touched Rem's head gently, whispering.

    "It's a kid that doesn't worry…"

    Hearing this, Rem not only did not stop the tears, but it was like releasing the emotions all the time, crying constantly.

    In the process, Ram only kept stroking Rem's head.

    The expression is still gentle.



    In the study at the top of the Roswaal Mansion, Fang Li raised the brows and watched Roswaal sitting behind a desk.

    "You let me go against the Curse User in the village?"

    "that's~right~ 喔~" Roswaal smiled happily and said: "Rem's thing, I should thank you anyway, so I'll listen to you afterwards."

    "But, Curse User who murders Rem is now very clear, just in a village not far from here."Roswaal spread out the hands and said, "If you go on like this, there will be more sacrificial victims in the village. We will also be unable to re-supply villages when we can't find out the identity of our opponents. The most important thing is that I do not know when it will be subjected to an unknown curse, so solving the problem is already imminent."

    Then?Fang Li was not affected at all, only saying: "It doesn't seem like I should be responsible for solving the problem?"

    Fang Li is in this mansion, at best, only to deal with Witch Cult.

    As for the issue of remuneration and food and shelter, together with the previous rescue of Emilia in Royal Capital, it has already been obtained.

    In this case, Fang Li has no obligation to do this.

    "But is it really good?"Roswaal grinned and said, "Perhaps that Curse User is Witch Cult?"

    "But that Curse User may also be irrelevant to Witch Cult."Fang Li Shi Shiran said: "Compared to Witch Cult, I would rather believe that the other party, like the previous "Bowel Hunter", was to hinder Emilia from carrying out the Royal Selection."

    It really cannot be refuted.

    If that is the case, then Fang Li has no reason to act.

    "Roswaal."Emilia always listened to the dialogue between the two people until this time. He approached him tentatively and asked, "It's better to let me go to the village with Pack."

    "No ~ OK," Roswaal did not hesitate to decline, shook his head and said: "The other person is directed at Emilia-sama? How could you go to the village? ”

    That's nothing else different from self-finding.

    Coupled with the problem of also Witch Cult, Emilia is categorically unable to leave Mansion.

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