Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 532 Legacy of Strega (Witch)

    —Irlam Village.

    Located in the Mathers Territory on the border of the Dragon Kingdom Lugnica, the village is not far from the Roswaal Mansion.

    The size of the village is very small, small enough to rival the ever-populous Oni village.

    So, the area of ​​Irlam Village is estimated to be much less than that of Roswaal Mansion.

    After all, there are only about 200 residents in this village.

    With such a small number of people, it can be imagined that the small size of the village is excusable.

    However, it is one of the territories of Mathers Territory.

    In addition, it is very close to the residence of Roswaal Count who is the owner of the territory. Rem and Ram often use this place as a base for purchases. They have not visited many times here.

    In view of this, the residents in the village had long been very familiar with Rem and Ram. Even if two girls wearing maid attire were seen walking around here, it would not feel strange.

    Under such circumstances, the arrival of conversely Fang Li's has caused the surrounding villagers to come across curious sights from time to time.

    With these lines of sight, Fang Li began to look around.

    "Is that the village here?"

    Fang Li arrived at Roswaal Mansion in just a few days.

    As a distinguished guest of Roswaal Count, Fang Li naturally has not been to Irlam Village.

    If it weren’t for Rem and Ram to lead the way, it would probably take a while for Fang Li to find it.

    Here, Fang Li can feel some strange feeling in the air.


    Already possessing the characteristics of discovering things that are not in sight, Fang Li's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception appears quietly.

    Fang Li can clearly see it under the gaze of ice blue Mystic Eyes.

    Around Irlam Village, near the edge of the forest, there is a crack-like line in the air.

    That is not the Death Line of the air, nor is it the Death Line of space.



    That's the Death Line of the barrier.

    "so that's how it is."

    Fang Li is shocked.

    "Is that the barrier around Irlam Village?"

    Barriers do exist around Irlam Village.

    According to the memory of the original book, Fang Li knew that it was to prevent the Demon Beast in the forest from coming in and harming the villagers here.

    Here's Demon Beast, referrals to have Magic Power's foreign enemy.

    They were created by the former Strega (Witch) and are now active in the around the world. For people, it is a more threatening animal than wild beast.

    If you were to come in by Demon Beast, let alone the average villager, that is, the existence of Magician would be dangerous.

    Recalling the memories of the original book, Fang Li did not cancel the appearance of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, but instead stared at the ice blue Mystic Eyes, following the barrier's Death Line, and asked Halo to view it.

    Until one direction.

    "Over there?"

    Fang Li immediately raised his pace and walked forward.

    In the process, Rem and Ram have been inquiring about the surrounding villagers until Fang Li began to move.

    Fang Li only Reim and Ram, who rushed toward the destination, rushed to the destination and yelled at him.

    怎么样? Did you find the puppy? ”

    When Fang Li discovered Rem within the body's curse, Rem used to say so.

    "Rem was accidentally bitten by a puppy."

    In this world, although Curse Technique has a variety of types, it has only one common trigger condition.

    That is, it is necessary to have contact with the caster before they can be cursed.

    Together with his understanding of the original storyline, Fang Li told Rem and Ram on the way to here.

    "The puppy is a Demon Beast and cursing Rem's existence is it."

    Therefore, after coming to Irlam Village, Rem and Ram began to inquire about the whereabouts of the puppy.

    At this time, Rem only shook his head in response to Fang Li's inquiries.

    "No, that puppy has disappeared."

    According to Rem, she will communicate with the villagers here every time she comes to purchase at Irlam Village.

    Witch Cult's people look down upon the darkness and will most likely choose Irlam Village, the nearest place to the Roswaal Mansion, to take a sneak peek and even take it as a base activity, so Rem follows Roswaal’s order to do well with the villagers in advance. In terms of ideological work.

    It was during this process that Curse User, who was active in the shadows, caught the opportunity to leave a lot of technique in her body by constantly contacting with Rem.

    Shortly afterwards, applying Curse Technique to Rem to facilitate the use of Demon Beast's power to impose a curse in the forest, as if it provoked a chain reaction, and pushed all of Rem within the body's technique, causing even the Beatrice to fail. Powerful curse lifted in a short time.

    "I'm afraid that the Curse User who manipulated Demon Beast had already premeditated and destroyed a part of the barrier around Irlam Village in advance."

    Ram put it bluntly: "So, Irlier Village's barrier should be partially invalidated."

    Ram's judgment is correct.

    What Fang Li is looking for is the location of the invalid barrier.

    Before long, the trio came to a corner of Irlam Village.

    Here it borders the forest directly and has a wooden fence.

    At the other end of the fence, the nearest tree on the fence is inlaid with Crystal.

    Rem suddenly pointed in one direction.

    "Look there!"

    Fang Li and Ram immediately looked past.

    I saw that on one of the trees, Crystal embedded in the trees had completely lost its usefulness and became bleak.

    "It seems that the puppy should go back to the forest."Ram, as always, simply judged and said: "If Demon Beast can't find it, then it would be difficult to find the Curse User that manipulates Demon Beast."

    However, according to Ram's statement, Fang Li gave such a statement directly.

    "No, that Curse User should also be hidden in this forest."

    Speaking of this sentence, Fang Li turned over the fence and walked directly toward the forest.

    "Fang Li-sama ?!"

    R u nuts

    Both Rem and Ram were surprised, but they did not even hesitate. They also turned over the fence and caught up with Fang Li.

    "Fang Li-sama, please hurry back."Rem chasing and said: "You are so dangerous."

    "It's not life."Ram is said with no trace of politeness: "I'm actually going to go straight into the forest that Demon Beast inhabits. Do you think you are Roswaal-sama?"

    Although the arguments are different, the two sisters are trying to persuade Fang Li to go back.

    Only ,Fang Li is to boast shamelessly like opening.

    "Rest assured, I'm better at this kind of thing than investigating everywhere in the village."

    "So, start meeting the incoming guests."

    Hear this, Rem and Ram's breathing at the same time.

    Oni's extraordinary sense of smell made both sisters aware of it.

    "The taste of wild beast…"

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