Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 528 Don’t Let Others Tell You


    This is something that Rem never thought about.

    So, Rem really didn't know what to say. He could only silently fall into silence.

    There is no way to do this.

    Compared to Innate Skill's Elder Sister, Rem only a clumsy Little Sister.

    All of the time, Little Sister only knows how to love Elder Sister. In addition, he does not understand the second way of expression.

    All of the time, Little Sister only knew how to follow Elder Sister. Besides, he did not know how to get in the second way.

    Rem has always thought so.

    "Elder Sister is the best."

    Therefore, you don't need to do anything yourself.

    Just follow Elder Sister, it must be right.

    However, when Elder Sister's corner was broken, what he had thought, Rem could not forget.

    Therefore, after becoming the maid of Roswaal Mansion, only one thing Rem can do.

    "Rem …You must make atonement…"

    After all, Rem was originally a replacement for Elder Sister.

    Since Elder Sister had lost his horn, Rem would have to replace Elder Sister to do all the things Onee-sama could have done.

    Because of this, Rem gradually became familiar with all sorts of housework. Whether it was cooking, cleaning, or other chores, everything began to override Ram.

    Only, for Rem, this degree…

    "It's still not as good as Elder Sister…"

    This is the difference between a horned ghost and a hornless ghost.

    For Oni, the horn is also one of the organs of the body. In addition to absorbing the surrounding Magic Power and boosting the power, it also allows the supernatural power to flow inside and outside the body, acting like a door.

    However, Ram lost his horn. Whether it is absorbing supernatural power or expulsing the power of within the body, he cannot meet the needs of the body.

    Just like metabolism and blood flow, if you can't get a perfect cycle, then sooner or later, the body will weaken and die.

    Therefore, in order to maintain Ram's life, Ram always needs someone else to supplement Magic Power.

    However, even after this, when Ram lost his horn, power also plummeted, not only the insuperable Innate Skill disappeared, but even the daily life Ability became relatively low.

    So, Rem knows how much difference Ram has compared to the previous Ram.

    This is why Ram, who has power comparable to Demon God during his childhood, can only demonstrate that level of strength in the face of Fang Li.

    To make up for this loss, Rem completely discards his own life, only to portray the life that should have belonged to Elder Sister.

    Otherwise, one cannot atone for himself.

    Otherwise, you have no value.

    In other words, Rem is forced into a desperate situation every day.

    Even now it is the same.

    In this situation, Rem bowed his head and could not help but be so open.

    "Elder Sister will not forgive me…"

    Yeah man.

    Even if you apologize, what can you do?

    For a ghost who loses the horn and is equivalent to losing the value of existence, it is absolutely impossible to forgive him to fall into this field.

    However, Fang Li only pointed in one direction.

    There, there was a scene where Rem and Ram were sleeping in the same bed when they arrived at Roswaal Mansion.

    It can be clearly seen that even in their sleep, Rem and Ram hold each other's hands tightly.

    Then, Rem sleeps on the left and falls asleep.

    Then, Ram, sleeping on the right, looked serene.

    Pointing at this picture, Fang Li speaks.

    "If you can't really forgive a person, it will never show such an expression."

    After hearing this, Rem finally started to shake.

    Looking at this kind of Rem, Fang Li launched his pursuit without mercy.

    "It doesn't matter whether you had that idea when you were young or not, but you are no longer a kid."

    "One thing, in the end, what to do is correct. Don't let others tell you."

    "idiot …"

    The relentless condemnation, this time, did not make Rem a big move.

    Because, Rem's heart has been filled with another kind of feeling.

    The emotion of being sobbing.

    "Aah …"

    When he recovered, Rem discovered that his cheeks were already wet.

    Therefore, it is indeed a great joy and weeping.

    Shortly afterwards , Rem is found again.

    "Is it the same?"

    Yeah man.

    This turned out to be the case.

    In fact, I always hope so.

    I hope that some people will reprimand themselves without mercy like this.

    Take it for granted, of course.

    Since you have done something wrong, you should be fined.

    Just because the wrong thing has not been punished, Rem will suffer from guilt.

    If you are not punished, it will not be a price to pay for the wrong.

    If you are not desecrated, it is not a matter of repentance and surrender in order to make a mistake.

    Only after being punished, can a person be forgiven.

    Only, no one has ever played this role.

    Until this moment.

    Until this second.

    "Rem …"

    Rem lowered his head and prayed silently.

    "Rem, can you really be forgiven?"

    This sentence, in exchange for not other, only more severe condemnation.

    "I can't forgive you. It's not me."

    Fang Li answered this.

    "It's your Elder Sister who has the final say."

    Therefore, we must do it.


    In the silent Forbidden Library, everyone looked at Rem, who was lying in Ram's arms, silently and silently.


    For a moment, Rem suddenly whispered and his pain began to gradually ease.

    As for Fang Li, it was a pair of ice blue Mystic Eyes suddenly quivering, as if it had recovered from it.

    At the next moment, a dagger suddenly appeared in Fang Li's hand. It was like a flash of light at the terrible speed that the naked eye couldn't capture. It crossed Rem's body.

    "pū chī —!"

    In the cutting sound, Rem's body, a lot of black mist is like evaporation, fierce out.

    And these black auras that emerged all disappeared in the exposed moments.

    At this time, Fang Li took away dagger and cancelled the appearance of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. He quietly got up and went back.


    Rem made a sigh of light again.

    Immediately, under the gaze of the crowd, he slowly sobered.


    Ram could not help calling out the sound.

    Reacting to this voice, Rem distressed the head and looked to hold his own Elder Sister tightly.

    A smile appeared on his face.

    "Elder Sister …"

    Hearing Rem's call, Ram still bit his lip.

    Only, this time it was to conceal the joy of the heart.


    Emilia is relieved.

    Pack and Beatrice are some exclamation.

    Roswaal looked at Fang Li and his mouth turned slightly.

    Roswaal finally understood what it meant by the display information on the Gospel Book.

    "Sure enough, a talent Ah…

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